What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?

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Press Alt+F4 and the terminal inverts colors

hack icloud.com >> nudes.zip

sudo rm -rf

Press Ctrl+R to search your command history.

echo suck my dick

Only good post. Jow Forums sucks ass these days.

cd code

Actually you have to use the -f flag
hack -f icloud.biz

touch gf

sudo cat /dev/sda/
Post result here


just kidding

this doesn't do anything user

I don't remember where I got this but...

# Git upstream branch syncer.
# Usage: gsync master (checks out master, pull upstream, push origin).
function gsync() {
if [[ ! "$1" ]] ; then
echo "You must supply a branch."
return 0

BRANCHES=$(git branch --list $1)
if [ ! "$BRANCHES" ] ; then
echo "Branch $1 does not exist."
return 0

git checkout "$1" && \
git pull upstream "$1" && \
git push origin "$1"

Why is it impossible to have a shell thread without getting raided by 12 year old clowns? Fuck you Jow Forums, seriously.

if it starts with a frog post it will get shit posts

>if [[
>if [

try 'format c:'

Let's try something different : I have read that tail -f let's you watch for file changes. What's some cool shit that you can use it for ?



thx based user. i can't remember but i think it came like that lmao

There's a command that lets you watch ASCII Star Wars, I forget what it was


telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

fortune | cowsay | lolcat
telnet toel.blinkenlights.nl

Apt install cmatrix


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.. means up one (usually gets used with cd, but can also be used with thinks like ls), !! means repeat, very useful when you forget to put sudo at the start of a command, and can just do sudo !!.

run kys.exe

cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..

wtf is a "cool terminal command"? that's like asking "what's the coolest tool in a toolbox"? none you humongous retard, each one serves its own purpose

Best way to start an evening boys.

find Shows/Simpsons -type f | shuf -n 1 | xargs -d "\n" smplayer

I think that hammers are cooler than screwdrivers.

I use it at work to see if jobs terminate early. Not super exciting.

They're more useless desu

>hammers cooler than screwdrivers
you must be autistic. It's screwdrivers that are interesting, ya dip!

Idk about you, but a Sawzall is pretty awesome tool, my dude.

The power to cut a car to pieces in minutes is an entertaining thought (provided you have enough blades and batteries).

poke &HFCAB,&HFF

LOL guys! I love these posts. See you in reddit.com :P

Someone post the Zelda tune script.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1

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you can a column using awk

cat somfiele | awk {'print $2'}

where 2is the column number.

still kek

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...Yeah don't do this. It will zero your hard drive.


telnet telehack.com

then type

Is it a good idea to use git pull instead of git fetch upstream and git merge upstream/master? Legit question, I've seen quite a few useless commits made by git pull that trigger my autism.

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> you can a column using awk
> cat somfiele | awk {'print $2'}
But what you really should do is:
awk '{ print $2 }' somefile

this really uped my votes, have a gold, stranger

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git pull is essentually an alias for git fetch && git merge. You can type the commands one by one if that pleases your autism but there's no need for that. If the merge causes useless commits then you can always get rid of them with rebase.

Felt like a child when I found out about this one a few months ago

To get rid of the useless merge commits, you should do got merge then git rebase. Or git pull --rebase for short.


Oops, I meant git fetch then git rebase. Read about rebasing. There are a lot of articles on whether you should use rebase with git pull or not.

How about this one. If you have multiple logs that you want to monitor in one window,
watch -n 2 'tail -n 5 auth.log boot.log kern.log'
(tail will automatically print filename headers when multiple files provided)

can't you just do that with tail -f instead of watch?

A little but useful one

cd -

Takes you back to the directory you were in previously

Also I've really been getting into using screeninator recently for managing programming environments

you're right, thanks for pointing that out. disregard my earlier post.


some of the more leet guys i know use pushd and popd.

i could never get used to it though

I've literally not once used git fetch/merge

just do git pull --rebase then go to whatever other branch you're working on and do git rebase

theb git push to origin/master then pull again

find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec jpegoptim {} \;
find . -type f -name "*.png" -exec optipng {} \;
find . -type f -size -4k -exec rm {} \;
fdupes . --noprompt --delete

for f in *.zip; do unzip -d "${f%*.zip}" "$f"; done
for i in *; do zip -r "${i%}.zip" "$i"; done

for f in *.flac; do opusenc --comp 10 --bitrate 64 "$f" "${f%.flac}".opus; done

convert -append *.jpg ../1.jpg
(minus vertical plus horizontal)

curl "sequentalget[1-1000000].jpg" -o "#1.jpg"

locate (find fags BTFO)

I saw Karlie in Bend the other day, she’s cute.

deadbeef < badc0ffeebadcafe

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install apache2 -y && sudo a2enmod ssl && sudo a2ensite default-ssl.conf && sudo systemctl enable apache2 && sudo apt-get install php php-mysqlnd php-opcache php-pdo php-xml php-bz2 php-calendar php-ctype php-curl php-dom php-exif php-fileinfo php-ftp php-gd php-gettext php-iconv php-json php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mysqli php-pdo-mysql php-phar php-posix php-readline php-shmop php-simplexml php-sockets php-sysvmsg php-sysvsem php-sysvshm php-tokenizer php-wddx php-xmlreader php-xmlwriter php-xsl php-zip php-bcmath -y && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo apt-get install mysql-server -y && sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin -y

Does that meme shit play my DSD files?

It's summer and 12 years old boomers want to fit in with the 16 years old boomers from /v/ that have turned neo-Jow Forums into unusable board.

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rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

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FORMAT C: /AUTOTEST always used to be entertaining.

sudo apt install cmatrix

I've always preferred pushd and popd. You know exactly where it's going to take you back to. It also works on Windows, which is a boon for 93% of computer users.

There are other csh users on Jow Forums? Cool.

pushd and popd work in bash too......?

maybe they are a csh thing though, since most of my bash bros never use them. but i have on rare occasion

vhp() {
t=$(echo $1 | fold -w1)
echo $t
echo $t | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 1d


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Ahh, good old fold. It's a DoS'ers best friend.

I've fallen into the hot tub time machine.

alias head='sed 10q'
alias find='du -a | grep'


i just have to copypasta this one from a thread earlier this week...

this is a malicious forkbomb that even crashed my ubuntu box. it's a good one. and it's so beautiful.
:(){ :|: & };:

this is truly beautiful shell scripting (albeit malicious)


cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan

youtube-dl -o '~/Downloads/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s' -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best' **YouTube Link**

sed, awk, docker, uptime

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lol did you try it? It deletes everything relative to the pwd.

Congratulations you won a useless use of cat award

>how to waste your time running a script that re-encodes your media with a lossy codec because you run out of disk space from downloading too much trap porn.

You can limit the maximum allowed processes using 'ulimit'. Then you can run a forkbomb and it will not turn your machine down. You need however kill the forkbomb.

I've been doing a lot of long-running computations over SSH and needed to see the I/O from multiple devices/connections *without* access to a proper terminal multiplexer.

>program > output.txt & disown; tail -f output.txt
lets you handle that, and the process being kill if the connection that made the call disconnects.

>use distributed VCS
>history is a fucking mess
>manipulate history with complicated commands just to have a "readable" history
>pretend that the tool is simple
Just kys rebasionists. A DVCS naturally has branches. Otherwise just don't use it.


: is does nothing, always successful, it's abused here as function name, so tu understand what happens better, let's call it "OP".

OP(){ OP|OP & };OP

For better readability:
OP | OP &

Noe you see the first OP defines a function 'OP() { do something }', the second OP starts the function, the pipe | allows to start OP again at the same time, the & puts both OP function calls into the background, so the functions don't need to wait for each others to finish. The last OP starts the bomb, calling OP for the first time.
This will result in creating two OPs by one OP call, so it duplicates itself by each run 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc and shortly after your system ressources give up holding all these faggot processes.

why not just use -best

you can also see the hello world and the function
is i bet concatenate_string. the language is ruby as you can see def - end. so yeah, world class bullshit

and also the line numbering. up to twenty most of which is empty spaces.

need mp4 and m4a version

sometimes -best gets ogg files instead

fappening 3.0

while :;do printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:196m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:202m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:11m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:10m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:12m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:4m;echo;printf \\e[K\\e[48:5:5m;echo;done;

open terminal
press ctrl x e
paste all you're commands

echo -e 'niggers\ntongue\nmy\nanus' | sort --random-sort

sudo rf --rm - --preserve-root /tmp
!!! Just joking please dont run that it will delete youre /root parititon and brick you're motherboard !!!

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