What does vim do that sublime text 3 can't?

What does vim do that sublime text 3 can't?

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you can use it without a gui

Unless you're a dinosaur I don't see the problem.

>learn sublime
what the fuck?

have you never had to work on anything remotely before? like i'm sorry but if i'm doing something on my vps it's significantly quicker to just open vim/joe/nano/emacs/etc to make quick changes and call it a day, for something like that sublime is completely overkill

this debate is fucking retarded, just use what either makes more sense depending on the scenario (see above) or whatever you feel more comfortable using. If you work quicker in sublime then use it, if you work quicker in vim (after you've learned it) or prefer its customization then use it, it's not that god damn hard

vim for linux
sublime for windows
no ???

Why don't use any plain text editor instead ?


god what the fuck is that is that a fucking bitmoji jesus thats disgusting

One is free, one is not even gratis.

Vim because I remote access a workstation frequently.

If I bothered mapping the directory to my local Wangblows machine, notepad++.

nice os, but we're talking about editors, and emacs lacks a decent one

> What does vim do that sublime text 3 can't?
not suck

Use over SSH.

As a sysadmin I laff


Is there a vim gui?

this lmao

found the 15 year old brainlet

Should you learn a motorbike or a car?

I use vim when ssh'ing into a Linux/UNIX box, notepad++ to edit random shit on Windows, a proper IDE (Qt Creator, IntelliJ) when developing, etc.

i aways advice learning notepad instaed

Tell me how to make bash in macos not trash. I have to use mac for work and they want me to use atom


a real fucking terminal emulator, duh

Vim. Learning the keybindings and using them on a daily basis is such a great time saver.

except when some noob comes up to you like
>"should i delete this line?"
"no comment it for now"
>i, left left left, //
"okay now copypaste that line and put another uncommented one underneath"
>starts using their mouse to highlight the line
"i would just press yy and then p
>does it
>"oh wow!"
"okay now uncomment it"
>i, right right, backspace backspace
"i would just do xx"
>"oh okay"
"now run your program"
>runs program
"okay it worked, now get rid of the commented line"
>i, right right right right right backspace backspace backspace...
"i would just do dd"
>"oh wow!"

It's funny how the most of these videos are on consumer topics and then you get the occasional one of Haskell vs. Idris or something.

I'm currently learning Sublime, my opinion:
cleaner and not as chaotic as vim
better learning curve
has mouse support

significantly worse language support packages
not open sores, nagware but at least free
doesn't run on less common OSs (Alpine, puffyBSD)
less integration with shell commands. I don't need full featured teminal inside editor, but running a shell command on the buffer and opening the result in another buffer is handy

but vim is clunky as fuck, has terrible keybindings and all the features you want are hidden behind reading shitton of manpages and fighting defaults, it's not that worth beyond learning how to use it as normal simple editor in case you have to some day

Is this a troll thread or are Jow Forums users literally this fucking dumb? I'm going to guess the latter.

What's wrong with bash on Mac? It's slow as ass, but it's not that far different from Linux.

At least MacVim is legitimately good.

wtf? bash is bash

>text editor
"Linux is better I swear!"

>You use Win 7 or Win10?
Uhhmmm, I use the windows that comes along with excel

Oh boy do i have an editor for you.

Attached: Notepad-Alternatives.jpg (1000x640, 173K)

giving no reason behind your statement makes you the dumb one here

no u: the post
Seriously, how hard is it to look up what Vim can do and compare it to sublime? The question is so fundamentally unnecessary. Sublime is a glorified notepad with the multi-cursor meme and plugins. Vim is a comprehensive environment for programming tasks and other text editing.

Sublime has every vim shortcut + more

Vim doesn't have "shortcuts", it's a text editing language that happens to be the basis of an editor.

God fucking damnit I hate this guy and all his lazy self fuck text to speech videos.