Black female programmers

why are there so few of them? is it really a matter of proper coding? thats racist. it doesnt matter if the code is neat and properly put together as long as it half way works. you know im right. most white software company ceo's are just straight up racist and you know im right. the problem isnt with how well black female programmers can code, its about the white privilige of code. take for example the code in pic related, all becuse a black woman did it doesnt mean its any less gooder than a white mans codes. stop shaming these brilliant strong womens of color in the programmers industry you bigots

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why no Chinese in NBA?

not an argument

i think they shoot themselves in the foot by not dating white guys. then the hiring managers do not want to hire them because they have no chance with them

A white guy WILL hit you, but a black guy MIGHT hit you.

sorry I can't hire any blacks because we only use c++ at our firm

Super mega troll

>Chinese in NBA?
they are busy evolving... you know... space exploring and shiet.

Too busy giving birth to mixed babies

>no cute black programmer gf

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What the fuck is wrong with her tits?

I knew one. Ask me anything.

Did she have a nice ass and tits? Even more importantly: did she have a tight pussy?

digits confirms

They're just not that big. She's wearing a one-piece swimsuit and no bra, so they're not being formed by a push-up for anything.

Did she [spoiler]like white boys?[/spoiler]

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It's plain statistics. People with an IQ roughly below 110 are mostly incapable of understanding core programming concepts. American blacks have an average IQ of about 85, so they need to be within two standard deviations from the mean whereas whites must only be within one. Furthermore, women's IQ's have less deviation than male's so the probability of having a black female over 110 IQ is very low. This is also ignoring the fact that women in general are not interested in technology careers as much as men. This can easily be seen at birth and is further corroborated by noticing that the more free choice and economic support women have the less likely they are to choose tech careers.

She did have a nice ass. I did not give her the D. For light skinned bitches are uppity as hell.

I'm a knee-grow with a Bachelor's in computer science who got a job in my major. What now?

nice larp faggot. no one believes you.,

You're the exception then.

post time stamp pic with hands or confirmed larp

I ain't posting my degree so you faggots can dox me.

>using a degree to dox someone
Are you fucking stupid?

If you can't do that, post a picture of your hand then.

and the larp is confirmed.

Congratulations on your degree, but I never said it was impossible for blacks to exist on the right side of the bell curve, it's just far less likely comparatively.

>right side

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You know what he means.

Is this suppose to be bad?
I don't understand what OP is trying to get out of this thread.

user, degrees have your full name, the name of your school, your school's emblem, and the city where you got your degree from. You're also most likely in your University's database.

>tfw the botnet doesnt want me to have a degree

Attached: omg.gif (320x218, 1.55M)

Could it be because they come from a race which was and remains denied means of security and education in life, having resources drained from them even as late as Reagan era and this damage takes decades of societal struggle to repair?

i thought it was supposed to be a pun

>I don't understand what OP is trying to get out of this thread.

Just blotched it out then.

>not realizing that black female programmers are oppressed by a racist system of white code supremacy

user I...

there seems to be alot of "exceptions" nowadays lmao. you guys are annoying

notice how no one replies to this? No one wants to admit that black people had a tough time. Despite the amount of bullshit they pull themselves involving crime etc, im seeing a shit ton more in higher education. That was only in the last 5-10 years alone. People seem to forget that less than 60 years ago they weren't even allowed in the same schools as white people.

Maybe it's because if the number of trails increases the number of occurrences also increases fucking brainlet.

They've done plenty of adoption studies on this as well as controlling for socioeconomic status and there is still a disparity. There is a legitimate argue about black culture being a net negative evidenced by the rampant increase in single motherhood among the black community but that does not explain away everything.

Have you already forgot the great Yao Ming?

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I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

You are right. That's why any brainlet black person can get admitted to a top CS program easy.

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Congrats on being two standard deviations to the right on the IQ scale of your race.
Companies must be fighting to hire you now so they can fill their quota.

It's really a shame that black people have been oppressed literally in every single country and city they live in, all the time.
They never ever had a chance to succeed, the white man is chasing them around the world to actively oppress them.
It's not like they have lower IQ, higher impulse and agression due to having evolved separately for thousands of years in a different environment. This would imply that the theory of evolution is real! Crazy.

cus theyre both dumb and women

>why are there so few of them? is it really a matter of proper coding? thats racist. it doesnt matter if the code is neat and properly put together as long as it half way works. you know im right. most white software company ceo's are just straight up racist and you know im right. the problem isnt with how well black female programmers can code, its about the white privilige of code. take for example the code in pic related, all becuse a black woman did it doesnt mean its any less gooder than a white mans codes. stop shaming these brilliant strong womens of color in the programmers industry you bigots


Queens don't have to program.

The richest blacks commit more crime, and score worst on standardized tests, than the poorer whites.

Besides, blacks have terrible outcomes everywhere they live: in the US, in Brazil, in the Caribbean, in Paris, in Africa, etc. Even in countries that were never colonized (Liberia) or liberated literally centuries ago (Haiti). In fact those two countries are among the worst, precisely because no white man has helped them recently.

The argument of "colonization" or what not is fucking nonsense. Poland was invaded by the nazis (who considered slavs sub-humans and treated them as such), then "liberated" and occupied by the soviet union. And a mere 20 years after that they're back on their feet, chugging along. Meanwhile, liberals want whites to be responsible for stuff that happened to blacks decades or centuries ago. Will they stop after 500 or 1,000 years? Will that be enough to be able to judge black people on their merits?

I work in a company that has a black female programmer. It's likely that plenty of c-levels are casually racist, one of mine pissed off the girl I mentioned by talking about how 'Beyonce' she was in a promo video they made about company atmosphere.

However, there's not enough of them to make the issue a problem of racist old white men deciding not to hire one. The issue is stereotyping programmers as nerdy, autistic geeks who got picked on at school and grew up playing video games. So unless they see someone that fits their 80's hackerman image they won't take someone seriously as a programmer.

epic burn

sup TRS


>Jeremy Lin
>Yao Ming
>another very good chinese guy a basketball obsessed friend told me about but I don't remember cause I don't give a shit

It's because the "stats" consider ineducated people in the ghetto/first generation migrants. If you compare higher class blacks and whites there's no differences in IQ.

>The richest blacks commit more crime, and score worst on standardized tests, than the poorer whites.

t. brainlet shilling BBC BLACKED.COM porn

did you forget bluepilled, cuck and snowflake? pathetic.

all adopted kids I knew, be it black or white, ended up being criminal, uneducated and generally a lot shittier than how a natural son would've been in the same family. heck, an adopted white guy I knew ended up in jail despite his parents being some of the nicest people I knew.

you pathetic little s o y b o y
eat my shit you triggered little cuck

yeah that doesnt mean they need to sit seven kilometers apart like they have beef or something baka

I can't, I'm too busy playing Dark Souls Remastered on my Switch

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Are you retarded? Old white men not hiring them is the issue? At least here in America companies suck dick for women programmers (if non white, Asian, or Indian, even moreso). If you're white, Asian, or Indian you have to qualify way more then a black or Latino.

>non asian or indian
fuck that, asian and indian women are the most privileged in tech. almost all of the women in my company are incompetent chinese or indian and are at higher places than a decently competent white one I have worked on a project with.

her code is redundant, but is her shit good?

thank fuck somebody on Jow Forums knows what's up and was willing to admit it

educational standards for everyone except white and asian males have been completely undermined by liberal bullshit.
employers have no idea if anything that's dark or female has the equivalent of the high school degree they got decades ago let alone actually knowing anything about programing.

then you get into all the protected caste protection laws that make it difficult if not impossible to fire useless employees, and ask previous employers about an applicants performance.

and lets not forget the good old lawfare that lets'em demand money over hurt feefees with no if not outright opposing evidence to their claims.

fact is the legal environment in America today has made it so many women and dark skins who simply would have been considered inferior employees back in the day have plummeted right past outright uselessness into state mandated workplace hazard.

the only safe way to handle them is full dystopia grade surveillance and keeping them away from anything too important.
this is also why a lot of them end up getting promoted as middle management has always been the go to place to stuff useless employees.

Black people are stuck in a retarded collectivist culture that don't allow em to put effort into learning those kinds of things.
Actually, they will be rejected by this culture, that will do shit such as calling em "uncle toms" etc..
Just look at the whole south america, there are several places that are quite darn white, yet they're still shit due the local culture.


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They're not "exceptions" retards

It's an explanation for why there are less of them, nobody is saying there are literally no blacks smart enough to computer

There is no black ladies in any field other than Nursing.

I think when you use the word "gooder", your argument just kinda goes away.

Virgin spotted.

I want to lick her stretch marks for some reason, kill me

It's not just you. There's something oddly alluring about stretch marks.

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Yao Ming(fucking amazing center)
Jeremy Lin(but he was born in america and heritically half asian)
Zou qi (i think that's how you spell it, some bench warmer for the rockets)
Sun Yue(benchwarmer on 2008-2009 lakers)
And that's all I know

maybe if he used a real computer he'd be able to get a woman without them

*half chinese

not half asian


That's a lot of melanin.

Zou qi isn't exactly a bench warmer.

That's because we're talking about chinese, not chinese descent. Not many foreign countries actually have the amount of representation in players in the NBA as China, it's US born chinese that aren't that much there.


The problem is they are not being nurtured by a welcoming and inclusive environment that boosts and stimulates the WoC. Crypto has the same issue.

You're talking about sub-Saharan wildlife that can't even do basic algebra, let alone speak English properly. What makes you think that antique farm equipment can into programming?

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