/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find more detailed videos on YouTube)
>How to install Win7 on new CPUs

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses - e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g. photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>Use PBO on Ryzen. Legacy overclocking is defunct on Ryzen 2#00X CPUs. youtube.com/watch?v=FC3fsVk9Sss

>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming (dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-8700K - Best for 1080p gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, high-end cooler, etc.
>R7 2700/X - Best high-end gaming/mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>Only Z300 series boards can utilize fast memory with Intel

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this much
>Current CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>GPU prices have gone down
>RX 580 or 1060 6GB are standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050Ti or RX560 for lower settings 1080p, or older games
>GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU + monitor to match
>Vega 56 or Vega 64 /w Freesync; 1070Ti if you already have Gsync
>GTX 1080Ti if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU + monitor to match
>Titan V

>Consider StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard

>Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards
>Lock to 72fps on 144hz non-Gsync monitors with Nvidia cards to prevent tearing on more demanding games


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Other urls found in this thread:


I have an i5 4590 and was wondering how i should upgrade my cpu for gaming. Should i go to an i7 4790k, go ryzen 2700x and deal with expensive ddr4 ram, or wait till ryzen 3700 to come out?

Anime is for faggots

Considering that I no longer do the games thing, how's intel graphics (4600 HD) on anything else but Windows 10?

fine for browsing

i just upgraded my 4590 to a ryzen 1800x.

desu idk how you're having issues in games. 1800x only helped me in video rendering and unzipping.

if your mobo can OC and you already have a good cooler, I'd get the 4790K, OC it and sell the 4590, if not then just get a 4790 and sell the 4590, you should get some perfomance increase in non gayming tasks, and more fps in some cpu limited gaymes

retrying Want to give my parents a smol all round machine, tired of playing tech support on the phone for them, is there any way to make this cheaper? Would the Pentium meme be better?
Open for new case suggestions that have at least one 3.5" bay while keeping this overall style/layout. Optical drive is a must.
Any input?

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kys degenerate

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It should be fine but what CPU are you looking to get?

can Jow Forums recommend a decent usb stick drive?

here's some superior 3d

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Pentium with hyperthreading is comfy. They're probably not going to be doing anything CPU Intensive.

You could save cash with a kaby/coffee lake pentium and a 270gb SSD+HDD

Are gpu prices expected to continue falling? I won't need to build a PC until late August, so I'd like to hold out as long as possible if the prices keep on dropping

what do they need their pc for? can they not operate without cds?

Budget: €2500,- preferably less
Uses: Gaming(expecting 1440p 144 fps atleast on low settings, 80ish fps on AAA games for next couple years on 1440p high/ultra settings), light VM work to learn networking and AD
Monitor: atleast 27 inch 1440p 144hz for competitive games, would prefer an IPS panel but dont know if this is bad, it seems that IPS panels have higher input lag than TN screens, but some researching tells me that the low response times of TN screens are bullshit. help.

my problem is not knowing which GPU+monitor to get.. wait for new generation of nvidia cards or get a 1070 TI now and get an expensive g sync screen or do I get an overpriced vega 56 or even an RX580+less expensive freesync monitor?

>8400 still not in the OP
Whats with and cock sucking these days ?

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>Mobo costs nearly double more than cpu
>fan for such a weak build
Are you sure you know what your doing?

I got an athlon x4 860k to sustain me while I was waiting for zen but then DDR4 prices went nuclear
should I upgrade now, or persevere with all the lag i'm getting in photoshop, rendering and vidya and wait e v e n m o r e

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2600 is the same price.

my budget might be too high, just want the best price for performance without shit getting overly expensive

Looks great, you could get a modular PSU like a M12II 520 (overkill for the system but more comfortable) and the cheaper NF-R8 redux-1800. I'd recommend the RVZ03B but it might be too gayming looking

I don't worry about CPU performace of the Pentium, it's the graphics performance I worry about whihc is basically non existant with the Intel.
I don't really know what they are doing with it but they are doing a bit more than just Emails and youtube so I'd like to be on the safe side because should this ever be too slow I'll have to take the blame.
They do use lots of DVDs and CDs.

Yeah I hate how expensive mITX boards are, I think the intel ones are a bit cheaper so I'll look into that.
The case fan is there simply because the optical drive is right over the CPU fan and I want to get some air into the case.
Open to suggestions for improvement, diffcult to find a better case that has similar dimensions.

spend it all on speakers desu
peripherals are your friend

and getting a 1080ti seems appropriate for your budget. get a gsync ips 144/165hz 25-7".

>8400 still not in the OP
Why when the 2600 gets better performance and has 6 more threads?
>Whats with and cock sucking these days ?
Learn english before posting

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how good are dell ultrasharps?

Pretty good unless you have special requirements for gaymen or highly color sensitive work.

pretty sure that's an ATX PSU so too big for that build but in general getting a modular PSU is a good idea.

I want to upgrade my gaming PC but am unsure what to get.
I have a 1080p Monitor and would like to get 60 fps on high/ultra stettings.
Considering the GTX 1070 for now but dont know which cpu to go along with it

Why does that graph look like the result of a bottleneck

start from here


Can anyone recommend an ATX case with no flashing lights, windows, obnoxious gamer rice, etc.? Ideally it would be a nondescript black box with just a power button, the necessary vents, and some bays.

>Want to give my parents a smol all round machine
What do your parents do, facebook, mails, some old data?
Your build is overkill for that, you can save 100€: de.pcpartpicker.com/list/JQvQRJ

cooler master makes some subtle cases like HAF

That's because there's almost always a GPU bottleneck at anything less than 1080p.

>Needs it's own compatiple Mobo
>Needa It's own compatible ram
>Same price
>Not factoring in meme ram and board

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define s

The difference will not be meaningful, if you are considering gaming only. Get either the 4790k and oberclock the hell out of it or get an i7 8700k.

Is the extra $70-90 worth getting 4000mhz+ ram instead of 3000mhz+?

And am I crazy for wanting 2 970 pros in raid0? Shit will boot/load everything instantly. Sure I don't need this, as one is fast enough, but two is gonna be a lot faster and it takes like 5 minutes to just set up the raid volume when you first initialize your computer, so why not?

Lastly, are the 8700k and 8086k the same chip but with different clock speeds? If Im overclocking myself, is there any benefit to getting the 8086?

>Ram same price as cpu
AMD Cucks I swear

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Thanks for the input, that Silverstone Raven case is too gamery though and doesn't have an ODD slot.
That pentium build looks nice, I'll consider this. The case is a lot taller though which might not be too nice.
I don't know what exactly they do wiht it but I know my father likes to paly around with photoshop and some video editing software in his free time.

The 19th letter of the Latin alphabet, representing the voiceless alveolar sibilant.

>all my packages were delivered safely
>except the one with the Ryzen 2700X and the 16GB of DDR4-3200 and the SSD and the PSU and the motherboard

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Diminishing returns after 3000mhz. Its not worth the cost

If possible save up for a B-Die kit and the X

Does Intel CPUs benefit from fast Rams?

you'd pay more for equivalent intel chip, mobo and ram and get only slightly better performance in some games

godo thing about intel right now though is that if you live in a cold climate you can benefit from the extra heat

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Jow Forums shilling that hard and still AMD can't beat Intel sales.

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>destroying an irreplaceable piece of history for a computer that will be obsolete in a year

>fucking up a console case to make a shitty basedbuild
Why do people do this?

This is actually pretty embarassing for intel. At least the only noteworthy coou they sell (8700k) is also their best selling.

There are millions around the world, go sperg on /vr/.

>an irreplaceable piece of history
Oh come on. that old piece of plastic has no historic value. It probably already died on his own like a lot of old hardware.

Do you seriously think you are funny?

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You can find piles of these pieces of shit broken on ebay, go be autistic elsewhere.

>oh no not my childhood consumer toy how could they

Go and dig up the thousands that are in landfill if you care so much.

>play around with photoshop and some video editing software
Good you mentioned this. Get 2200G and 8GB RAM instead Pentium and 4GB, no need for high-speed RAM though.
Made changes and added wireless mouse/keyboard combo: de.pcpartpicker.com/list/RktyxG

these are bing bing wahoo opened mouth basedboys you're talking to, so don't be surprised

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it's your money and if you want to convert it into thermal mass that's fine by me

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>Needs it's own compatiple Mobo
No it doesn't, as long as it's AM4 it's supported
>Needa It's own compatible ram
No it doesn't, you can cheap out and get a B-Die kit later when you can afford one
>meme ram
Please leave now

Attached: It's time to stop.png (721x66, 16K)

i have been removed from gaming for long.
if i wanted to run most AAA recent games at high(but not highest) quality settings on a 60 frames per second on a 1080p( is it even supposed to be good? i don't think i ever had more than 720p) how much € am i expected to spend on a GPU?

Explain this Literally a scam enjoy your meme ram.
I sell bottled air too I can hook you up with a great deal pm me @fuckyou.com

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Look for the GTX 1060 6GB price on your region.

Niggers will tell you otherwise. Don't be fooled.

>ram prices are at an all time high so yeah just buy the most expensive kit you can :^)
...i think I'll just wait for the price fixing to end.

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2600(X) or 8400 and 570/580 8G or 1060 6G, so about 200-400 shekels on GPU and about 800-1000 total obviously depending where you live

Doesn't matter. It's an unpractical build that's crude (look at the gap between the case and IO shield), unoriginal, and made for upvotes on reddit.

Who cares, retard. It's his property, he can't do whatever he wants.

He could have linked a cheaper B350 and B-Die kit
>Literally a scam
That's Intel if you get anything below a 8700K

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>he can't do whatever he wants
This is what's wrong with the world. We just let stupid people do whatever they want and wonder why everything is shit

I need a smallish, relatively quiet/cool machine for web browsing, YouTube, excel, etc. No gaming whatsoever

Would it be better to buy a used pre-made for around 300 or try to build something for that much instead?
And if build, what should I be looking for

just get a second hand i5 hasswell pc from ebay and throw a 1030 fanless there, it should cost less and give better perfomance overall

fuck off karl marx, you're what's wrong with the world

abloo bloo bloo QQ more faggot

t. triggered

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Waaaah! Stop doing thinga I don't like!!!

>Just finished a build
>Turned on first try

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You could get a 2200G, a 2x4GB 3000+MHz kit, a B350 mobo, a 1TB HDD, a cheap case like a MX330 and if possible a modular PSU like a M12II 520 or a 620 EVO

I bought 3200 speed ram and its running according to the bios at 2133. What do?

Unless you link your $300 prebuild no one will be able to tell.

someone or something got you excited son?

>4.2 GHz

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alrighty then, gonna pull the trigger on this in the next days then

but I like my parents?

Any video or photo editing?

>Lived in a college house for three years with horrible wiring. My heart would sink if I forgot to switch the PSU on.

If I'm running windows 10 now legit version from the free update, can I replace cpu and mobo then use windows recovery to fresh install windows 10? Or will I need to buy a copy of windows 10?

Is a overclocked i5 2500k (4+ GHz) still good for modern gaming in 2018?

Sure. Ultra is a meme. 60 frames looks great unless your a fucking Melvin.

Enable XMP

I missed the smallish part, a B350M and a MG110-W would be better. A pentium might be cheaper for your use

New copy.
I think windows keeps track of motherboards.

That sounds scary user, can you do that on any board? I'm using a ASRock - Z370M

I heard you have to link it to a Microsoft account, and if you replace the mobo, for example, you have to ask their support for a new key. Or something like that, I don't remember.

Update the BIOS and enable XMP/DOCP

add an SSD and keep the HDD for you or whatever
add a 1030 and they won't have any problems with gayming if they ever play anything, even a 1050 could fit there

vega 64 vs 1080 pitch me your arguments

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So final call 8400 or 2600 cpu?
Mainly for gayming on 1080p monitor.

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Depending on what you do that can be quiet taxing, if it's just fucking around then nvm.
For that amount it's hard to get a whole system. I'd buy prebuilt/used, maybe even a laptop.
If you decide to build your own you are looking exclusively at last gen Pentiums.

>read manual
>goto BIOS
>enable XMP
Wasn't that hard now was it?

2600, 2600X if possible for the better chip and cooler

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bought it merely to cuck Jow Forums

why get a 2600 when you can get a 2600x? the $30 difference is worth it