I can't believe I fell for this shitty meme, it's absolutely terrible

I can't believe I fell for this shitty meme, it's absolutely terrible
nothing works

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install gentoo

works on my system

>nothing works
like what?

Volume buttons.

KDE and netowkrmanager
Kde keeps freezing and networkmanager keeps shitting itself and killing wifi and won't reconnect until it's rebooted, not even restarting the service works

then some other things work

check mate

I installed it today and everything works on my ThinkPad x220


mx linux is better

i told you

biggest Jow Forums meme is that user thinks install gentoo is a meme while the real meme is actually the ' debian just werks trustâ„¢ me ' posts

pro tip
>if debian just werk'd there wouldn't be ubuntu

video playback or video anything /browsers etc/
it's dogshit

>Install Arch
>Install Mate
>Volume buttons work by default
It just werks :^)


>tfw I use debian before it became a meme
>tfw I use it because it's the easiest, most stable, most reliable os for me
>tfw when I inadvertently made some normies fall for the debian meme
I don't know how to feel

If it had a netinstall, it would be great

Its sibling/relative antiX has that though.

Debian is the best Linux distribution prove me wrong

>Volume buttons.
This is your desktop environment, not Debian. Closed.

Works for me.

Not even kidding, everything works great on my machine.
I use Xfce, which works perfectly.



>install LFS
>install gnome
everything just works

it makes you kys

but it werked on Arch

>he fell for the kde fanboy meme
Shits buggy and unstable as fuck.

>kde/qt-framework/desktop-environment =/= debian


just get a usb wifi adapter
i use the panda ones, they just werk but the packaging is difficult to get open

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I've ran through alot of distros getting into linux, and Debian was one of the best.
>ur dum

desu i've had less issues with arch

did he _really_ think anyone would care?
>debians confirmed to live in lala land

but the opposite

>be me
>buy broken Acer for $20
>shit just had a broken power button
>power it on
>fresh CentOS 7 running good

shit working pretty well

>Install Debian on older software
>Nothing works and no fix
>Install ubuntu
>Everything is fine and works like a charm
>Happened twice, on an Asus F5RL and a 2007 macbook
Debian is cool and all, it just didn't work on my machines so I switched to something more forgiving in terms of closed source drivers and all. I'll keep trying to install it everytime though.
No need to get mad at all, it's not like you're paying for the new bleeding edge technology on the market. This shit is letting you use hardware for free, for fuck's sake.

You need at least half a brain to setup debian.
You have to add cobtrib nnon-free packages to your package list
And then install all the proprietary fw and drivers you need.
That's what ubuntu, mint and other distros for retards do.
They just install the proprietary blobs.
I guess idiots are too stupid to install a few extra packages for themselves... Or even check if their hardware is supported by which driver.

you realize ubongo is just debian with amazon searchbar, telemetry and sudo?

Cus u sniff skunk farts and snort dry hamster shit powder.

Debian is not out of the box and you need to install drivers and stuff.

If you want work Out of the box then install linux mint

>I haven't ran through alot of distros getting into linux, but Debian was one of the best

that's really not the problem for me (OP)
The drivers 'worked' at first but yea now they just fail everytime I lock the screen. The wifi completely dies and won't even bother recognizing it.
It's the b43 drivers, they should work fine and I remember them working fine on Arch

doesn't work good even with those installed retard
i hate debian because it FORCES upstream software developers to PROVIDE .deb for that idiot distro

I used to have a laptop that used the b43 module and it was from 2010.
Anyhow, I didn't have any problem with the drivers, I had problens with networkmanager.
NM shat itself either while connecting or didn't work at all.
I then started using wicd and everything worked fine.

yea this is an old dell latitude, 7 or 8 years old
I just use it to host some stuff, but obviously I need a working fucking internet
I wish NM was the only problem but KDE keeps completely freezing as well so I might as well reinstall Arch back

Are you putting it to sleep?
The Intel wifi drivers are pretty horrible and some will shit out after resume from sleep.

>You have to add cobtrib nnon-free packages to your package list
Did you mean contrib non-free packages? Doesn't it make the debian whole "foss only" philosophy obsolete? And so installing other distros over debian preferable because they make your drivers available without adding package lists? Are you even mad over distro wars?
Just for the record installing debian on my F5RL was a misery cause I couldn't even boot the thing (and getting more package list to unfuck the thing, if possible would have been a pain in the ass). You can blame it all on the proprietary bullshit but at the end of the day, another distro did the job and at least I was able to resurrect some decade old hardware to actually get money off of it.
If you're a debian pro good for you but don't expect the world to be like this.

It's more than this since it worked on a machine where debian did not.
>amazon searchbar
Oh shit when did they add this crap
opt-out at install
so what, i'd add this to debian anyways

You guys get all mad for nothing really.

no, I disabled sleep because I'm seeding torrents. I've set the close cover action to lock the screen and disabled other power saving features

I used to go through hell with with the older iwlwifi 5000 ucode just shitting the bed over and over and manually setting the txrate to something low like 5.5 seemed to help.

I'll try it on Arch first just to make sure.
What's funny is that programs that were connected at the start (like my torrent client) seem to work just fine and have internet access, but anything else just says there's no internet access, even the NM shows the cable is disconnected and refuses to acknowledge wifi

In my experience, even with a decent wifi signal the handshake would go crazy and the firmware would stop being able to authenticate after a few hours or days. If you spam new connections it gets exponentially worse and is almost guaranteed to drop in a few hours.

works just fine on my t420

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No i3-gaps.


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Desktop: Windows
Server: Linux

Prove me wrong. You can't.

You make a statement. You prove it or get the fuck out.

ubuntu is literally debian with canonical telemetry and shit alike
just learn how to download non-free releases of debian

although I agree that debian is somehow obsolete and works in a different way than modern distros, it still works as good as any other loonix you wasted some time to configure on. I would use arch, but it's unstable and has no x86 anymore (my little server just does not need x64 which just doubles memory use for me).
After all your time spended on configuration, debian will be a clean system without 'fork of a fork of a fork of a debian' and some preconfigured shit that your distro devs thought would be better than default debian configuration.

I am using i3-gaps on my debian right now. What are you talking about?

>What are you talking about?
Going to take a wild guess that he is some Arch AUR skid dipshit that can't compile from source and that you are some haughty prick that is pretending not to know that he means in the package repository.

>ubuntu is literally debian with canonical telemetry and shit alike
>just learn how to download non-free releases of debian
>installing debian on my F5RL was a misery cause I couldn't even boot the thing (and getting more package list to unfuck the thing, if possible would have been a pain in the ass)
>opt-out at install

that would be stupid to mean 'I want to have a fork of i3-wm in the default package repository'.

Install Windows

I agree, but I also think you are stupid for either not immediately realizing that's what he meant, or deliberately pretending that you did not in a knee jerk insecure passive aggressive response.

when I said 'what are you talking about', I meant 'why did you even left that response if you know there is i3-gaps in debian', so I think no u stupid because of not realizing that. Also nobody cares about our opinions of each other, so shut up.

>just learn how to download non-free releases of debian
not thx not doing that again
and as already posted it doesn't work well after that
debian is only for piss in my book

>why did you even left that response
My bad didn't know there was a language barrier.

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Debian is a zombie living off its former reputation. I've had countless problems installing it even using the nonfree iso.
Just install Gentoo.

Absolute state of debianlets.

>nothing works
then install ubuntu,
I don't know what to tell you.. it's literally one of the simpliest distros and has a shit ton of documentation and guides online

lfs is retarded and isn't for desktop use

you just don't know how to use it, user

nope it works just fine and with flatpak you can get steam, wine and other 32bit shit working easy

For me wifi works while USB wifi adapter doesn't.

That's Linux in general.
Debian is the least worse of all the distros though.

Didn't know, I'll see into it

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Holy shit it's not that fucking hard OP. Just learn how to get everything working it takes 20 mins at most for a complete, stable setup on any fucking machine with Debian..

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>surprised that KDE is an unstable piece of shit

spotted the noob

are you that stupid hungarian gypsy that was installing it a few days ago? it didn't took you long

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No everything works out of box but IT IS FUCKING UGLY


And Ubuntu.

lubuntu is better tho
gnome is full of bugs

make that hours

this must be a joke

Realtek? I have a very similar problem on my laptop with Debian.

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>The Debian project is a strong supporter of free software. Since many different licenses are used on software, a set of guidelines, the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) were developed to come up with a reasonable definition of what constitutes free software. Only software that complies with the DFSG is allowed in the main distribution of Debian.
Just use hardware that doesn't require proprietary software (including firmware) and everything will just work out of the box.

Never cared for Debian,myself.The stability thing is a load of shit.

no i mean the effort you have to put on just to get to that point

Alsa = alsamixergui
Pulse = pavucontrol
These work.

The main purpose of Debian is to prepare the ground for Ubuntu.

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i'm on a thinkpad matey, the one Jow Forums has been shilling so hard. i had to plug my laptop to my router to install the wifi driver because it's proprietary.

>he didn't install the non-free driver version
It's like you don't want shit to work on purpose