Female programmers

Are females finally admitting that programming is a man's job?

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Programming is essentially elevated secretary work. The only reason more women don't enter the field is because their superiors are all ugly eccentric autists, very undesirable in a potential partner

I want to be a keypunch girl some day


Kill yourself OP.

I tried teaching my sister how to program last month. I installed python3 on her computer and showed her the basics of the command line before handing her a textbook and telling her to read as much as she could before we next met.

...she literally got through the entirety of “How to think like a computer scientist” in three days (the weekend + a work day). Two weeks later she’s actively using the language at work, for data analysis and automation.
Her code is naturally elegant and her only major problem is that she never comments her code.

I’ve never met a man who learned programming that quickly.

is your sister available for hire? i've some incels i want to replace

Can I fuck your sister in her sweet puussss?

is your sister a man?

>those REEEEEEEEEEmales am I right????? xD
This thread is bait but sadly the replies are sincere

A monkey's job*

is ur sister single

Here, take the Tolkienpill:
>The sexual impulse makes women (naturally when unspoiled more unselfish) very sympathetic and understanding, or specially desirous of being so (or seeming so), and very ready to enter into all the interests, as far as they can, from ties to religion, of the young man they are attracted to. No intent necessarily to deceive: sheer instinct: the servient, helpmeet instinct, generously warmed by desire and young blood. Under this impulse they can in fact often achieve very remarkable insight and understanding, even of things otherwise outside their natural range: for it is their gift to be receptive, stimulated, fertilized (in many other matters than the physical) by the male. Every teacher knows that. How quickly an intelligent woman can be taught, grasp his ideas, see his point – and how (with rare exceptions) they can go no further, when they leave his hand, or when they cease to take apersonalinterest inhim.But this is their natural avenue to love.

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So your sister got a job because her brother works at the same place? Good to know.

is your sister Indian? If so, I want to see her bobs, also I will make half Asian half Indian babies with her.

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>I want to see her bobs
Yeah? And I want you to hang yourself immediately. Deal?

bitch lasagna

today in things that never happened

>...she literally got through the entirety of “How to think like a computer scientist” in three days (the weekend + a work day). Two weeks later she’s actively using the language at work, for data analysis and automation.
Her code is naturally elegant and her only major problem is that she never comments her code.
Why you gotta go and just lie on the internet? At least make this shit sound real

Attached: Screenshot.netbook.png (1024x600, 766K)

Meh, I can believe it. I learned basic C in a couple of weeks, and had an idiot brother who was impressed for some reason.

Post some snippets fucking larper

Is she asian?

>op says girls can't code
>everyone tries to fuck the counterexample

Might as well get some use out of her. We haven't got time to bugfix her code.

this is objectively wrong
Meet Bhumika Goyal, age 22, from India. She has had more 340 patches accepted into the Linux kernel

Taught Python. So I see that neither of you know how to program.

I haven't heard this much shit in weeks

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Programming is grunt work and perfectly suited for females. Its the abstract conceptual work and project planning that takes a man. This was known since the punch card days.

So, 's sister is attracted to him.

All females i've ever seen programming always use either some very high level language like java, python, javascript or straight up become "web developers"
I have literally never seen women working in embedded software, or any other kinds of low level software

Ah indians always disgusting...
I really can't stand to their horrible accent and their """"knowledge""""

fake news

Basically a layman here.
What is "const" and why is it bad?

its not bad. its just elementary shit.
if you use any modern IDE it will auto-suggest all of these corrections for you when const can be used.
a child could literally open any of the kernel source files in a modern IDE and click on the little green squiggly line that shows suggestions in code and click 'variable xxx can be declared const'
it literally requires no knowledge of progamming, just an IDE. the IDE will literally suggest this for you wherever it is suitable

code comments are an antipattern.


if it is, its because women just don't care about programming in the same numbers

cd code
cd code
cd ..

literally a lot of women are interested in programming but they don't want to get into it because it'd mean working with a bunch of smelly virgin dudes. A lot of your social life is going to revolve around work so it makes it very unattractive.

source: am female programmer with female friends

You're wrong, user. This female (secret) programmer is very good.

>social life
Is that the part where you go outside and have to say something to someone?

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>man's job
I think you mean autist's job

look mate I've been around your kind of guy for a while, I know how you work, you lack a social life and instead of trying to figure out why that is you pretend not to care.

A social life is the part where you have friends with which you can share various aspects of your life and receive support from during the inevitable dark days that are sure to come no matter what you do.

seems gay lol
damn Im good

So she writes throwaway code?

I'm extremely capable of being social, I have a great sense of humor and a quick wit. I don't "wonder" why I don't have a social life, I don't because its too stressful. People are fucking stupid and I don't need their shit fucking with my mojo.

so did you just reply to me to tell me how stressful being social is for you? It is for a lot of people but ultimately the benefits are worth it.

Why did you respond to my first post?

It's like spellcheck for coding is what you're saying? If that's the case, then what's the deal with the scholarship?

Female privilege.

I was just letting you know that I actually do care, a lot, I just choose not to because its healthier for me in the long run. You seem to be under the false impression that people who don't socialize are somehow incapable and "pretend" that they don't need it.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they just don't want to socialize with you?

t. Incredibly defensive loser

Just kidding my man. I'm sure it's all good in the hood.

A lot of people could consider me a loser, I won't deny it.

I work for barely above min wage and I've been single for over a decade.

What I can say is that I spent the entire last week playing video games and working out because I was on vacation and I feel fucking amazing.

This is the case for a lot of people, true. However, this is usually not the case for a lot of dudes in tech. There are too many dudes in tech that will be huge assholes to you and pretend its because they are autistic or something.

>Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they just don't want to socialize with you?

Not sure why you want to steer the discussion in this direction as I very much implied in my first post that I do not want to socialize with them because they are not the kind of company I want to keep.

I've been on both ends of the social spectrum. I'd take having a few good buddies to hang with over a perpetually solitary existence with vidya any day of the week. Women are another matter entirely. If you can find someone who isn't a psycho succubus, you're a lucky lad.

>I do not want to socialize with them because they are not the kind of company I want to keep.

Its kind of relevant if they are actually capable of socializing but dismiss you and act inconsiderate because they don't respect you at all.


>be sitting on my desk
>wear earplugs to listen to music
>some guy wants my attention so I can help him with his code and decides to get my attention by grabbing my shoulder and turning me around
>tell him that thats an invasion of personal space and that he shouldnt do it
>few hours later
>tries to get my attention again
>decides to do it by literally pulling my earplugs out of my ears

>I'd take having a few good buddies to hang with over a perpetually solitary existence with vidya any day of the week.

To be perfectly honest there might be a 1 or 2 month lul in good tv / anime programs where I might have more than a few hours of free time and think, god I want to go do something with someone.

Maintaining a relationship just for that though?

I mean I could but fucking why.

ok, thanks for proving my point for me. I know they don't respect women at all.

They probably just hate you, it isn't about respect.

I am aware they are huge misogynists, yes.

Super easy to win over guys like that, if you can't do it its because you are a cunt.


she's legit

Reminder that taking drugs and or cutting off your dick does not make you a woman

Or just really ugly.

again, thanks for proving my point LOL

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You like to think its unfair treatment but a woman would treat you even worse.

The sad truth is just that you are probably an emotional insufferable cunt that can't let shit go.

software engineering is not programming. Programming is for cucks.

>You like to think its unfair treatment but a woman would treat you even worse.

you might think that but thats not how it plays out in real life

>The sad truth is just that you are probably an emotional insufferable cunt that can't let shit go

idk my good bitch as far as I can tell its you who got incredibly upset and defensive.

>you might think that but thats not how it plays out in real life

Am I correct in assuming that you are asserting that women in the workplace treat each other better than men?

Because I can't even form an argument against that, you live in a bubble. The fact that you would even assert that is beyond my cognition.

Chairman Pao pls go

I think its really funny that you responded to me saying what my experiences are with

>that can't possibly be right!!! Jow Forums told me differently!!!

like yeah my dude I know this is beyond your cognition, almost every post you've made in this thread shows that.

Don't know why you would resort to the Jow Forums told me shit.

I'm basing this solely on the past 20 years of work experience I have had at over a dozen jobs. Women are fucking cunts to eachother.

You are either really young or haven't worked many jobs, because that shit is totally normal.

holy shit dude, you cannot keep track of conversations at all. If you are making these assertions about your own workplace, why the fuck would they apply to the 2-3 companies I've worked at?

I remember this article about a gal that attempted to head an all female company. It went as you might expect.


Mate call it quits. Regardless of the validity of what youre saying youre just dancing for her at this point.

She wants your cock, user.

I suspect he wants hers, actually.

>Programming is essentially elevated secretary work
are you having a stroke user?

I want to punch girls

I want to punch businessmen. Businesswomen even more so.

programmers make tools for secretaries so there's some truth to that but nobody will make you an superior if you're an autist nor will autists want to become one.

This is a lie through and through.

She shouldn't have ascertained such an honourable mention or post nor benefited from such an act in any other way than "Thank you".

Her 340 contributions could be done in 30 minutes.

who cares as long as one can get the job done

As long as she ignores all forms of gender discussion except pay gaps, she’ll live a good programmer life

The moment someone starts treating her poorly because she exists as a she, or conversely, the moment she starts getting egotistical and overconfident to the point of faultlessness, that’s when she and her peers will be in a huge shitstorm that will end in her unemployment.

Warn her about that, will you?


Am in a small highly specialised CS department, out of 4 women : 1 abandoned, 2 got caught cheating but didn't get punishment (1 abandoned and the other called the teacher racist) , 1 is totally out of the loop and failed 90% of teachings.
Sometimes, I really wonder if women in tech are a meme.

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Sorry guys, but the first programmer was a woman!

Attached: Ada_Lovelace_Chalon_portrait.jpg (1118x1118, 573K)

Women don't have the willpower to be an expert in their field. Men have given up their social life through out history to chase their dreams

Van Gogh was not a woman

How can you know it? Did you see her in real life?

Wasn't programming basically all female until the 80s?

Mah waifu

Notwithstanding exceptions, women working in the field were mostly data entry clerks. Engineers wrote the programs first (and more often than not they weren't purely developers as it is today), and then data entry clerks copied the programs on punched tape to be feed to mainframes.

Forgot to add, the advent of microcomputers made clerks obsolete, since the ones writing the programs could execute it immediately on the same machine they were developing on.

As usual, a man did the work - in this case, Charles Babbage. Be serious now, do you really think he designed an - admittedly extremely primitive - computer with NO idea how to program it? Of course he didn't.

No, Ada, Countess Lovelace doesn't have any claim to 'the first computer programmer'. Her only useful contribution to Charles Babbage's work was translation of French works - where the much-oversold 'Note G' was found [fourmilab.ch/babbage/sketch.html]. That's little more than an application of Babbage's algorithmic ideas to a different mathematical case - a sophomoric exercise.

When most computers were simple mechanical gadgets programmed by punch cards, women had no problem doing the job. Thing is, there's a lot more to it than that nowadays - and it just keeps going up and up. Having a reasonable understanding how 0's and 1's make things like Jow Forums is the part women have a problem with. Much of the cause is that women have terrible study habits: our education system has been adapted to their habits - but it no longer teaches girls (or boys, for that matter) how to actually learn. There's far too much content in STEM fields to memorise - and every piece requires, nay demands, understanding. If you don't understand the principles and how they work, then it doesn't matter if you can recite them on a test. It's one of those things that nobody actually wants to talk about: girls beat boys out in every subject... right up until high school, and then boys begin to dominate all fields that require understanding rather than memorisation, like math - because memorising things is no longer helpful once you get into real-world problems and critical thinking. And frankly, women suck at those.

const is generally good. It's kind of a promise that the callee won't change something, and the compiler might optimize the object code some with that information.

she probably found the relatively small but obvious places to add it, and SJW's think that it's a big deal.

In the scheme of things, she didn't help much at all.

Where I think you're wrong is that women actually getting into STEM more than often end up in academic than engineering careers. So, their problem is more of a sociological concern than a cognitive one. Engineering is tied strongly to stressful, commercial concerns. Academic research leaves more room for the typical concerns of a woman, that are, bonding with peers, teaching, discussing, etc. More a collaborative mindset than the one in engineering (I worked in both by the way).