Anyone excited about networking coming to C++

In 5 years.

Attached: net.png (611x585, 104K)

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>what OS do you use?

No concepts???

It will be 2026 before compilers have consistent support for C++23.

I can't wait for all the workarounds that will be needed to deal with compiler differences

who else still has PTSD from socket.h?

C++ is only used for maintaining legacy programmes. any programmer who has experience with it will use go or rust for anything new.

Why? Just import the networking library if you need it.

It's programs. Both in British English and American English

What they think, we were disconnected until now from networks with C++ or what.

I really wonder the metaprogramming magic they will have to go trough to get this thing done.
Debugging is going to be fun

nobody that actually uses c++ wants networking, file, thread etc in the stdlib the whole point of c++ is to deal with the system nicely when you go to write that code yourself.
it's like they're trying to put me out of a job or something.

I'm more exited about modules coming to C++, in maybe 10 years if at all.

It depends what they mean by networking.
The socket API is a bit dated, I'm sure they can do something nicer.
But maybe it also means patterns like reactive programming, etc.

Fucking this. Doesn't even have to be Rust but there is literally no fucking reason to start a brand new project with C++ anymore. It is simply not worth all the bullshit you have to put up with.

itt: things I will never as C++ developer use

what does it even mean? some wrapping over network APIs of various OSs? Will it solve non-blocking writes?
and what's the current goto portable network library for C++?

Why does it take so fucking long for them to implement this?

I really wish I could just use C++ the way I can use Rust, but it's literally years behind. Standardized threading and networking, generators, async await, modules, cargo, robust macros and compiler plugins, are all so comfy I see no reason to go back.

What do you mean? Compilers supported almost all of C++17 features before it was finalized.

If you're not proficient enough to use C++ to its full potential then yes, don't bother. Otherwise it's still a valid option

>sockets are hard
Please go back to your bloated runtime languages

Nothing in Rust is standardized, which is why they have all this crap. Standardization means it's pretty written in stone, and valid for the next 25+ years. That's why it takes so long to standardize a language.

Rust can change in any way, any day, if one of the maintainer gets drunk on S O Y and decides to add or remove anything.

All the serious projects in the world are started in C++ (or ADA or C) precisely because there is an ISO standard, and competing implementations, meaning the same thing will still compile in 20 years.

I'm not sure Rust code can compile in six months...

If Rust wants to replace C++ in things like embedded systems, high-reliability systems, etc. they will have to get an ISO standard as well.

Good luck getting AIDS Skrillex to sit with adults to write a standard, though.

Attached: steve-klabnik.jpg (1030x714, 167K)

The difference is that in 30 years, C++ will still be here.

>caring about spelling in English


Having more features doesn't make the language better. 'Only pay for what you use' is a meme since everyone chooses different set of features. Start with clean, nice, small set of features you use, couple of libraries, middleware later everything is a mess.

I still want modules though.

>caring about anything

>Nothing in Rust is standardized
Rust is stanardized now. Literally when they started putting things in stone i686 meant 32bit with pentium4 features so when they added support for an actual i686 they called it "i586"

only gcc and clang did


absolute state of rustkeks

>third worlder doesn't care about writing properly

But user, i686 has never meant a P4, it's a Pentium Pro or higher, as opposed to the P5 arch aka i586.

when is cairo being integrated into c++?
I remember reading like 3 years ago about C++ getting a grpahics library

That's not happening.


Tremendously insightful commentary. Absolutely scintillating. Clearly you are some manner of genius.

Why would I need to give commentary to a clear cut answer gave me you pseudo-intellectual retard?

Tremendously fucking retarded commentary. Absolutely pretentious. Clearly you are some manner of douchebag. And no, I'm not the guy you're replying to, I just think you're an unnecessarily condescending prick. Also hypocritical considering your complaint in contrast to what you're doing.

I gave the response of "That's not happening" to the person's question. You with your impeccable observation countered with "gay".

That's much more applicable to you, sir.

Jesus. Another salt bag.

This is part of the problem with any language made in the last decade. The designers are so much of the modern rapid development mindset that they never can agree on a fucking baseline standard and work it out with ISO and/or ANSI.

>tfw its been 4 years since I've had to do this...


Same poster.

t. Fedora fag

>I know you are but what am I

"Gay" in this context was a comment and not an observation. Retard is definitely more applicable to you considering you couldn't even figure that out.
Instead, you decided to shit post about someone saying "gay" then call others salty when you're literally the one who started attacking an user meaning you're the salty fuck. Holy shit you have got to be one of the dumbest people alive.

Wow. I'm surely going to be blown out by that extremely clever repartee.

Oh look, you're wrong. Kill yourself already.

Attached: lookatthisretard.jpg (479x104, 14K)

why teh FUCK would you wanna use garbage msvc over gcc/clang

did you forget this is Jow Forums you dumbfuck

because I have an actual job where I do actual work

>"Gay" in this context was a comment and not an observation.
An extremely artless comment at that.

Yeah, you're right. I'm the only intelligent individual here.

just program in Go if you need networking



Everyone here seems to do that.

I pity your job then.
Show me at least one thing that makes msvc better than gcc/clang, when compiling portable code (no ms bullcrap extensions)

Nice default impromptu response you have there.

I never claimed msvc was better than gcc or clang, just that people who do actual work use it over those two alternatives, especially when you are writing for the windows environment.


I dont think you can classify making windows programs as actual work

whatever they do will wrap winsock

Same response. Do you actually think when giving a response? An even better question would be, "Do you have a brain?"



Attached: thumb_faggot-detected-1052100.png (200x225, 30K)


>now thats brings back memories
>*cracks open a monster*
>you younglings dont know how easy you have it with your new fangled smart pointers and range loops

Attached: boomer.png (380x349, 70K)

t. 16 year old boomer who thinks everything is cringe

Can't wait for the school year to start again.



link to iso site please

Same poster.


smart pointers were in c++98/03

Everything in the language is standardized by the community and not by some few elite individuals in control of everything. You make an issue about what feature you would like added to the language and you also provide a cogent argument. If the community thinks it would be great to have the feature, then it gets added.


It is much more democratic than C++'s ISO standard committee.

only auto_ptr was and it was broken


you're welcome


We try not to remember auto_ptr for a reason.

no thanks, the community of any given programming language is retarded. Bjarne + Microsoft are guaranteed to be better than a 'community' of mentally ill gays that use Rust.

i never used it, and I generally don't use smart pointers.

So where can I find the (at least reasonably) exact semantica of, say, type inference?

So, you do manual memory management? I imagine that's hell


Unfortunately, type inference was added early on and as a result before the RFCS.

It's only a nuisance if you have exceptions fucking up control flow.

My rule of thumb is I can only pass by value after 2 'levels deep' from a thread fn or main fn.
It makes a lot of other things much easier and better too.

Ah ah ah nice "standardization" there faggot.
Rust is not standardized, that's fine. Neither are Ruby or Perl. Just don't make up stuff about it.

People will keep using standardized languages like C, C++ or ADA to write stuff that has to work, and work for decades.

var socket = new ServerSocket(12345);
socket.Incoming += (client) => { Console.WriteLine(client + " connected"); };

U jelly?


At this rate, they're going to turn C++ into a lower level C# with TMP insanity. Mite b cool.

Still, it would be nice to have a standardized networking suite for C++ even if support isn't universal.

>whining about psocket
Unix sockets are piss easy provided you aren't doing stupid network gymnastics from the get go. Even then, it's a matter of reading your man pages. If you really want to experience a poorly written network api, try winsock. Even then, it's just a matter of keeping your wits about you, recovering gracefully from exceptions, and knowing your networking basics.

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Damn, that is looking lit

true, fuck


All compilers that matter