

Attached: images.jpg (521x589, 17K)

> std::cout

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it just works

println!("{} {}", 12, 1.3);

print "some shit"

It's print("some shit") now, if you meant Python.

Logger::instance()->log(Logger::LogType::MESSAGE, "kill me");

> int main ()

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too real

Shame on you, filthy normie.
Printf is probably on the best output function in any programming language. But I guess flag characters are too much for python fags like you, isn't it?

I meant python 2 dumbass

any language like this?

C++, but only if you're really stupid.

aight, thanks

vs '{:02x}'.format(chr)
Formatted printing is a perfect match for metaprogramming and compile-time evaluations. Compiler statically knows a lot about variables and it could be helpful for types that differ across platforms (e.g. different pointer sizes), but in C it isn't. And the way to do it correctly is ugly as fuck.
On the top C fucks you up with trigraphs.

Mah nigga.

>I meant python 2 dumbass
You are the one using legacy python.. Whos the real dumbass here.

putStrLn "Fuck you all"

>his format strings aren't checked at compile time against the provided arguments
Rust wins again.

Console.WriteLine("Microsoft is da best");

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based gopher poster



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you could do that in C++, the standard library is just shit.

How are you supposed to do printf in c++ when your only option is cout?

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>import nothing
print("%s", "hello world")
print("{}", "hello world"
print("hello", "world")
so many choices



Why did they decide to use an overloaded operator for the print function? Always found that retarded. Just makes it verbose.


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fmt::print("Hello, {}!", "world");


Because it shows the direction of the stream or something.
It's pretty much universally agreed now that it's an example of needless and bad operator overloading.