What brace style do you use, Jow Forums?
What brace style do you use, Jow Forums?
Whichever one will shut the linter up
The only correct answer
1th one, linux kernal
also i don't put a space between loops/conditionnals and their argument
i use all of those and in the same file too
Always Allman
alman or gnu
Top, except I don't ') {', I '){'
linux kernel for loops and static functions
allman for all other functions
that way i can tell if the function is only used in this file or not
K&R, of course....*siiip*...that's how we did it back in the C days!
while x == y:
Allman or k&r
Allman 9.9/10 times
Literally disgusting. Why do so many people like this?
If you mix and match indentation styles, you deserve death.
>linux kernel
Linus, you greedy fuck. It's K&R style, not Linux style.
1TBS. I find that Allman style tends to take up a lot of vertical space. A simple if-else statement just looks rather vertically large to me. I do have one odd quirk though in that I will switch to Allman style if the top line needs to be wrapped. Examples...
// Allman if line wraps
if (youCanTellThisIsJava.dueToReallyLongNames().equals(
System.out.println("Allman is better when the condition line wraps.");
// I find this harder to see at a glace,
// even with double indentation on the wrapped line.
if (youCanTellThisIsJava.dueToReallyLongNames().equals(
someOtherObject.getReallyLongPropertyName())) {
System.out.println("This is harder to see");
// Allman sucks otherwise.
if (cond)
System.out.println("Looks too spaced out.");
System.out.println("4 lines with only 1 character");
while (x==y) {something();somethingelse();}
Saves space and also helps with bringing the file size down.
Strictly allman on my shit.
Kernel on 2/3 line its and such, allman on everything else.
Top is most readable and compact
I favor K&R. Allman is also fine. Everything else is fucking garbage
I started with Allman, but everyone is using K&R, so meh.
This is so autistic.
I write like this:
while (true) {retardStyle();}
while (true) {retardStyle()
lost ;, but otherwise this
> (((Allman))
Jow Forums BTFO
K&R is the lords word delivered to us
We will hang heretics one day
What the FUCK. Whitesmith time for me.
Allman for functions, K&R for everything else.
K&R only. No exceptions.
The only thing worse than a bad brace placement style is an inconsistent brace placement style