*patches your gentoo kernel*

>*patches your gentoo kernel*
nothing personal

Attached: alice-ferrazzi.jpg (800x534, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>*encrypts your tor*

Attached: N_SJ5EPP_400x400.jpg (400x400, 27K)

I would let that qt patch my kernel any day

Why are these women and trannies more productive than Jow Forums?

They believe in themselves, a trait that comes with thinking you're a special snowflake.

A fucking brick is more productive than Jow Forums


Stupid phone poster.

This and a smile.


nice bloat regex
s/na/nne/g would've been enough

actually s/na/nne/

would been enough, since the error only occur once, using general option on general a regex as general that, is not a good idea.

>women can't progra-

is she a she (girl) or a she (boy)?

In all seriousness, why does that matter to you?

because if that person is he, we will dox and harass him. If it is she, then good for her.

but can they design a logo? I don't thin so.

oh. hey are you 12?

a ultra badass Jow Forums hackerino appears

we are too busy with /soc/ faggotry, designing lo/g/os, playing /v/idya, ricing desktop, madvr, mpv, buying stickers, programming socks, watches, dildos, thinkpads, headphones, cellphones, and figurines

there arent even 30 technology threads in the catalog on a good day.

boy or girl?

>unfucks your emulator

Attached: FioraAeterna.jpg (1200x800, 275K)

get out

>we will dox and harass him
You must be at least 18 to shitpost here

>using general option on general a regex as general that

read this retard's blog and twitter

i dare you

She seems like she'd be fun to chat with. Leagues better than the ultra-basic people I interact with on a daily basis. At least she'd have a means to challenge my intellect and opinions, and be open to discussions that would facilitate that.

No idea who they are. So no idea what their blog or twiiter are.

Ok dr intillect

Attached: dc02f99b2ac2ba6792432c2043cf7b67a2508aa020a448a6685675a33b9f436e-b.jpg (552x414, 13K)

reverse image search the picture then you'll get the money

Isis Agora Lovecruft

She's got a couple talks on Youtube, as well.

I wish more women (especially in tech) were like her. No social media bullshit, no posing, and gets the fucking job done.

fuck off commie

Italian qts are based.

Great, I'll make sure not to install genloo.

She's fucking hardcore.


I came here to say that also. She's hot. Dat jawline, hngggg.

Wait, is this an actual female or is this yet another male-in-disguise dev?

Attached: 1468694733374.png (314x278, 129K)

Based on it's a tranny.

Not the same pucci senpai.

Are you actually retarded

Ever seen a woman who can get shit done? Yeah me neither, definitely a dude


>Man patching my kernel
Ok, what im should worried about?

Attached: 1513856923598.png (602x500, 32K)

Ahh what a shame. I bet she's never even read Marx and thinks commodity production and the value form are compatible with lower-phase communist society, rather focusing on the abolition of hirearchy before the abolition of capitalist production relations. So close to being perfect, too.

Listen to """her""" speak. She is a trannie.

You're mom gay

Attached: 1519398344881.png (225x227, 119K)