What brace style do you use, Jow Forums?

What brace style do you use, Jow Forums?

Attached: braces.png (512x1121, 45K)

Whichever one will shut the linter up
The only correct answer

1th one, linux kernal


also i don't put a space between loops/conditionnals and their argument

i use all of those and in the same file too

Always Allman

Attached: 1530458407550.png (867x1054, 568K)

alman or gnu

Top, except I don't ') {', I '){'


linux kernel for loops and static functions
allman for all other functions
that way i can tell if the function is only used in this file or not

Attached: 57c.jpg (857x1202, 270K)

K&R, of course....*siiip*...that's how we did it back in the C days!

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while x == y:

Allman or k&r

Allman 9.9/10 times

Literally disgusting. Why do so many people like this?

If you mix and match indentation styles, you deserve death.

>linux kernel
Linus, you greedy fuck. It's K&R style, not Linux style.

1TBS. I find that Allman style tends to take up a lot of vertical space. A simple if-else statement just looks rather vertically large to me. I do have one odd quirk though in that I will switch to Allman style if the top line needs to be wrapped. Examples...

// Allman if line wraps
if (youCanTellThisIsJava.dueToReallyLongNames().equals(
System.out.println("Allman is better when the condition line wraps.");

// I find this harder to see at a glace,
// even with double indentation on the wrapped line.
if (youCanTellThisIsJava.dueToReallyLongNames().equals(
someOtherObject.getReallyLongPropertyName())) {
System.out.println("This is harder to see");

// Allman sucks otherwise.
if (cond)
System.out.println("Looks too spaced out.");
System.out.println("4 lines with only 1 character");

while (x==y) {something();somethingelse();}

Saves space and also helps with bringing the file size down.

Strictly allman on my shit.

Kernel on 2/3 line its and such, allman on everything else.

Top is most readable and compact

I favor K&R. Allman is also fine. Everything else is fucking garbage


I started with Allman, but everyone is using K&R, so meh.


This is so autistic.

I write like this:


while (true) {retardStyle();}
while (true) {retardStyle()


lost ;, but otherwise this

> (((Allman))

Jow Forums BTFO

Attached: Screenshot_20180712_220609.png (1665x94, 16K)

K&R is the lords word delivered to us
We will hang heretics one day

What the FUCK. Whitesmith time for me.

Allman for functions, K&R for everything else.

K&R only. No exceptions.

The only thing worse than a bad brace placement style is an inconsistent brace placement style