Can you ?

Attached: game_code1.jpg (2480x2480, 2.33M)

are all those weird hyphons and dots at the bottom?

> Morse

kys OP

>morse code
It's not even an encryption.

is this morse pizza?

Surrey I like 2 make duh scary hackr arg gamez on the hackr form 4 cham!

Attached: image.jpg (1024x768, 128K)

>please of ?? inside
What does it even mean?

Hahaha ich bin im Internet und keiner versteht meine GEHEIME SPRACHE (SECRET LANGUAGE) ehehehe

Hahaha, meine auch nicht.

Hahah, ja war voll lustig.

Krauts? On my fore chong? It's more likely than you think.

So, what does I LICE mean? Also, how does the password help me. What am I supposed to do with it?


Nigga, what?


What does ILICE mean? Did OP make typo, did he mean I LIKE? Also how does the password help me. LaserNinja on any search engine just brings me to some blog.

only posted the relevant part as this is some sad underage larper.

Attached: file.png (500x208, 85K)

Can you?

is it sad that i can understand all of this except for "GEHEIME" which is already given

OP confirmed an underage larper

.--. --.- / .--- - / -... / --. -... .... .... .--. ..-

wtf I love advertisements now



Haha ja mein Junge das haben die jetzt davon Ausländer zu sein!
Die verstehen alle unsere Kryptik nicht!

>There _is_ a lot of things
>come to _the_ light

you should work on your english

i backwards polar point warped the image in gimp after using a paint bucket to insert rings in the image and fed it into a tool to convert spectograms into sound, did the same thing but without the rings. nothing worth mentioning.

t. 13 year old retard that watched one video about cicada