Why Is a modern OS like Windows 10 dying?
We hardly had time to know it :(
Why Is a modern OS like Windows 10 dying?
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>>Bank of America Abandons UWP
>Why Is an ill-thought out abstraction layer like UWP being deprecated? We hardly had time to know it :^)
instead of yelling at you for being a redditor, I fixed your poast.
Because it was stillborn.
>Why isn't a bank supporting the most backdoored version of an operating system
Sad :(
Get out.
Because Windows is the worst OS. 20 years of legacy garbage and a design based on DOS and whatever other shit was cobbled together around the year 2000. It's not a stable or secure platform, and no one wants fucking candy crush and minecraft on an office PC. Micropajeets are out of their street shitting minds and it shows in the abysmal products they shit. If I worked at Microsoft I'd be embarrassed to have my name associated with that disgusting shitware.
I can't wait for Winshit to die off completely. Whatever replaces it will be 100x better, since it's only competing with bottom of the barrel Indian spaghetti code. Fuck Windows.
Too modern - i.e. shit.
>Windows 10 dying
No wonder why White race is a dying race
Enjoy your world of dirt and decay when we're gone, nigger.
>a design based on DOS and whatever other shit was cobbled together around the year 2000
Couldn't resist.
dios mio.....el obscuro....
no apps
that's the tip of the iceberg. Like if I have a really well maintained car and I let you borrow it for the weekend, that's what you get.
At the same time, I don't think that windows as a whole will ever recover from it's downwards trajectory so you're right for the wrong reasons. The point is NT isn't a bad design, it has the right extensions that were added at the right time, and it even has people working on it today that have proved that they're worth their salt. If 'pajeet(s)' refers to bad developers that work on Win10 and make 'indian spagetti code', I can guarantee you that they aren't allowed anywhere near internals. You have to run a spectacular gauntlet at microsoft to get anywhere near even the userland API.
That's what enterprise development is though, sounds like that guy just couldn't cope
>That's what enterprise development is though, sounds like that guy just couldn't cope
Enterprise development? This is hacked to work in the worst possible way.
Windows mobile is dying. On the other hand with crunchyroll you can put shortcuts to anime on your start screen so there's that.
Yeah but every giant entreprise software company is like that. All of them.
This, but unironically.
dont worry user, universities are teaching linux in cs courses nowadays (at least the american ones). together with the recent privacy scandals, people should realize what a shitshow windoze is and switch to linux anytime now. the year of linux is coming!
None of this is true, they're just moving to a PWA.
LOL Yet again Jow Forumsentoomen love going on rants without ever knowing ANYTHING.
>Why Is a modern OS like Windows 10 dying?
>Windows 10
It was born dead.
> a design based on DOS
> was cobbled together around the year 2000
> since it's only competing with bottom of the barrel Indian spaghetti code
Microsoft pushes out too many shit that breaks everything constantly. Bank of America being a bank obviously wants their money instead of hiring full time devs to keep up with all the win10 updates.
Next time they will rewrite windows in js
desu yeah I work at a completely different company and honestly bugs remaining unfixed and getting talked to by your manager for working on stuff you werent assigned to (even though in the end you're saving time for people in the future) reminds me exactly of my job.
Do people on Windows 10 use the "app store" (or whatever it's called).
I do like the idea because I think it's more like how installing and updating software on Linux works?
But maybe Microsoft fucked it up somehow?
Is this a new pasta? Because I love it.
Time to get a macbook
More than anything, it's Win32 that keeps on living.
It's not. The bofa app was just leftover from the windows phone days.
I do, but the store is missing a lot of features that people have come to expect from stores like the Play Store, iOS App Store, or even Steam. The store also suffers from visibility and discovery issues, I didn't even know there was a BoA app until right now.
Enterprises don't use it as it's a giant portal they can't control, instead they sideload any appx they do use.
I think when people outside think of Enterprise dev, they imagine some uniform assembly line where everything just fits together and you clock in and out seamlessly. In reality you're constantly being tossed around due to a headless manager and it's VERY messy. It's why a lot of them pay big money for software that streamlines/offloads any process.
Nice clickbait article
I heard ICE is going to raid Microsoft and send everyone back to India. Microsoft caught wind and are now scared that nobody will be left to run the company.
You may not like GNU/Linux or similar operating systems, but I feel like most people could agree that it makes more sense to use such a thing for security-critical stuff like banking or embedded stuff. I've heard of a lot of ATMs run Windows XP and have usb ports for maintenance, so the tech surrounding banking is pretty sketchy.
>why is a dedicated banking app placed in the most useless app store in history not being downloaded
>surely it's not the fact that 90% of people do banking through their phones nowadays, it must be windows dying out!
are you people mentally challenged or something
>universities are teaching linux in cs courses nowadays
nowadays? Any decent university teaches 90% Linux and UNIX based operating systems over Windows and has been like this since forever in bachelor's degrees, Windows is only teached in technical degrees oriented to .NET, VB and MS networks, and/or M$ certs.
>people do 90% of their shit on their phones nowadays
>windows not dying
And you're calling others mentally challenged
Well it's about damn time.
>everyone owns a car now
>bicycles are officially dead!
Most posters don't care and just want to shitpost for attention. Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, they just want (You)s and will act as retarded as possible to get it.
in reality yeah, a lot of working in a big company is about convincing your manager to let you do things like refactor and stuff. I'm not sure how it is at smaller companies but i suppose it depends on how small and how young the company is
If cs courses in university teach you how to use any os it's shit by default.
Smaller companies get to skip a lot of that process due to the 'manager' role being taken up by someone who is involved in a lot of the day to day work anyways and so they're already caught up.
Was listening to a podcast the other day from someone who was working at a smaller company and then was brought on to Microsoft funny enough (I think this was late 2000s). They worked on python stuff at Microsoft on the side and they recalled most of their experiences were literally just educating the lawyers on open source and python, as well as fighting upper management practically having to justify why working on python is so important. So enterprise work or working at a large company you just spend a lot of time dealing with management rather than just pushing out code.
That's part of how it works retard, people get cars and use bicycles less.
Americans everybody.
are you out of your mind?
>Micropajeets are out of their street shitting minds
>Do not use the following reserved names for the name of a file:
>CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9.
>Also avoid these names followed immediately by an extension; for example, NUL.txt is not recommended.
that is just one of many carryovers from DOS
Twelve years old.
Bring back Steve.
And a modernized / updated Win XP.
why is windows 10 dying indeed. perhaps it's the forced telemetry that microsoft sends from your computer. perhaps it's the most common platform to be hacked. perhaps windows hasn't seen a good os since xp.
perhaps more people should install: gentoo
>perhaps windows hasn't seen a good os since xp
That is the reason.
But it isn't dying, so try again sweetie.
it's fucking nothing
>perhaps more people should install: gentoo
this meme needs to die
>the original sóyface
Le grand psycho.
Even Trump did not bring back jobs.
why don't you give me your money instead of giving it to microsoft?
If you do your banking through a mobile app on your desktop or laptop you are the problem.
Windows 11 when?
never, sorry
because Windows 10 is trash
Windows 10 2*