/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

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>redirect anons making their own threads with >Linux questions?
>PC building?
>Good, cheap, laptops?
>Programming questions?
>Windows questions?
Where can I get Win10 LTSB?
How do I activate Win10/Win7?

Old thread

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"C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64",
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Default",
"C_Cpp.clang_format_style": "Google",

VS Code
Why linter no linting?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 6.12.40 p.m..png (624x129, 21K)

>>Programming questions?

What's the way to go about preparing for cert exams? I took an A+ Comp Repair course and it was piss easy, but I did not really absorb much from it since I already knew how to put together and take apart computers and do basic software shit.

My biggest issue seems to be remembering all the intricate names for not-so common components. Are those major parts of the cert exams?

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>the intricate names for not-so common components. Are those major parts of the cert exams?
What exams are you looking to take?

In Windows 10, is there a way to disable resizing a window by the border? I can't be having the in game resolution be changing by accident when streaming. Especially in games like Warframe (Window mode 720p)

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>tfw I realize that music on Youtube has by design of the encoding max 192kbps but mostly 128

Attached: tfw1478121596692.png (576x347, 10K)

>resizing a window by the border?
What do you mean? Like moving it to the corner and it automatically resizes to take up a quarter of the screen?
>tfw I realize that music on Youtube has by design of the encoding max 192kbps but mostly 128
Depends on the original upload and the encoded resolution afaik. 2160p videos have the best sound. 144p have the worst.

You know how when you move your mouse to the corner of a window and it changes into the drag to resize by dragging? I wanna stop that function when pointing and clicking everywhere in Window mode.

Not what google says. You would imagine that 1080p would be 320kbps. But it's not..
It seems that it caps at 192kbps.

Things with very specific numbers, like the number of bits in a SIMM data path, pic related. And then just general knowledge of the older and obsolete components.

I did a course on CompTIA A+ in my college about 8 months ago. Didn't feel confident enough to continue to the exam.

Attached: 1524620932614.png (699x167, 26K)

it's ~224kbps VBR as the max

I've seen 256k a couple times.
But it's mostly 128k AAC in -f 22, and always 128k Opus in -f 251

Ah, I understand now. It's been a while since I gamed on windows, but I thought that you could lock in the resolution of the window somehow. That may be the cap, but at the lower resolutions this downsample to the lower bit rates.
>I did a course on CompTIA A+ in my college about 8 months ago. Didn't feel confident enough to continue to the exam.
Might I recommend a different career path?
If you don't feel confident enough to pass the A+ after spending cash money to take a semester course on it at a college, you should look into something else.

I see. I noticed that the way I get them (youtube-dl) first makes it a webm and then covnerts that to mp3.

Maybe that plays into it..

I use this
youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3
and ffmpeg

Why on Earth would you convert to MP3?

was wondering the same thing
shouldn't you just leave it as whatever it is encoded as? transcoding lossy to lossy is a terrible idea

Can anyone give me some good reasons to even get a new PC?

I want to do it, and I have the money for it... but I just can't justify it when I have a barely-functional five year old laptop

From best to worst; c sharp, node dot js, or dream maker?

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don't do it
buy a used server instead and learn to be that guy

Don't you wanna play Fortnite on ultimate settings.

If I change the date of a file on Windows (with a program like File Date Changer), would that action get logged anywhere?
Is it possible for someone to find out that the date was altered?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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If you can afford it and use it, why not? a luxury every now and then its something everyone should have, specially one that lasts 5-8 years.
Still if you cant afford it and need one there are cheaper options.

Search online for the filetype and metadata, and if the program you are using alters it and how.

Pretty much in the same boat as you. My laptop is older though but still decent.
I don't play games (partly because it can't handle it) and I mostly use it for work. The battery is fucked and I have to use it via an external monitor for it to work (it's basically a desktop now baka)
Would be really nice to play games again and move around the house with it

My major is in computer science, not computer repair. I mainly did it as an elective to become more savvy on components and was considering the certificate exam.

I was wondering the best way to prepare for the exam if I wanted to take it at a later date.

>I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux
What makes your fat ass think I wasn't talking about the kernel, Vlad?

Gracias papi

How to delete app data from my phone when I can't find it through file folders?

No one takes the A+ seriously. It's a cringy way for Comptia to make money off of highschool kids. Skip and take Network+ or Security+. You can actually get a job with those, and if you take both, you will have an idea of what you're more interested in, and can pursue that path further.

De nada, mamacita.

install totalcommander and enable 'view hidden files'

you linked to the fglt thread?

just omit "--audio-format", and youtube-dl will leave it alone
youtube goes up to 160k opus, which blows the pants off mp3

Never seen higher than 128k Opus.

It's the name of the core design you prepended your philosophy too. Normies posting here don't care about your beliefs, they just want gibs.

Anyone own a printer? Laser? All in one? Which and why.

Why is building c++ sources with a few non-standard libraries on Windows such a massive pain in the ass?

dot matrix
Modern printers print identifying information on the paper that you cannot see.

>Page quantity and cheap ink>Quality
>Page quality and burning money in ink>quantity

Buy one with ink tanks so you can refill them easy because cartridges go bad all the time. and they are expensive to replace in the long run.
Buy brother, stay away from HP printers.

Which are the best python books for beginners? The O'Reilly one is huge.

Automate the Boring Stuff is fun enough to keep beginners interested imo


hmm, youtube-dl lists them as 160k, but i checked a couple, and they are closer to 128k
even so, 128k in opus and other modern formats (read: not mp3) sounds great

Attached: 6287905087f74786ed03b48e00c48db6.png (933x763, 62K)

checked as in measured

Attached: plot2.svg.png (1280x960, 65K)

which one will improve my chances of getting a job, comptia network or comptia server?

Which one are you more interested in? Have experience with?
Both of them are subjects that are generally specialized when it comes to getting a job. Comptia is the basics, not specific. You would want Cisco or Juniper certs for networking jobs, and Linux/RHEL/M$ certs for server related jobs.

Search around for cbtnuggets on both certs, see which one seems the easiest to understand and is interesting.

Is the Ryzen 5 1600X good enough for VR?

probably has more to do with graphics card, so if that's one with integrated graphics then no, you'll need a dedicated 480+

Get a 2600 or 2600X.

I was given a computer with 2003 hardware running lubuntu. What can I do with it? I've never used anything non windows before.

Is Florida a good place for well-paying tech jobs? I want to go someplace where I can live comfortably but still have lots of spending money.

Silicon Valley seems like it's well-paying, but then not really much in proportion to the price of living and having to deal with snobby assholes in Cali.

Attached: 1524858772483.jpg (640x480, 55K)

I have a few hundred tabs open and I'm going through them and closing a bunch. There's one that's a link to a Jow Forums image, but it's long since 404'd. What do I search on an archive to bring this picture up? Searching the filename in the address bar on an archive yielded no results.

What's the difference between HDD's blue, red, green, purple, black?

Everyone shits on Logical Increments, but is there actually any problem with them?

I don't want to overclock, is there any reason to not just grab something from one of the tiers and tweak it?

WD? look at the spec sheets on their webpage. lower unrecoverable read errors is usually the most expensive thing.

You could just install Jow Forums X and it'll auto-open archive for the post/image.

Performance (and, therefore, price), usually.

It's not like a huge thing with tradeoffs, it's literally just "This one is cheaper and uses less power because it goes slower. This one is faster, and uses more energy and is more expensive."


Try a growing second-tier city

Dayton, Kansas City and pretty much anywhere with a tech-oriented government presence (usually cheap states and cities built by nerds) are great places for low-COL, high-pay jobs.

I live in a city where my average-income job out of college gets me a nice downtown apartment and enough spending money for all the vidya and booze I can handle, and there are tons more like this one.

Silicon Valley is falling apart, it's overrated now.

VR is a gimmick meme fad!

It's 100% a meme, but it's a fun meme

asking because i have a good deal between a 2tb HDD blue or a 2tb HDD purple, literally no difference.

I'm not too fond of that. Every time I install it, something happens that makes the site become unusable, and my settings are wiped when I uninstall it.

>I was given a computer with 2003 hardware running lubuntu. What can I do with it? I've never used anything non windows before.
Great chance to learn GNU/Linux! I recommend playing with it for a while, navigating the system via the terminal, moving files around, creating accounts, etc. Once you are comfortable with that, try turning it into a server. Just need to load a couple programs. You can make it a webserver (make your own private website on your own private network at home), email server, media server, NAS, etc.
See the OP for the link to the Linux general, the OP there has a lot of good links.

>Is Florida a good place for well-paying tech jobs? I want to go someplace where I can live comfortably but still have lots of spending money.
Cost of living is cheap, and they don't have state income tax. Work near one of the military bases and get into contracting, and eventually into a GS Government position. You will have a very reliable job, and can retire in 20-30 years.

Find the thread in the archive.

Check their pricing vs other vendors.

Hell no. I've turned down almost 50 jobs in DelMarVa/DC Metro this year. Place is a shithole, cost of living is too high, traffic sucks ass, weather is shit.

Good advice.

One thing I should point out about jobs in cities with a huge government presence:

If you have anything that would prevent you from getting a clearance (notable criminal record, recent drug use, foreign citizenship/preference, etc.), your opportunities shrink dramatically.

Even if it's not directly for the government - any company that does any work with the government (even some private arts colleges!) will more than likely require a clearance of some sort.

Can confirm other guy, I live in kc and have plenty to blow on booze drugs and dining. Your money goes further in cities like this

I'm not sure I understand - I could just plug the Logical Increments recommendations into PC Part Picker and grab the lowest deal.

Is there any reason to not do this?

Also worth noting that most of these cities /used/ to be in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but now they've been heavily yuppified. They don't really suffer from the same "Lots of money, nothing to do" problem that you'd have if you live in, like, North Dakota or whatever

>Try a growing second-tier city
How can I keep track of the ones to look out for? I'm not gonna make a big move til I'm out of uni.

>try turning it into a server
GENIUS. Thanks for the tips!

>One thing I should point out about jobs in cities with a huge government presence:
>If you have anything that would prevent you from getting a clearance (notable criminal record, recent drug use, foreign citizenship/preference, etc.), your opportunities shrink dramatically.
>Even if it's not directly for the government - any company that does any work with the government (even some private arts colleges!) will more than likely require a clearance of some sort.

If they don't understand this, they don't care about making good money.

>I'm not sure I understand - I could just plug the Logical Increments recommendations into PC Part Picker and grab the lowest deal.
>Is there any reason to not do this?
That's what I'm telling you to do.

>GENIUS. Thanks for the tips!
No worries. Have fun.

>Find the thread in the archive.
If I knew how to do that from an image link I wouldn't be here. How do I do this?

Google "best places for jobs"

Look past the big ones (Seattle, SF, New York, DC, etc.) and look at the ones in places considered to be flyover (Midwest, South, etc.)

Are you in your senior year? Going to job fairs and asking around is going to be incredibly helpful. Lots of companies that you haven't heard of operate in places like that, but they're still solid employment opportunities.

I'm assuming you're US, but if not just change the names of locations and follow the same advice. I managed to pick up a job quickly even as a mediocre CS student because places like that absolutely cannot find people fast enough to fill the rapidly growing job market.

You may wonder what's the catch, and the answer is that, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be one. People just don't know about these opportunities, and everyone wants to work for Apple or Google, or stay close to home. Being willing to move a bit (and don't forget to ask for relocation!) and live somewhere that isn't everyone's dream city is a huge asset.

>>Try a growing second-tier city
>How can I keep track of the ones to look out for? I'm not gonna make a big move til I'm out of uni.

Look up 'cost of living calculator' in your favorite search engine. Pick large cities across the midwest. That's the fastest way.
I always consider things I'm interested in (modifying cars) and local laws. Also, state income tax. If it's a long commute to work, are you willing to waste that time? Cost of fuel?

>>Find the thread in the archive.
>If I knew how to do that from an image link I wouldn't be here. How do I do this?
The image was there before, but now it's not? Did you save it?

>If they don't understand this, they don't care about making good money
Most college kids don't consider their ability to get a clearance, or understand the impact that ability (or lack thereof) can have on their careers.

>That's what I'm telling you to do.
Makes sense. The wording was a little unclear, but I'll give that a shot

>The image was there before, but now it's not? Did you save it?
Probably not, if I kept the link open. it's one of these. is2.Jow Forums.org/g/1485393899146.jpg

>You may wonder what's the catch, and the answer is that, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be one. People just don't know about these opportunities, and everyone wants to work for Apple or Google, or stay close to home. Being willing to move a bit (and don't forget to ask for relocation!) and live somewhere that isn't everyone's dream city is a huge asset.

This. 100%.
Also, if you're willing to go even further, there are international opportunities.

Make a Linkedin profile. Find other people with similar skills to yours, and copy/pasta their resume into your profile. You will get contacted by headhunters. Send them your resume, and they will do all the leg work getting you a job for free (they get commission from the company that hires you).

>>If they don't understand this, they don't care about making good money
>Most college kids don't consider their ability to get a clearance, or understand the impact that ability (or lack thereof) can have on their careers.
>>That's what I'm telling you to do.
>Makes sense. The wording was a little unclear, but I'll give that a shot
Most college kids should join the military to pay off that debt, get some experience, and a clearance. But, I digress.

Alright, I'll take note of these things. Do you guys think anything beyond job fairs to suggest, like internship opportunities to look out for?

this is questions thread not answers thread dumbfucks

Is there a way to see a specific tab's history in chrome? I have some important-ish stuff where the back button is concerned, but that's been long since disabled.

You probably already know this, but you know how everyone has some cliche bullshit about "It's who you know, not what you know?"

It's fucking true.

Does your friend work IT? Ask him if they have an opening.

Does your professor know someone who is buddies with the hiring manager at a nearby company? Ask him to pass your name along.

Got a friend whose dad works somewhere that takes interns? Send him your resume.

Network, network, fucking network. I work for a contractor, and I'm the only person who was hired out of college. Everyone else heard about the job from a friend and got hooked up.

Internships work the same way, and if it's a company you like, stay on board. Lots of companies hire from internships or co-ops.

If you're looking for a job in the midwest - good news! Most people don't want to intern there. Be the guy that interns there, be the guy that gets the job.

Flux keeps suggesting I update? Did it get overtaken by some malicious program? I didn't allow for automatic updates. Is it spyware now?

Attached: 1522391836883.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)

If it ain't broke, don't fix it until it is broke.

Yes, No, No, the new version is indeed a upgrade but its different.

I need to power something that specifies '100v, 50/60hz and 12W' but I'm in a 240v country. I've located a stepdown converter but it says it's 30W. Does that make a difference?

Why does my computer ignore my plugged in headphones and play sound from the tower?

Which voltage?

Check your sound drivers.


The converter outputs 100v at 50/60hz.

>I need to power something that specifies '100v, 50/60hz and 12W' but I'm in a 240v country. I've located a stepdown converter but it says it's 30W. Does that make a difference?
That's fine. You'll have 18W left over to use to power something else.

anyone have a link to windows toolkit? I need to do a fresh install for a friends computers.

you're lucky i used it just today myself and had it in client. you would've had to have made an account on that site otherwise.


whoever makes the OP pastebin should just put the magnet link into it.

thx bro

The hard drive light on my PC is constantly on and I can't do anything on it. What will fix it, new hard drive? Or is it completely fucked?

Just check what its using it.

that kind of attitude will get ya real far
real far.