Can we get a technology related webm and gifs?

Can we get a technology related webm and gifs?

Attached: crabs.webm (720x404, 2.54M)

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i cant stop watching this

this kills the crab

god i wish that was me


Makes me want to play Quake.

Attached: 1517623384342.webm (720x720, 1.19M)

are the crabs okay though


Well after being here for 15 years, this place hasn't completely jaded me.

That machine is fucked up and if you feel nothing then I guess you're worse-off than me.

Attached: relaxed_bear.jpg (1280x960, 320K)

why? the crabs are killed for food anyway

better if a machine does it with pinpoint accuracy than some fat slav with a bad knife

Attached: danceing.gif (223x202, 1.86M)

They've already been steamed. What's fucked up about dismembering a cooked crab?

Attached: 1474745569661.webm (426x426, 2.85M)

Why they cut with angle grinder and not pressure knife?

Poor crabbo.
Did he survive?


People putting on a show for the camera following that escalator accident where it ate an Asian woman

they know

Attached: banana.webm (360x640, 1.68M)

was it just one though?
did i say the webm toomany times?

Attached: science.webm (400x400, 2.82M)

nice more??

that's all i have

Attached: science trap.webm (692x388, 1.43M)

Are they joking around about it or something? They're so hard to read. Either way it's kinda fucked up

Attached: audiophiles.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I'd imagine it's hammed up for the cameras. The shuffle that the guy does with the kid is the worst offender.
couldn't be bothered to download doesn't work for me for some reason

Who the fuck makes spoons out of gallium?


What that's literally the least obnoxious out of all of them.

Attached: 024256.webm (360x640, 1.93M)

Attached: nintendodrones.webm (1280x720, 241K)



>that gif
imagine if you were human and that happened to you

god i wish that happened to me

I know that it doesn't really make a difference for the crabs if they're killed by a human or a robot.
But still seeing them on a conveyer belt getting killed by a fully automized killing machine will maximum efficiency seems fucked up.

They're crabs.
They're aquatic bugs.
Do you feel remorse when you step on a bug?
There's god-knows-how-many crabs crawling around Earth's oceans. They're not endangered, they're not even intelligent. They're sea bugs and I could care less if buckets pass through the meat grinder.
They're not even that delicious, though.

Could probably watch this for hours. It's beautiful.


Attached: thumb_11513_default_900.jpg (1100x735, 41K)

Everything can be reduced to a trivial description, even humans. Anyway it's not really about the crabs.
Just the process of living creatures getting killed by automized machines makes me feel uncomfortable.

Attached: 15038.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Are there starter kits to learn some of this stuff?

>imagine if you were a human
I wish

I feel bad but then I remember that meat makes up a good portion of my diet. What the fuck am I supposed to do without it?

>doesn't loop perfectly
It's shit.

Attached: 1503025534844.webm (1240x640, 2.81M)

Would you feel better if it was done by a human? Because that would be more inneficient, but the crab wouldn't care. It's dead already, that's just cutting a corpse.

Attached: 1527731742150.gif (524x276, 1.29M)


you don't cut up a crab before you cook it IDIOT

What's happening in this gif

five hundred years from now, scientist will find that this guy was a common ancestor from all chinese race left

Attached: are you talking to me.webm (720x360, 1.91M)

Not him, but it reminds me a lot about Cloud Atlas. Quite unnerving.


me big audiophile. sound sound good. me cry.

Attached: 1523958454105.webm (640x360, 2.55M)

Attached: 117977364420281nc2.gif (300x169, 1.5M)