/CentOS/ - general

The best distribution just got better. Now with repo signing.


Attached: 1525961639303.png (1000x1000, 30K)

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Here's something interesting about CentOS/RHEL: They only approve of vsftpd for FTP/SFTP.
If you read their documentation, pretty much regardless of version, they make it quite clear that vsftpd is the only ftpd/sftpd that they support.
What is it about vsftpd (besides the name) that makes it so much better or more desirable to the RHEL devs? Are all the other solutions just worse?

Attached: vsftpd.png (247x233, 25K)

I've not run centos in years and someone told me that it is different than RHEL now, how is it different?

Primarily branding. They are mostly identical. If anything, CentOS is more closely collaborating with upstream now.

>hey are mostly identical.
Literally says they run different kernel versions and builds.

. Does CentOS change the upstream Source RPMs?
>No. CentOS' key mandate for our base and updates repositories is NOT extending or enhancing packages or features beyond those supplied by the upstream Source RPM's. CentOS strives intentionally to provide binary functionality for our users. CentOS does offer other (optional) repositories called extras, addons, contribs, and centosplus that do offer added functionality.
The kernel version is the same unless you specifically use one of the special kernels from the CentOS repositories. They aren't copy pasted rpms from RH so the packages have to be rebuilt.

meme arrow got left off

Literally Haiku got it before Centos.
Absolute state of linux distributions.

I dont understand difference between centOS and fedora.

centos is bloatless and stable, usualy ran on servers
fedora is a bit more bloated and more of a rolling release

CentOS/RHEL is based off the work done within Fedora. You can sort of think of it as a stable snapshot.

RHEL is the commercial OS developed and supported by Red Hat.
Fedora is the development playground of red hat. Development done there and tested by all fedora users then gets put in RHEL.

RHEL is commercial, but it is also open source, so anyone is free to take it and make their own distro. That's how Centos was born. It's basically a third party RHEL.

CentOS tracks RHEL more or less. Use it for servers. It's a pretty good server OS. Get good at SELinux, though, before you dive in. Putting SELinux in report-only mode is beta.

So why would people choose RHEL over Centos? Because they can call and ask for support (can they?)?

Exactly this. You get the finest of Indian engineers to help you with your RHEL installations.

Yes, the idea is to sell RHEL support and having the brand behind.

And by support you shouldn't just imagine "plz my server broke halp??" but "we need red hat do do this which doesn't already". So Red Hat focuses development to fulfill the request.

That's more understandable. Do you pay a subscription fee for red hat or is it a lump sum? I'm trying to get a sense for their business strategy. But I'm still kind of amazed that they're so successful

I am going to buy stickers from FSF website, before I put my info in I have some questions. Will they send me spam emails and how much is shipping inside U.S.?

support get's execuckitves dicks hard, even if it's never used

I don't really know much in detail.
But I can imagine someone like amazon choosing red hat because they want to do some advanced containerization stuff. Red hat knows how to do this, knows what needs to be implemented (could be exclusively on amazon's servers and not rest of red hat, as some heavy mods), can give guidance...

If you're interested you could take a lot at red hat's site, probably lists what you can get from them.

Also, canonical (behind ubuntu) seems to be focused on a similar business strategy, but more focused on IoT. Like having ubuntu running on a drone, a fridge or the train notifications.

Why tf would you use CentOS for anything besides critical infrastructure. The packages are too old and outdated. Fedora literally BTFOs CentOS

>repo signing
Wow, it's fucking nothing

>finest of Indian engineers
Do you meen pajeets 1$/hour?

>they're still stuck on gnome 3.26?! Hasn't 3.28 been out for 4 months now?!!
>gimp 2.8.22 is soooooo old, where is 2.10.4
>when are they going to update that perfectly functional libpng library to the almost untested bleeding edge version

This. A friend of mine works for a company that ditched clamav not for any technical reason, but because it's an open source project with no support contracts or anything like that, and so switched to a commercial, probably proprietary solution

bumping for this

You don't grasp the concept of "mostly", don't you?

yeah, it's not used with the work "identical"

>i'm mostly pregnant.