Prior working experience:

>Prior working experience:

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Epic thread.

I applied because every single fucking position requests previous experience. Might as well throw it in the aether and see if it talks back.

>get hired

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You're supposed to volunteer to show you're an optimistic, thoughtful and motivated individual. Haha.

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>tfw applying for entry level positions with the mentality and my only experience is volunteer work
I have nothing to lose.

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>send out 5 applications a month with no chance to ever get accepted to anything
>get extra welfare because you put in effort

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>tfw got hired as a web developer after bullshitting I did technical support, when in reality I was just helping my HS fixing computers

I am very good at learning, why won't they consider hiring me

You should already know.

No one has ever given me feedback on my application. I cannot learn without inputs :(

Not him but they're humans too believe it or not, just ask the interviewer honestly how you could improve if rejected.

>Uhh.. you don't get to ask for feedback. Stop wasting more of our time, goodbye.

Call back a week later and ask, not during the interview


applying for a job at subway tomorrow, the manager is a pajeet with an accent and the only other person there is a woman who appears to be 40 and polish

would it be bad to show him my cv on my phone? my printer is fucked

>show my CV on my phone

The fact you think this is acceptable has already outed you as not worthy

>Hmm, this guy neither knows that a library or office store is five minutes down the road and they have printers, nor does he know about email in 2018, I think he'd be perfect for the job!

>he doesn't live off autismbux

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kek ok ok i'll print my cunting cv

They'll think it's remarkable that you have a cv, or a phone, or that you managed to put your cv on your phone

you have to be a slave for free if you want to be a paid slave

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>Work hospital IT
>Get a really stupid ticket from a nurse
>"Yeah, I spilled water on a computer cart and I can't get it open to clean it. Can you open it for me since ya'll have the keys"?
>Go to where the nurse was, open the cart and clean it
>Get back to the office and tell my co-worker what happened
>Mfw my co-worker said "You know they work with patients, so that's not necessarily water, right?"

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Why apply to anything anymore?

Because Trump's coming after your NEETbux.

Good because I want to work.

It is a good idea to apply for jobs even if you don't have the required experience, maybe you are the best match (and then you will get real experience). Plus, some comapnies don't even take a loot at your CV

Is having no work experience better than having 7 years of food service experience when applying for engineering jobs with bad grades?

Should I just leave a 7 year gap on my resume? Or just make something up?

you should stop

stop what?

stop applying

>Plus, some comapnies don't even take a loot at your CV
Can confirm. I had been trying to get a position at a local community college for years. Found out that the guy over the position doesn't even look at applications for it.

I don't wanna do fast food forever though

Most companies lose money on most of their employees.

>apply to Google cause I was jealous of Jow Forumsaggots making more money than me
>didn't expect anything to come from this
>get a call today from the recruiter, casually chat about prior work experience
>get to the part where they explain the actual interview process
>first round is a coding phone interview (lolwut)
>second round is 5 whiteboard interviews on the campus
>knot in my stomach, start feeling ridiculously anxious when the recruiter starts explaining it
>already know they'll reject me and laugh at me for my spaghetti code and lack of data structure/algo knowledge
>mmm-hmmm my way through the rest of the phone call
>feel like I spent an eternity going through several rejection scenarios in my head
>call was only 28 minutes long
Ignorance was bliss, at least I could have lied to myself that I was smart enough to get into a company like this. How do you deal with rejection, guys?
I'm scared that I'll be doing mediocre jobs for the rest of my life. I'd at least like to try my best and take the loss gracefully, but I know I can't do that.

Just make some shit up, it's a CV my dude.

>Entry level position
>Bachelor's Degree required
That requires money that I don't have and time that I don't have due to the money that I don't have. This job doesn't even pay well. Why?

Everyone should go get a Controls Associates Degree.

60k starting with 2 years of school.

its 100% water because she was likely using the cart as food trolley.
t. fellow hospital it.

>sent over a hundred applications this year
>only 5 companies respond saying I passed the first phase
>landed only 1 interview
>0 offers

I don't get it. I know a handful of languages and do side projects and take online technical classes on top of my university work but I can't get a first job for the life of me. I got my resume looked over by my school's resume review program and they said it was solid too.

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You're probably autistic. Normies pick up on that shit subconsciously. Even over text or phone.

it's always the phone interview for me. i must sound like such a little faggot

They get a gorillion applications so they put on as many requirements as needed to get the number of applicants down. A degree is just the blunt hammer that gets added first.

businesses these days are seldom in a big hurry to hire people, so if doing this means it takes longer to fill the position, that's worth it to cut down on the work of screening resumes and interviewing people.

Same my friend.
I'm going to graduate jobless.

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That's what they get for having retarded hiring processes.

It's not really required. Equivalent experience is always

You should have gotten an internship brainlet

>he works for free

>big corps do tax evasion to rake max profits
>NEETs live on walfare
>wagecucks and small and medium enterprises end up with the bulk of the burden

sucks to be you normalfags

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protip: if you really need a job and have no actual experience with computers other than posting on Jow Forums or home use, just apply for helpdesk / desktop support / IT support jobs. those are as entry level as it gets. we’ve hired people who are as green as it gets and they get salary / full benefits without a bachelor’s

You can't just hire boomers forever.

>5 years experience

>source: my retard arse

>*throws half the application in the garbage*
>"I don't hire people with bad luck"

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it doesn't make sense either. why the fuck would they hire anyone if they lost money?

1/2 applications a day is absolutely fuck all

Just start your own business. It might fail really quickly but it's fun having the big end of the stick. You immediately have a billion applications of people begging to be employed. Wagecucks deserve to be treated like slaves.

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>just finished 1st year
boy I sure can't wait to get into the real world, sounds fun

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Oh kek

I have no capital and I already use most of my time working to house + feed myself and little free time to keep me sane

I think user means that 66% of actually hired employers - thanks to shitty recruiting procedures - are that incompetent that they don't make money.

>just got my CS bachelor's degree with good grades at a decent college
>had an interview last month as a junior software developer
>in my resume there were links to small university projects done in all the technologies they required in the job offer
>"hey user all these school projects you've done are really interesting, and you seem to have all the competences needed for this particular tast but have you worked before?"
>"well no, I have worked on some open source projects for college and you can see them, but being in college I was studying and didn't have a job"
>"really nothing, not even small jobs for people?"
>"no, I was focused on studying and learning, I didn't do any paid work"
>"okay, we'll let you know"
>still no response
Fuck suits.

>applying for unpaid internships
There are plenty of paid internships with no previous experience required brainlet.

I'm , be sure to get an internship before you graduate so you'll have "werking exprience" and suits won't have any buzzwords to use against you. Fuck them anyway, they should look for brilliant students, not for wankers who put study aside to do pointless "experience" before completing their formation.


You really couldnt just take the summer off and do one internship autist? CS ones are the easiest to get

They generally want you to do very complex shit being at their dependence for months hoping to pay you less than a professional.

If I could turn back time I would at this point. Didn't know it'd be that important back then. But it would've delayed my degree as I studied like a madman all summers basically in order to get exams done.

Form an LLC.
Hire yourself.


Study your ass off then.

Woah you have to work for the summer how terrible. All the ones I did werent super hard on interns as they are just cheap labor to assist people and maybe do a small to medium sized low risk project. Also it depends on the company, my first internship was with a relatively small company that was still the biggest in its industry but in total I probably was only busy for 1 weeks worth of time out of the 10 weeks. Basically just sat on my ass all day browsing Jow Forums for $17/hr (low CoL city).

I deal with rejection by not putting myself in scenarios where it is likely. It doesn't work all the time but it helps

Glad for you. Is it still easy to get those for a graduated no more student?

Some only allow those still in school but otherwise it may be easier. You should probably just keep applying for jobs first and only start on internship applications after like 500 applications

Thanks, it's what I'll probably do. If they keep up with the "no experience" suit shit I'm gonna do some fucking internship.

There's really not that big of a pool for internships. I've applied to all of them that I found on Google, linkedin, indeed, etc

Or lie.

>Prior working experience:
God of destruction of universe 7

>Instead of getting rejected due the silly joke, instead the employer rejects due the awful teamwork and laziness that led to the almost destruction of the universe

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All HR dipshits deserve to be made jobless and homeless.

Sounds like tech support to me. You're going to make it.

any tips on how to lie? like how do i make it sound believable but boring enough so they dont ask questions?

t. autist

This 1000x. I spent 18 months jobless, towards end started ecommerce biz. Grew it for 2.5 years while contracting FT to current 100,000 revenue. Zero startup cost, just reinvested profit. If corporate won't hire you let them fuck off. All of them.

If you post it ill give you feedback

>work for internships goyim

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>Form an LLC.
>Hire yourself.

is this real?

Are you?

i dont know

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>He doesn't know

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stop impersonating me

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fuck that is ugly

But does he know? Me I mean. How do I Know?

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what is ugly?
how will i ever know if he knows?

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Top kek.

>I don't wanna do fast food forever though
>bad grades
Seems like you do, here's what to do though, all those side projects (hope you have some) are now volunteer or freelance work, freelance is easier as they don't expect references.
Keep the 7 years on your resume, you worked and studied hard as well as freelanced, suddenly you're not so much of a drop kick
You have to hit the selection criteria in the cover letter, there are some companies that run them through programs to see who has put the right words in their applications.

If you don't, you can put all the selection criteria words in white so only the program reads them and picks your cover letter to be read

>why did you even apply?
Because I was under the delusion that entry level jobs still existed.

Sending my CV makes me feel nauseous and borderline suicidal.

this except i pretend that im not a pansy online so im going to delete this post soon