is this the best beginner distro?
Linux Mint 19
Other urls found in this thread:
>be beginner
>install gentoo
No, puppy linux is :^)
no arch is user
Literally any distro that comes with a DE and GUI install is good for beginners
Linux Mint is shit. Use Ubuntu for starters
been windows user all my life, tried to use linux a few times over the years and didn't break through
switched to mint last week and haven't been on to my dual boot of windows since, so it's definitely won me over. whether it's the best I can't say because I didn't try a lot of other distros
Except Zorin and Mint. Those are garbage
That's what I am gonna do(On a laptop). What am I in for? Should be fine if I read the handbook. R- right?
>hackjob fork of ubuntu
>shitty held packages and broken repos
Yeah its a great choice if you want to make a noob think linux distros are unpolished junk.
Keep drinking the Jow Forums kool-aid.
>make a noob think linux distros are unpolished junk
Literally ANY Linux distro does this job perfectly. Each is missing few pieces needed for proper desktop experience. Some of those pieces can be installed manually, usually with some hassle, and they are not guaranteed to work
openSUSE just werks
>is this the best beginner distro?
No, it's not.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB is.
Unironically Arch. What's the point of using Linux if you're just going to use it like Windows? Mint is nothing like what Linux could be. Go all the way and install Arch and learn how the system functions instead of installing a Windows replica.
>R- right?
N-no F-fuck Y-you F-faggot.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
>people who sexualize little children have shit taste
>there is nothing wrong with pedophilia
considering 99% of beginners chose between this and vanilla ubuntu, then yes, absolutely.
Xubuntu is my favourite "just werks" distro tho.
what advantage does mint yield over ubuntu? just that it is more similar to windows ui by default?
>>be beginner
>>install gentoo
>>nothing fucking works
>>have no idea what to do
>>gentoofags only reply with RTFM every time you ask for help
>>give up
>>move back to MS's botnet
>>live happily ever after under the watchful eye of the NSA
>install gentoo
>Unironically Arch. What's the point of using Linux if you're just going to use it like Windows? Mint is nothing like what Linux could be. Go all the way and install Arch and learn how the system functions instead of installing a Windows replica.
This kind of thought is exactly Linux will never be a viable desktop alternative to MS's botnet.
other distros just don't feel right
Linux Mint is a bloated mess. Arch offers any package I need, up to date. It's extremely lightweight out of the box, and allows me to craft the distribution in any way I want. I haven't distro hopped in over 9 months.
Old news.
All of those articles are two to three years old. Outdated.
I started with Mint and liked it for a noob daily driver. As I learned more I learned why it was not that great of a distro for a lot of the reasons listed above (but not for the autistic Arch/Gentoo memes/reasons). I currently run Ubuntu Mate, but I'm not a leet haxxor, most of the time I'm using it to write plaintext or it's hooked up to my TV so my girlfriend and I can watch movies and animu.
Couple years back, when I tried it, it could open most media files, as opposed to ubuntu, without using internet.
its also the best distro for someone who doesnt want to fuck around with making shit work.
mint is the best even for experts because its polished, anyone who says otherwise either hasnt tried it or forms his opinion off memes he sees on Jow Forums and reddit.
You can only call a news "old" if the subject already changed/fixed the said problems.
It might be old but still relevant.
Well, shit. Good thing I moved to Manjaro a couple of months ago.
I've been SRE for past 5 years, dev for 10. I've always only ever used Xubuntu or Mint Xfce. I did use Arch, but that was only to better familiarize with internals.
How much Linux system maintenance have you done, and are you a programmer? I use Gentoo but previously used Ubuntu for a long time, though I think being a programmer and prior Linux experience made it easy to understand.
Linux is a kernel.
Don't get me wrong but you just switched from shit to shit.
What prevents you from using their parent distros? (i.e. debian/ubuntu & arch)
I've used both of mint and manjaro and both of my bad experiences are caused by an update fucking up. Surprisingly this isn't caused by ubuntu or arch and something on the mint/manjaro maintainers' fault.
Not necessarily for beginners
It just werks
Unbuntu, Mint and Fedora are the big three for newbies imo. I usually avoid recommending Ubuntu tho because botnet
What about PureOs?
Debian wiki has one page on why "frankendebian" is bad, and another on how to properly frankendebian (apt pinning)
Imo, if you let the scary word strop you from learning, you should probably be using windows.
Mint has used lightdm for ages now.
The other things in this jpg that we are supposed to fear happening simply don't happen.
In closing, fuck off.
Those 3 have secure boot signing keys, which could eliminate a problem for noob dual booters.