What are some cool things I can do with an old acer one? I installed Lubuntu and I can browse the web but it’s aggravatingly slow. Media server would be cool but considering it has a hard time opening apps I’m thinking that’s not really a possibility.
What can I do with an old acer aspire one?
lubuntu is bloated
you need to use stripped down debian with a WM
OP is using a first gen atom, even a minimal install will be unbearable for basically anything. That CPU is worse than a pentium m.
install gentoo
Put openbsd in it.
it's a joke, even a completely optimized gentoo install will be really slow on your machine. Maybe you should only use it with a remote desktop to your desktop pc.
Install NetBSD.
>install something that is slower than a linux distro
Nice idea.
>install something not bloated by poetteringware, runs on toasters
so I'm 90% of the way through a minimal debian install after taking the first poster's advice lol
after that's finished I should be able to download a VNC and connect to my desktop, right? would this work well?
I've compared them recently, and the *BSDs ran slower than linux on my machines even with all hardware acceleration working properly. And yes, my reference linux system was a bloated lubuntu
>would this work well?
NVR for camera surveillance system. You can get the actual IP cameras pretty cheap, get a switch (or go wifi) and install a new drive and you've got a low powered 24/7 camera surveillance system at home.
Just use the little netbook to connect to a remote desktop.
cool idea. why would I need a new drive? for storing footage? I actually have like 12 500gb HDs just sitting around if that's the case. any advantage to the switch over wifi?
What hardware did you use for such test, user? I won't deny that BSD is behind on performance, but it shouldn't affect old hardware that much, plus the system is pretty minimal from get-go.
I have an AO756 I bought in 2012, still running surprisingly well for all I've put it through. Used it for various server testing, web filters, shit like that after I got a new laptop.
Hope it's the nonfree iso, that damn Broadcom wifi chip gave me problems with almost every distro I put on it.
I installed Gentoo on it once just for shits. Took three fucking days.
it’s not, should I abort mish?
Install i3 or openbox. Try to use mostly command line software. Maybe even a text browser. Can still be useful for irc, sshing into another machine, playing nethack, programming.
I would.
Is just bin it or toss it. Atom cpus found in them were terrible when they released and they’re especially terrible now. I don’t even think puppylinux would run well on it
Mine came with a dual-core Celeron 877 @ 1.4ghz.