How do you have sex?
I'm 24 and I'm virgin, and I'm not even ugly (I think, lol). But I literally can't talk to girls, I assume that they will throw me away and I prefer doing nothing.
Give me your advices, Jow Forumsuys.
How do you have sex?
I'm 24 and I'm virgin, and I'm not even ugly (I think, lol). But I literally can't talk to girls, I assume that they will throw me away and I prefer doing nothing.
Give me your advices, Jow Forumsuys.
Other urls found in this thread:
apt install vagina
do you have hobbies outside of computers? are you fit or dyel?
How? Penis in vagina, some finger banging, kissing. Not necessarily in that order. Also, what a fucking weird choice of a board for this shit. Vaginas are technology?
Well, I work for a living and I excersice regularly. On weekends I spend most of the day in front of the computer, playing vidya or some shit.
Roughly 80% of the time you will be rejected so just keep persevering.
Do you dress like a slob? If you actually dress decent and don't smell like a sewer well that's half the battle right there.
girls dont like uncertain, shy boys (they might say otherwise, but what they mean is they like hot/rich shy boys, not you)
smile, act confident, treat every time you go outside as an act, you are playing the role of a character who is happy and shows it
pussy will follow
Couldn't help you even if i wanted to.
26 yr old kv here.
I've given up hope, even getting Jow Forums hasn't helped a bit.
>Jow Forums, technology.
>girls dont like uncertain, shy boys
Women like to treat men like a project. To some, a beta male is like a slab of clay to mold into whatever benefits them.
you do, or, you don't
it's not complex honestly. anyone giving you self help is larping or incapable of accurately enumerating all the reasons why they get laid.
what a babe, i need some vag now
Completely useless advice guy here who lost his virginity at 14 and continues to have sexual relationships at 23: be funny
I'll give you as much advice as you want but you need to tell me how to start learning to code. Like where to begin, some interactive tutorial site or something. We'll trade information here user.
Talk to fat chicks.
Install gentoo
quads of truth
to some, maybe, but most want a confident man who will provide for them and keep them safe, it is literally written into their genetics, thats why average looking guys with no confidence have to settle for desperate fat cunts
My gf is Japanese and cute and we have sex 3-4 times a week. We've been dating for two years now
Pic related is my daily driver. Cute computers attract cute girls
C is the best place to start, specially with this book.
>package not found
the fuck? is it in a ppa?
irrelevant post, reported to the mods and CIA niggers
Not in 2018.
where is the ebst place to star tthne desu
This is the fucking truth.
One guy I work with, complete and utter definition of beta. His girlfriend is the most abusive woman I have ever known.
But it's okay, they're both feminists.
Then what?
>On weekends I spend most of the day in front of the computer, playing vidya or some shit.
that's not bad but if that's all you do, you are fucked. Sounds stupid but maybe you should just go out and find what else you can do. There's shitloads of people doing different things, maybe you don't know you like one of those activities. Just think for a second how hard can it be that you meet someone if all you do is be a fucking neet
>Cute computers attract cute girls
that's not cute, that is maybe one of the shittiest lenovo laptops out there. If you think that's cute and you think your girlfriend is on par that piece of shit, then I have good news and also maybe some bad news for you.
goto /b/
I had someone else tell me the exact same thing so I guess I'll get on that.
Okay so for women or people in general the best advice is to not give a single fuck. I know that sounds easier said than done but if you commit to it it really isn't that hard. See the key is to get into the mindset that it could not matter less what these people think of you, like a twisted kind of confidence. Remember that your goal is to make them like you, so there's 3 possibilities: You talk to them and they like you, you talk to them and they don't like you, you don't talk to them. With those being the only 3 possibilities it literally does not matter what you do because so long as you force yourself to do it you'll be no worse for ware. Get into a "nothing to lose everything to gain" mentality, basically.
As for actually talking and succeeding at making them like you that's really case by case. Back straight, eye contact, but don't seem rigid. That is easier said than done for sure. I know it's meme advice but "just bee yourself" in a sense, but the best version of you. Like if you enjoy building computers or coding or whatever and they ask what you're into you tell them that with pride in your voice. You be fucking proud of your shit because people respect that. Don't bore them with details but show them who you are, put it on a platter and if they like the taste they'll go for more.
Of course you need to realize some people are shit too and you won't immediately succeed, some people might judge. If you're worried about that just re-read the first part of this because literally who the fuck cares.
tl;dr: Love yourself, be proud of who you are, don't give a fuck about what people think.
What does this have to do with technology
Fuck you faggot its sleek, tiny, and had the cutest little handle every. Suck a cock bitch
bout 15 or so yrs ago, friend of mine had a different girl each week. Didn't have much (dude was my roommate for about a year), and didn't have a "nice" outfit to save his life. He liked to abuse his rides so soon his car (he went thru them about the same way he did girls) was a piece of shit, barely holding together. Somehow he still manged to get girls. Reason? Dude was funny and didn't give a shit about how he looked or what he drove. (was also into some, uh, shady type shit so that prob helped to)
Depends on what kinda gf you looking for I guess. I always wonder how the people dubbed "betas" get girlfriends anyway
Just become the girl instead
good news is that you can do better, a lot better. You'll be fine if you stop being a little bitch and aspire to be better.
not technology, sage
>get tinder
don't be afraid to get rejected and just keep at it. if you find someone who interests you and they have a hobby, use that as leverage and ask if you could join them in doing that shit next time.
my penis is a beta male how do I proceed
Same boat, but my girlfriend hates all the ThinkPads I have lying around.
She's an Apple drone.
This is the only good advice so far.
Anyone who gets out of high school and college without getting laid at least once should unironically kill themselves or at least commit to total celibacy. School is training wheels for getting laid. You will never be around that many hot stupid girls ever again. In fact, the girls around you are getting less hot, and less stupid all the time.
you ever watch porn? don't do anything you see on that filth. all you need to do is make her feel loved and stick you peeny in the slimy hole its not hard
>15 years ago
The dad bod onions beards are in right now gramp
Some truth to this. By the time a woman is hitting the 30 yr mark she is either married, got kids, had a divorce or some combo of all 3. plus after 30, unless they do exercise or something they start to go downhill in the looks dept.
>In fact, the girls around you are getting less hot, and less stupid all the time.
Not only is this true, but in any of the schools I went to there weren't that many attractive girls to start with.
While that last bit was true, user is also getting less stupid and men age better than women. There's hope for improvement. It's harder to meet people but relationships tend to last much longer and are more meaningful in your mid twenties comparatively.
you would feel more confidence if women were giving you clues that they were interested. when chad approaches a woman, whether he realizes it or not, its because that woman already dropped him the clues and he picked up on them at least subconsciously. this has been proven in a study i read years ago and am not going to dig up now so dont ask. women initiate flirting, men make the first overt obvious moves but the woman usually selectes which man is going to make the moves on him by dropping him the clues.
you have no confidence to approach women because theyre not dropping you the clues that would at least subconsciously trigger that confidence. and theyre not dropping you any clues, because theyre not interested in you because you dont have that confidence. so its a vicious cycle and i think the only escape is to find your confidence somewhere else. maybe confidence in making wealth or some other skill. and then try to project that confidence in public by reminding yourself that youre the best at that thing.
i dunno. i havent been laid in years so this is all basically theoretical
I don't know, they all seem to become more stupid after having children.
i hate that this guy is right but he is
being honest in dating is like trying to be an honest politician. sure, youre doing the right thing, but nobody is going to vote for you.
>but the woman usually selectes which man is going to make the moves on him by dropping him the clues.
you might be gay
or just drink and do cocaine
Damnit I wish I was in high school during the golden age of cell cams, before they started cracking down on them left and right. Sadly, cell phones were just starting to come into vogue during the tail end of my school days. To think of all the girls locker room footage I could've taken.
i always found it funny how the girls locker room (from outside the door) smelled like perfume, and the guy's smelled literally like cheese (the soft kind with mold)
With C or ASM, no books
>brainlet who doesn't know the power of C
>girls locker room (from outside the door) smelled like perfume
wtf hell no. whenever the girls opened their locker room door it was fucking rank in there. smelled like a mix of all the lotions and crap they use and piss
tinder isnt for beta males. if you cant get laid in real life youre not gonna get laid on tinder. chad is on tinder, why is she going to pick you when she has so many other better options also at her fingertips.
I found the package but cannot satisfy the dependencies. What do?
no. and i see it all the time. i dont have autism so i can read a room. i can tell pretty much on walking into a room which chick is into which guy. i watch the woman drop the clues to chad and i see chad acting on that. its the way its done. ive even seen women give me the clues, only a couple times, both fatter older women, but i fucked both of them.
its called flirting. you think chad just approaches random women. no, she messed with her hair a little while looking at him or she kept glancing in his direction. and he took the clues either consciously or subconsciously and thats what triggered his approach. these arent random approaches.
op isnt getting the clues so all he sees are random approaches and he wonders why he doesnt have the confidence for a random approach and its because thats not how its done.
>which man is going to make the moves on him
There are literally no mods on Jow Forums.
I didn't believe when I heard about it.
Now I do.
Now I have a vagina, what's next?
>hot girls
Yeah no. Dumb yes, hot no.
im not even offended, im just confused as to what your beef is. can you disprove anything i said?
this is a thread for r9k not Jow Forums
>But I literally can't talk to girls,
well then that is your problem, if girls don't want to talk to you or you have nothing to add to a conversation then of course it will go no where.
yeah you pretty much have to be an expert in the most mundane and vapid small talk possible and commit to it like youre actually engaged in that meaningless conversation. if you want to walk to wamen
Linux is a kernel.
no. you've sorta reiterated the point makes, that's you being unable to make conversation. if you mean to tell me that everything you say ever is meaningful and should fall on listening ears, you're fucking delusional
Rob Miles' C# for absolute beginners. Clearest starting point for a noob. Now tell me how to get to know girls (no tinder pls) and be liked.
does not sound worth it
There's usually one or two.
Not like they'll give you the time of day, but they're there.
even the women that are interested in important things and can hold a valuable exchange of ideas type conversation arent actually attracted to guys who can talk to them at that level. its a fast way to get friendzoned having real conversations. shes attracted to the loud chad who talks a lot but says very little. stimulating conversation on intellectual subjects is hardly a panty dropper
Good larp. Also Japanese girls suck most of the time.
That's the appeal of Japanese girls
oh well, just buy a fleshlight then and keep making threads on r9k about life being unfair and how all those chads get the girls.
I wrote this for you:
or maybe i just find it tiring when only small talk is acceptable
i can do small talk, but it gets boring. not evrything i say is meaningful, but having a decent conversation where ideas are exchanged and issues discussed is just more interesting then small time gossip or talking about music or whatever.
>stimulating conversation on intellectual subjects is hardly a panty dropper
lmao i love when people refer to "stimulating" or "intellectual" conversation. how fucking pretentious jesus fuck
be out and about do something you ordinarily do BUT talk to attractive women like you would anyone else. treat them on equal terms. if you meet someone and have a decent conversation with them, that is the opportunity to ask them for their name, number, and if they want to go on a date. just keep doing it until you get better at it, and if you're super nervous try drinking and smoking to break the spaghetti that's keeping you from talking to people. you gotta talk to people and play the numbers game
and if that doesn't work then fuck a coworker like i did
well yeah, life is unfair. its not supposed to be fair. and chad does get all the girls. and its only reasonable to expect that some men are going to be frustrated at that and are going to want somewhere to vent their feelings. dont know why it makes you so mad though
>big words are nerdy and im trying so hard to be cool
ok champ
if I tell her confidently that my hobby is shitposting on Jow Forums do you think I stand a chance?
what words am i even supposed to use? do you even know? open up a thesaurus and get back to me with acceptable alternatives to the words intellectual and stimulaitng
Just to go into a bit more detail: Best way to not get nervous around people is to remember we're all human. Most nervousness is born from misjudging how secure in themselves someone else is, thinking they're more than you are. That is almost never the case. I promise you everyone you will realistically meet is struggling to an at least comparable level to you. Everyone is scared, everyone is childish, no one knows what they're doing. In fact one of the reasons some people act weird when you try to befriend them is because they're nervous or don't know how to act so they put that awkwardness onto you to avoid it themselves. Damn near all anxiety and nervousness is born from thinking everyone else is doing better than you, so then you pretend to look like you're doing great too and other anxious people see that and think you're just fine, so their anxiety gets worse and then they pretend and it's a vicious cycle. We're all human. Don't see them as better than you.
Have a good sense of humor and confidence. You should also appear somewhat presentable. I get away with looking homeless (suits me, I guess?). But I imagine this is not the case for most guys chasing tail.
You might also need a job, drive your own car, own nice things. If you're a NEET, chances are you're bottom of the barrel. Girls will only show you pity.
Some girls like intelligence in a man. So go ahead and talk geography or biology or, hell, even computer science/EE/CE. Break it down in simple terminology and it makes for interesting conversation.
Look chicks in the eye while speaking to them. Hard to do if you're autistic as shit, but it's essential you don't come off as creepy or nervous or anxious.
Lastly, don't act like you care so much. You can't micromanage this sort of thing without coming off as a lame pickup artist of some sort. Get into hobbies, make friends, make connections, be honest and modest and pleasant. That's all it really takes.
no because you're fat and ugly
Get a Onahole. Don't spend your money on women. All your body needs is a release. Onahole works fine.
whats the longest dry spell youve ever had? cause going years without sex is maddening no matter how many onaholes you have.
im not really in a hurry, i'll wait for my cute sex robot wife
>I try to talk to girls about my favorite character in Mitsuboshi Colors but they never even heard of it before
>I change the topic by asking if they have heard the new girl's generation single and they just give me a blank stare
>why are women so hard to talk to ? Why are they so uncultured
Just find some common ground and talk about that shit.
Do you plebs stutter every time you interact with a person outside the house ?
Do you not know how to carry small talk ?
>get tinder
Doesn't that require facebook?
>having sex
ok but you're then projecting the notion that nobody but you has ever had a decent conversation where ideas were exchanged or issues discussed. In stead of worrying so hard about your perceived quality of conversation why not just go out and find people you're interested in talking to. how often do you just run into someone and all of a sudden you're dropped into this decent, idea exchanging and issue discussing conversation you mention? you're just being immature, you'll figure it out when you get older
not him buy 5 years
I currently have a gf but I am becoming frustrated with her lack of sexual drive so I stopped initiating sex with her and thats been 3 months now.
my high school days were spent in an all-boys school and when camera phones were a high end option no student could afford
1. Go to cons.
2. Throw or attend hotel parties.
3. Fuck cosplay bitches.
>my conversation is sooooo interesting, and I know big, big yuge words, I'm so smart and great, possibly the smartest and the greatest there's ever been
fuck me, keep laying it on, this is gold