Any opinions on this guy?
Youtube channel:
About him: Linux Youtuber that makes videos on various topics in the linux community. You can spot a lot of Jow Forums references if you go over his thumbnails and videos. Genuinely a good guy.
Any opinions on this guy?
Youtube channel:
About him: Linux Youtuber that makes videos on various topics in the linux community. You can spot a lot of Jow Forums references if you go over his thumbnails and videos. Genuinely a good guy.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you have any pictures with his fear grimace? This is my fetish.
You sound like a redditor.
I loathe people who use chan culture elsewhere.
> You can spot a lot of Jow Forums references
XDDDD +1 FOR the EPIC reference redditbro!
Omg I got that reference.
Is that a Jow Forums reference?
Holy shit XD
>implying that me talking about someone in a nice way confirms me being a redditor
creaming over """references""" is something only a redditor is able to understand
look, this one might fucking blow your mind: le narwhal bacons at midnight
so FUCKING FUNNY when a phrase is posted out of its original context like holy shit the cake is a lie
Stop posting this shit here u absolute retard. No one likes your fucking videos you bitch.
Stop the terminal autism
I'm not him.
I like them dont be mean u ween
sorry luke, nobody gives a shit about your videos
again, im not him at all
I guess his videos are alright for absolute novices. But he doesn't seem to know much that one couldn't glean from reading the manual.
The guy is a spergtard.
I really like his videos. His recent talk at LinuxFest was really good as well. He talking about viewing GNU/Linux as something modular and decentralized, which is something I'm really into.
Fuck off Luke, no one likes your shilling or your videos
Go home, Luke go shuck your shit someplace else
Fuck you, Luke
Created a nice script that makes i3 and Arch Linux as accessible as a team-assembled fork distro (Antergos, Manjaro) . Produces simple tutorial videos. Coolio human being, especially given his academic background as a linguist. I disagree with his bias opposed to Lunduke, which may be propagated by the Jow Forums community and their reaction to his video "proprietary-zation."
Yeah he's good
Oh and
3 4
is not a 'reference'?
The only good thing that's come out of Jow Forums in years. Thankfully, he wants nothing to do with the place anymore afaik.
the only "linux blogger" I can watch
sometimes it's fun to watch videos to discover new things
rices i3, shitposts retarded Jow Forums memes, posts 3+ part tutorials that are each hit the 10 minute youtube shekel mark to cover 5 minutes worth of content, basically parrots retardred shit he reads on Jow Forums and Jow Forums in 10 minute chunks to fund his need ABD lifestyle
also, you're not very good at linguistics, luke. don't make threads to shill yourself.
>he was talking about viewing GNU/Linux as literally just the UNIX philosophy
wow it's fucking nothing. another case of parroting shit he read online, lmfao
I think tripcode is better, i enjoy the eyecandy
fuck off faggot
One thing I really hate about the linux community is that it's full of autistic faggots like this. "Oh, you're using Linux, I see. Well I'm using (obscure distro) with (obscure wm). I also exclusively work from the terminal because its *so* much more efficient. What? You use stock ubuntu? Hah, kid, try void linux with i3 and write everything in LAetExXE using only keyboard commands. Oh, you're doing all that? Well I'm LIBRA BOOTING because I value my freedoms and the tenets of *free* software."
>10 minute youtube shekel mark
He wasn't even monetised until a couple of days ago
What I'm specifically talking about is realizing that you're using a bunch of different individual programs and that you shouldn't compare "Linux" to Windows or Mac OS, because a different level of modularity is possible. You can choose your own file manager, terminal emulator, fonts, icons, gtk theme, wallpaper program, irc client, window manager, compositor, etc. If GIMP fucks up, it's a GIMP problem, not a "Linux" problem. A bunch of people don't understand this, so I was happy to hear him talking about it.
another pathetic piece of shit retarded
yes, you fucking retard. that is the unix philosophy. it's not luke's idea. it's not luke's idea to evangelize it. luke is just a fucking kode with klossy for Jow Forums neets.
as written by thompson and pike 40 fucking years ago:
>>Even though the UNIX system introduces a number of innovative programs and techniques, no single program or idea makes it work well. Instead, what makes it effective is the approach to programming, a philosophy of using the computer. Although that philosophy can't be written down in a single sentence, at its heart is the idea that the power of a system comes more from the relationships among programs than from the programs themselves. Many UNIX programs do quite trivial things in isolation, but, combined with other programs, become general and useful tools.
It's amazing how triggered Jow Forums gets by anybody talking about muh sekrit club operating systems outside of these hallowed halls.
He's pretty good, go watch the recording one of his livestreams if you want to know what he's about
He is on bitchute too
Typical WMAF autismal mutt. Completely pathetic and entirely cringey
Luke is a pretty cool guy and you should definately check out his pateron
people who use greentext out of chans is either a redditor or normalfag
It's not like Luke peddles it as if it's his own idea. He very fucking specifically mentions the Unix philosophy in his talk.
So why you sucking his dick then?
I'm not the same person, I was just clarifying.
he's a good Jow Forumsoy, i like his videos
this, fucking faggot is worse than LGR. Go get in a car crash faggot.
only justification for the existence of Jow Forums
Again, I'm not him.
His videos actually helped me increase my productively, and hes a cool guy. I give him my thumbs up
>mooooooooom they're telling people about muh secret internet club :'(((
I was going to give OP the benefit of the doubt until I got here. It's times like this that I wish I saved a cringe compilation picture.
A man of culture.
>You can spot a lot of Jow Forums references
You sure? I can't tell.
Well, I haven't watched most of his videos concerning other topics. I saw some videos about his Arch workspace and that got me motivated to join the Arch community as well. I do have to say that some of his videos are absolute shit. Not because it has nothing to do with Linux or anything close to it, it was just badly done. My favourite video of him (and perhaps the one that mad me subscribe) was the one about how he can't stand anything coming from Apple. It would have bee better if he used his own face while talking instead of making it a "cringe meme compilation".
Some of his stuff looks like it's straight from Jow Forums, but the rest is actual good content.
so what is his actual good content? Can he go a video without saying words like cuck and redpill?
>Can he go a video without saying words like cuck and redpill?
Yeah, most of them.
(OP here again) I agree. He shouldn't use memes in his thumbnail (too often). Those were the typical videos I didn't like.
>trump is real memes
I can't take anyone that internalises this stuff into their humour seriously. Sorry.
But Jow Forums is the same, except without the good content in between.
Also agree, he should make videos without using too much memes. That way, he could come over as more serious. Some of his videos are genuinely good, but he goes overboard with his memes which annoys me to some extend as well.
*many memes
It's one thing to shitpost it anonymously, it's another to put it up on youtube with your real name and face. I know people will claim it's just memes but it says a lot about him. Also I don't come on Jow Forums with the intention of taking it seriously.
honestly this is a big problem I have found with most tech channels. Not just memes but politics in general (from both sides). You'd think tech would be one place where we could be neutral, but no.
Sadly enough, it's true. He could get a bigger following if he wouldn't bloat/overload his thumbnails with overused, aged memes.
agreed. This faggot should know that putting anything on the internet means it’s there forever. He’s an idiot, plain and simple.
I like that he still uses the memes even though he hasn't been on Jow Forums for ages, the frothing and screeching it causes around here is delicious.
yeah, I'm not going to trust a man this retarded with his own security to teach me linux
Luke, fuck off with your advertising.
LARDS are shit too
install gentoo
again, I'm not him
how this is a proof?
how did you even got your degree in Linguistics if you think this is proof of anything
Le reddit come to le epic Jow Forums board XD
>3 4
I'm angery already
Holy fuck, what a faggot.
I can't take his opinions on tech seriously when he can't even manage a simple fucking forum.
He took like a month to migrate it to new servers and had to start over from scratch because transferring databases is hard.
Now he's closed it down again because he can't do a simple thing like adding captcha to keep the russian spam bots out.
He's been very influential in my life.
Typical reditor behaviour right here. I don't think anyone here is proud of being addicted to this shithole and other chans. And I definitely don't think its something to show off.
Yes, this is the point of his videos.
His channel is mostly just showing off some stuff he finds interesting.
Plus, he has stated that he is not a computer scientist but a PhD linguistics student that hates the botnet and likes ricing hia setup
I like Luke and I hope he makes enough off Patreon to go innawoods and spend his days making videos about vim.
I like Luke. His videos showed me how to libreboot my X60s and I got an X200 as my daily driver based on his recommendation.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
can you stop shilling that faggot
Well, it is difficult for just one person to manage an entire Internet community.
Look up left, Windows icons for closing, minimizing and enlarging (sorry, im retarded). Also, "trappen van hakugyokuro" doesn't sound very English to me.
luke btfo
He made a video deriding MaOS and he got even basic details a neophyte would know wrong, so it calls his general knowledge and competence into question.make of that what you will
You talking about the torx vs. pentalobe issue?
Man, the amount of salt and resentment here made me check him out, and he's actually alright. Nice.
I like his channel, helped me to take another step into Linux and free software.
> luke is just a fucking kode with klossy for Jow Forums neets.
Ily Luke