Pixel 3 & XL

Has Google finally achieved peak smartphone?

Attached: pixel-3-render-2.jpg (1200x750, 189K)

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What are the chances pixel phones have Google Analytics at the hardware level?

Get ready for iphone X gestures android cucks

top kek can't wait for everyone to praise swiping up to change apps

Not that different from other phones. Google contracts with all sorts of manufacturers to make phones that help Google collect data (usually through bloatware). This is just the one series they put their name behind, to say that it represents the purest and most "authentic" Android experience.

Look how huge that fucking chin is

Also this. You might as well put cameras throughout your house that broadcast straight to Google hq

But who will make the screen?
I bought the smaller Pixel 2 because of the Samsung OLED, LG cannot into OLED.

It has not even achieved peak meme yet.

May as well since they have a special chip in there that is meant for "camera processing".

Sure enough its hardware botnet.

LG is still making the displays for the XL series. Google put money into them so they have basically doubled down on the shit for years to come.

Smaller might be Samsung again.

Somewhat doubt the camera chip is hardware botnet considering the Pixel's images are actually leagues beyond competitors in quality despite only having one lens.

They already did that in 2013 with the Nexus 4