If the processor in your main computer is not either of these three then you don't belong on Jow Forums

If the processor in your main computer is not either of these three then you don't belong on Jow Forums.

Attached: 2018-07-14-200129_716x444_scrot.png (716x444, 48K)

>N270 = 270 points
>SU9400 = 931 points
>P8400 = 1456
This makes me furious. Why can't it be closer to 840??? FUCK INTEL

You don't belong on Jow Forums


In 2008 maybe...

lmao go fucking kill yourself


>cpu class

Attached: moo2.png (640x360, 172K)

using a docked laptop is the most patrician shit ever.
A true gentooman aspires to escape the botnet physically, a task that's hard to do with a giant gaymur computer.

we should regulate the max power cpu can use to save the planet

Attached: 1496977465049.png (679x702, 334K)

why is the one in the middle has a higher score than the leftmost one even though the clock speed is less? What the fuck??

What kind of retarded reverse shill trash is this?

>Dualcore vs Dualcore(Single)

Attached: no brain nigger monkey.png (990x682, 580K)

only one of these is resistant to Meltdown (and also Spectre).

I have a P8600 which is even better.

are you being retarded on purpose

What if I'm content from a tablet/laptop that only has 2gb ram, runs Windows 10, and has an Intel Atom processor?

/thread and fpbp

>he lags rendering webpages because his single thread performance is lower than a $80 core 2 CPU from 2007

>not having a q6600

corelets, everyone


So this is the power of intel...

so this is the neo-Jow Forums

>he thinks Jow Forums is some indian secret club

Attached: delid.png (692x474, 580K)

not really. notice how it also has better a better single thread score

SU9600 an ok replacement for SU9400? Because that's what my X301 has. ;)

hurrr big number go fast

Attached: bf5ee9d5203af759a8b51c809f4c35b7a7e73fc2ecb15a4dd33263ef0c9d46a1.png (1182x1080, 320K)

Yeah that's fine.
Does the X301 really have a CPU that old though? Because my X200T has that but it looks like yours came out way after.
Anyway the whole point is that there's no reason to own hardware made after 2009.


post pics of rare thinkpad

>Anything intel


Attached: a good cpu.jpg (355x354, 29K)

OP here, you can add that to the list. Phenom II X4 was absolutely based.

and there it is, folks

