

Attached: firefoxfocus.jpg (760x428, 36K)


Did they rename KLAR?

I suppose it's better than nothing for brainlets. Not a good choice though. I recommend GNU IceCat.

Klar is the German version of Focus. Without analytics BS (according to F-droid).

I still use it now and then. I don't think it's been renamed.

i use it on my phone

Does it support tabs?

It does not

> using a browser on a phone
> calling others brainlets

learn modesty, enema residue

Then it's just KLAR, why don't they just push KLAR? I don't give a shit if it's the German anything, I'm a yank and I use KLAR
The only people that truly care about privacy don't need it to be marketed in English
Mozilla is fucking stupid, no normies are going to use this

Klar does support tabs but it's shit. Only one tab is loaded at a time. (Selecting a tab deloads the current page and loads the other one)

I use this as my main browser. It's good.

Difference between this and iridium, the chrom equivalent?

really? I thought klar was the original project since it's the one on f-droid

rip me

been using it for about 6 months on android as default since I barely use my phone

Tried earlier. Shit.

Both were on F-droid at first. I remember seeing both and thinking "Wtf is the difference?". They were released a the same time I think.

It's pretty solid. I use it for pornhub mostly. But the adblock is pretty shit so on other, more sketchy sites I use Fennec w/ Ublock Origin.

Whats wrong with using a browser on a phone?

DuckDuckGo browser is unironically better and on FDroid. Dont buy the Jow Forums memes

Sort of. You can long click on a link and choose open in New tab but that's the only way to open more than one tab.

Attached: Screenshot_20180714-015827.png (1080x1920, 591K)


This is a blue board

It's shit compared to lightning. It doesn't even have settings.

Will never be as good as chrome on android.


Now I'll call you a brainlet for believing there is anything wrong with using a browser on a phone. Sit down.

Placebo botnet

It blocks ads so it's already better.

Opinion discarded.