Rest in peace.
What will we do without you?
Rest in peace
Other urls found in this thread:
Use the official YouTube site?
Valid options only please
I don't remember the name of that Iranian lady but maybe try that
>Paint swastikas over youtube-dl
>Tell people it's an innovation
I'm glad it's dead.
*paints swastika over your post*
nothing personnel kid
still works for me?
Nasim bint Jow Forums.
What? What happened?
It was just the trending videos bro.
use youtube logged in with my google account, what are you retarded enough to use your name in an email address?
What was the purpose of hooktube?
search proxy i suppose plus we didn't know youtube's ''classic'' theme was still available
The "tending" page had a bunch of alt-right videos and Jow Forums-tier conspiracy theories. The website linked to Voat and other Jow Forumstard websites. Hooktube claimed that it could be used to circumvent regional blocks and watch deleted videos, but that was a lie.
I doubt that's why YouTube removed it. They probably did it because they lost ad revenue from Hooktube.
>claimed that it could be used to circumvent regional blocks and watch deleted videos
Like...... Jow Forums videos....?
>but that was a lie.
Wow you're dumb.
Jow Forums videos aren't deleted or section blocked. You can still watch them on YouTube.
The videos that are actually deleted couldn't be accessed through Hooktube because it used the YouTube APIs. Obviously.
I used it in conjunction with Redirector to replace all yt embeds with just the video and nothing else.
But its still up, wtf op
It was always shit. If you search something with "loli" in it, you get "no results".
Good riddance.
the fuck happened to the search function?
I don't get it, it's still working for me...
werks on my machine
try searching
is there an another way of playing those yt videos inside mpv than moving yt url by cursor to mpv?
use jewtube with blocked cockies and storage?
HookTube no longer uses YouTube api for anything, and most features (channel page, search, related videos, etc) are gone
>wake up
>no search function
fug. Any alternative I could use?
Guys is it my fault hooktube is dead? Whenever I saw an eceleb thread on /v/ I posted telling them to use hooktube and to not give those fatty gamers any views.
You can still watch videos with it without using YouTube, that's all that counts.
Wow, satan, you're being blatant today.
No, he literally had it coming.
youtube-viewer still seems to work.