Anyone browsing Jow Forums from Netscape Navigator?

Anyone browsing Jow Forums from Netscape Navigator?

Attached: g on netscape.png (640x480, 40K)

wow thats retro af

Yea and look at loading time in status bar

why the fuck are you running at 8 bits

8 bits or monochrome. Choose one.

What are your specs? No one ran 95/98 under 16bits back in the day

I miss the animated Netscape logo that made you feel like you were in the future.

Its Virtaulbox.Sadly, I dont have proper hardware.

I've used KMeleon on my Win2k shitbox that I keep in my garage that operates two CNC machines, though it's mostly for reading PDFs now. I can hook it to the router out there and browse Jow Forums but the captcha won't load. This browser supports JS and stuff but the 250MHz CPU and 200MB of RAM choke on the captcha.

People definitely ran 98 in 16bit at 640x480 what are you on? Maybe not at a higher res.

No that would be extremely stupid


Attached: IMG_0006_650.jpg (1000x750, 519K)

Why not from a BBS?

Attached: IMG_0001xt4cbbsa.jpg (2000x1500, 2.07M)

Better picture.

Attached: IMG_000368knewmonitor.jpg (1500x2000, 2M)

Attached: netscape9.png (1053x847, 128K)

...or both

Attached: img_1512926061655.jpg (2000x1500, 3.99M)

...or Amiga?

Attached: IMG_0004a62.jpg (1000x750, 547K)

Or from gopherspace?

Attached: umn.png (560x377, 17K)

There is a world of a difference between 8-bit and 16-bit color. Don't get the two mixed up.

Next time try installing VBEMP drivers in your VM at least.

Interesting. What do you CNC at home?

I heard japanese still use BBS. I have no idea what that technology is, is it still used outside japan?
are there clients? is there a youtube video of someone using this technology?

It freaks me out to think there might have been a thing similar to IRC that I have never witnessed

Huh, didn't know that had an Amiga version.

You should disable Javascript completely on low-end computers. The no-JS reCAPTCHA should be not much of a deal then, although you need to manually copy the reCAPTCHA verification code.

Japanese internet users almost entirely use WebBBS like 5ch these days, which is just a fancy name for a text board.

probably AmigaAmp

Their are some BBS's that are still in use today. Especially with the retro computing crowd. But overall irc is much more popular than BBS's today.

See for the whole japanese thing.

yes, bbspink

Firefox 9.0.1 here

Attached: Clipboard01.jpg (1024x768, 317K)

Also here's TurboGopher for classic MacOS

Attached: turbogopher.png (640x481, 23K)

>crrreeeeeeeeeak caw caw caw *ocean waves*

Attached: 1529155437221.png (380x349, 77K)


Kind of.

Attached: SEMEN-MONKEY.png (1585x922, 329K)