What level are you on?

Well Jow Forums?

Attached: based.png (1600x2968, 2.43M)

big brained void linux reporting in.
3 questions - what's the symbol below sourcemage, why is the plan9 bunny dressed like uncle ted, and what's directly above templeos?

Was wondering these meself
Also, is the Linux puzzle piece supposed to be LFS?

ubuntu should be smaller brained than win7

>Ubuntu, a perfectly fine OS, on the same tier as Windows XP, a 20 year old OS that doesn't receive security updated anymore
Shit chart, OP.

What's with the star of david on the bottom?

What is above TempleOS?

The symbol below sourcemage is GNU Hurd's logo.

Attached: 1518023047951.png (1600x3263, 2.89M)

Regularly? Back and forth between W7 and Void/OpenBSD.

Tried Haiku and OI for fun. Failed at installing NetBSD. Similarly fucked up Gentoo and LFS installs. Plan9 for the memes.

Serious question: is anyone here Windows XP and can recommend it in current year?

below sourcemage is GNU/Hurd, above TempleOS is Shrine, which is a templeos fork, and above shrine is 9front (a plan9 fork) and Linux from scratch

Went from 6 to 2

windows 7 is already below 10 u dumbass

That's Vista you retard.

greatest bait of all time


>no antiX, MX Linux, Artix, Puppy, GuixSD, CloverOS, Devuan

Literally who

systemd-free (but one?) distros


Attached: trueChart.jpg (2000x2968, 1.57M)

There is only one system that everyone else is trying to imitate, poorly.

Attached: fixed.jpg (1597x3622, 852K)

So... how do I run Battlefield 1 in any of those memeSOs?

>this triggers the linux neckbeard

>Playing modern videogames

/v/ is your place, faggot

where's emacs

>>this triggers the linux neckbeard

LMAO not even 2 mins and there's one already

Yes, it is.

That Glenda made me launch my sides out of this planet

>A single short response

This must be E P I C for you, kiddie, take a screenshot and share it in your FB,

kek i need that glenda

Yeah doing shit in FB is the only thing your MemeSOs are capable to do

seconding this, would like to know

>server admins or neets
fuck lmao

>no mention of /Bedrock Linux/

Attached: 1529807303559.png (957x535, 772K)

Level 3 Debian Sid minimal install reporting in

windows 98 SE

>perfectly fine
>gives you amazon ads based on what you search in the file browser


removable just like win10 start menu ads

>Have fedora installed on one of my machines
>Not really sure what I'm doing or why

It just sits under my desk making me feel guilty for not learning it better and just using my W10 desktop. Why am I even living?

It's a distro, not a pet

there is actually no sense at all

fixed it for ya op no need to thank me

Attached: fixed.png (1600x2968, 2.34M)

>no (~)

Attached: 1492945001618.jpg (857x1500, 252K)

Because I desperately want to be bigbrain...

>server admin
>running gentoo

0, 1, 4

>no devuan

Cute fingerpaintings :3c


>his triggers the linux neckbeard
No this triggers the loonx boys

Attached: pill.png (2560x1440, 1009K)

>Timeline open on still image
>One layer
>Web resolution
0/10 Not even trying


Somewhere between LFS and OpenSUSE, because I've been compiling entire firmware for router (ARM based) and I use OpenPepe as daily driver.

so no one knows how this meme works anymore or are you guys just shitposting

Attached: 1429194150307.jpg (410x409, 32K)

The more tedious and contrarian OS is "better" but not really. Kinda like the chad vs virgin meme where chad would be just over the top stupid and the virgin was kinda relatable ?

Attached: 1517002761849.png (485x443, 24K)



Attached: worried-laughter.png (520x678, 301K)

Better graph

Attached: 77.jpg (4000x300, 177K)



*snap* Bingo!

Attached: 008.gif (1080x793, 1018K)


Attached: cuteness fetish anon.png (986x1862, 402K)

macos should really be at the top.



fuck I want to use trueOS or any BSD again. it was comfy though the high cpu usage from lack of graphics support was a pain

Try OpenBSD. If it doesn't work on your hardware, run it or DragonFlyBSD in a VM.

Yesterday i dropped manjaro for win10. i really wanted to but i just couldnt take the shit anymore. i am happy that i dont have to live in constant fear anymore

Fear of what?

someone please find terry for us...

is he in prison? sauce.
is he dead? sauce.

anyhow, i like how LFS got high-tier here. props.

OP is NOT niggerlicious

FreeDOS is missing.

arch should go into garbage tier instead of gentoo and bsd. They are used sometimes in professional settings. If it comes to arch I don't imagine someone would use it for server and that sort of things(need stable and reliable system).

The BSD's should be at the top with proprietary Windows.

>small brain next to something bad
>medium brain next to something okay
>big brain next to something good
>really big brain next to something shitty
Your meme sucks.

Attached: 1493921947718.png (435x269, 5K)

all windows versions should be under the smallest brain*

Based and redpilled

>I'm using this product
>It's increasing my intelligence

Attached: 1530586835804.png (846x900, 448K)

Kali is just Ubuntu with a few extra things preinstalled, no way they should be in different categories.