Is there any DE/WM that looks better than Budgie? Be honest.
>inb4 riced i3 autism
Is there any DE/WM that looks better than Budgie? Be honest
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Looks sexy
I wouldn't use it but Deepin is nicer looking.
Is neat, looks like mac tho
KDE also looks really good lately, too bad is a bloated constant crashing clusterfuck
Shitty windows clone
yeah Plasma
budgie is pretty good, but if you are running a toaster setup you pretty much can't use it
i hereby declare that this is the new desktop thread(TM)
It looks nice, chill out and respect other people's preference friend
Cinnamon + Muffin
manjaro XFCE
Id go with deepin
>looks like mac tho
Nothing looks like mac there m8
>When will applets ever learn?
I'll be honest, it looks way better than my i3 setup - then again, I don't give two shits about how it looks, because I use it for work.
Wow, it's Gnome with some shit moved around.
you're not welcome here
It runs pretty fine on a haswell celeron
default dwm. literally perfect in every way
my problem is that on like half the distros using it they misuse the arc theme completely. it's only supposed to be used with the futura font but fuckin retards keep putting the shittiest possible generic great value offbrand sans serif on it and it looks horrible. use the theme how it was intended like christ it looks ugly any other way it triggers my autism way too much
Define "looks better" because looks are personally subjective things and what you think looks better does not look better to me, or anyone else for that matter.
All that matters is whether or not the shit works for you, nobody else gives a fuck about your opinions, so why not just use the shit that works for you and shut the fuck up about it from now on, m'kay?
thats adapta
yea but i mean on the fuckin default install of budgie on that meme distro everybody was talking about years ago i forgot the name of it solus i think it looked awful cuz they don't font
It doesn't give you a unified aesthetic.
>res too small for wallpaper
>stretched album art
>dry 90s aesthetic
>OEM style
genuine question here, isn't budgie just a gnome reskin?
jesus fucking christ user are you blind
why is everything so large
>KDE also looks really good lately, too bad is a bloated constant crashing clusterfuck
using KDE on tumbleweed for several months now, not really bloat, easy on resources and never crashed on me once,
you can make pretty much any DE look quite the same really
>those icons
why do freetards do this to themselves
Easier to see/use.
>gentle, sleek
As usual, Haikubros are here to save the day with one of the most complete and pleasant icon packs that isn't generic flat shit.
looks like a bad childrens cartoon
Kevin pls go...
>see 3D icons
>clearly a folder, hard disk, etc
>see flatshit r*ddit icons
>mushy blobs of color made in MS Paint in 5 minutes
Uh huh.
Thank god at least it has its own style and isn't "material design + flat!" or whatever trash that should have never taken off.
What would be the best way to get a similar taskbar for XFCE?
What taskbar is that?
what about this guy's?
Yeah, didn't see that before posting. I'm looking for taskbar suggestions for XFCE in general.
>desktop fags look(jerk off to) at their wallpapers
>meanwhile i look at my browser
gnome is garbage filled with bugs left unfixed for years or decades
absolutely disgusting
gnome2 and its successors are the premier DE
it's Xfce panel with dockbarX plugin
Thank you user.
Might actually use it when they switch to Qt.
i wrote it's buggy
i didn't write it's not shiny
but a shiny shit is still shit
This, it's just one thing I would want and it's pretty much the fancytab patch but only when being in monocle and I want it to have the same look as awesomewm tabs in the bar
but other than that it's perfection
I've always wanted to try Budgie. It honestly looks like a great DE. Never got around to trying it though.
>Lua Programming
kys winfag
I want to like it, too bad it is a buggy mess
Looks like an Android desktop frontend.