Should he run Facebook?

Should he run Facebook?
Fuck Mark....

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>Let him run Facebook
>Facebook shuts down next day
I'd be fine with that.

nah facebook is pretty innovative. keep it

innovative != good
And I don't think snowden would like running a service that is all about collecting user data.

i like facebooks open source projects proxygen, graphql, react, bistro, ...

Snowden is not intelligent or qualified at all. He revealed a lot of shit about the government, but he honestly had a shit job. No one should be taking his advice on anything or looking up to his technical expertise. Same goes for Carmack.

>facebook is pretty innovative

>He revealed a lot of shit about the government, but he honestly had a shit job.

I applaud Snowden's bravery in exposing the government, but I honestly don't think he would make a good techie, and certainly not a good CEO.

What would change?
It's not like they both haven't been pwn'd by Russians.



>some custom database middleware, x-doesnt-scale-to-our-antiengineering-stuff and webshit

In the moral side, that would definitely be a step up from where we are now. But how would that work? The way it is, investors would simply vote him out if he tried to change Facebook's aggressive tracking.

Attached: rem.jpg (1414x2000, 1.14M)

Everyone that use their real name on the internet should be removed from it.

Attached: heel.png (171x360, 8K)

And all the data goes directly to the FBI and CIA.
Muck the Zuck is hardly better, though.

What a world we live in...

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He should run Google.





>dat one two three

I wish, we wish, everybody would wish, yet we live in the world we live.