Why don't you own one, senpai?

Why don't you own one, senpai?
Are you poor?

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1. What is that?
2. I don't gaym.
3. Yes, I'm poor.

But I have two cats, now what?

>Why don't you own one, senpai?
Because I don't want one
>Are you poor?

I do actually have a cat, it's a Bombay, pretty cute.

I think it's some Chinese thing running on Android. It's supposedly really good for emulation, but I don't know because I'm lazy.

GPD Win 2. 6 inch UMPC with laptop-tier internals
It's not just for gaymes.
Oh, I'm sorry.

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nice trips.
post pics

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I had a persian cat, it died 2 years ago.

shit sorry, here

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I like your cat.

but I do, one died three days ago because my retarded ass left window open and he didn't make it but I got a new one from shelter and she's fucking sweet

it's just a shitty little toy for all the ADHD gamer toddlers who only saw UMPCs as a trendy way to bring their distractions with them

styling and branding is awful, the input devices look awful, and it captures none of the context, quality or interesting design that made UMPCs and HPCs unique to begin with

miss me with that gay shit

>It's not just for gaymes.
Yes, it's also an exquisite paperweight.

i own a switch. no thank you.

I'm waiting for a VAIO UX knockoff.

It's very nice in the field with SDR equipment.
unlike shitty atom alternatives it gets shit done with this SoC

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>It's very nice in the field with SDR equipment.
Da fuck does that mean?



I own a kot

Dragonbox Pyra

Into the kosz it goes.
Zabaweczki dla pedałów bez pojęcia.

are you okay? you seem to be butthurt for no reason.
ccleaner is the fastest way to overwrite a drive with random pattern under windows. Unless you have a better idea how to do that I suggest you keep your subhuman language to yourself.

very nice cat user

Six passes w/ magnet, 10 full circular swipes.

except this device is equipped with eMMC drive, not magnetic.

Your a fucking idiot

I had a cat. It died

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This is my cat

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microwave oven

I already have a Switch to play actual games. I'd rather buy a Surface Go than attempt half-assed UMPC computing on that finger torture device.

nice trips.
Thanks for an advice, user. I really appreciate it.

steam games are not "actual"?

Another thread about UMPCs
Still no proof of any usability in sight.

PC games in general are unoptimized and I'm not really digging sub-40fps 720p on lntel HD Graphics.

Personally I feel that laptop gaming is very stupid (esp without a discrete GPU) and anyone doing that might as well play Fortnite on mobile and look just as dumb.

ability to take your entire office with you without the need of a backpack.
Portability. Built-in xinput controller that allows you to use it as a real handheld. Not notebook or netbook that requires two hands + lap.
SDR. Smartphones with android toyos are not enough for serious work. SDR# works very nicely on it. It also provides real multitasking experience, unlike android with touchscreen only.
Legacy software. Physical keyboard that you can type on without looking at it. Can you do the same on your phone?

FPS titles are not the only gaymes on the market.

>Can you do the same on your phone?
Yes. It's called remote desktop app and bt keyboard.

any game that runs on intel graphics is not worth playing. enjoy bejeweled 3

cats are retarded

>bt keyboard
doesn't sound like a handheld to me ;^)

whatever kid. Finished RE7 + not a hero dlc yesterday on it.

I wanted one but for that price bought a laptop with far better specs and I won't even have to deal with chink manufacturing problems :^)

Seriously though their quality control needs some work.
I'm not sinking that much money into something to have its battery swell or for it to stop working after a couple months.

win2 is far better than win1. I don't have any problems with it so far.
But I understand you. Good point.

I prefer waiting for a while. Buying first revision products from a small (specially Chinese) company is usually not the best idea.

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>any game that runs on intel graphics is not worth playing.
Spoken like a true sixteen year old.

First units already had a problem with unstable wifi card. Thankfully I've received a fully working unit (so far).

Fucking cats are so expensive.

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blue board

I've been using the thing for a couple weeks now and really enjoy it.
I got a fuckhuge Steam backlog so it's gonna see a lot of use.

Haven't had any first-revision issues like the unstable wifi card or anything, it is luck of the draw.

I have looked at using Intel XTU, but I'm not entirely sure how to use it. I can't tell if any adjustments I've made are actually applied, if they work on boot, etc. Like if I need to enable/disable a setting in BIOS, etc.
Any pointers to undervolting? My understanding is I just do this in small steps and stress-test each time until I find out my CPU's sweetspot.

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just set cpu to -50mV, gpu and media processor to -60mV, and if you want system agent (uncore) to -50mV
Remember to disable XTU interface option in overclocking menu. It's bugged, and only without it XTU will be able to keep these settings. Of course assuming you'll save it in a profile.
If you replace this cheap thermal compound on SoC with liquid metal/graphite thermopad you can easily bump TDP to 15W. Also remember to disable low power gfx mode in bios.
+ if you want to use more than 8W TDP on battery power remember to switch system profile to high performance.

Thanks for the pointers, gonna try to make those tweaks now.
Had heard about the XTU interface option bug in BIOS.

cute cat user

enter the gungeon can't even run it's pixel 2d graphics on fucking intel hd shit. I'm not trying to run VNs like a weeb so i don't know what kind of 2008 bullshit you're playing

ew ugly, pyra is cuter.

it's a piece of shit. it's literally a tablet intel processor with integrated graphics. fuck off.

>PC games in general are unoptimized

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But I already have 2. The handheld looks neat though.

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Do you understand why we need computers with specs better than the Shitbox just to match their performance?


>""""laptop-tier"""" internals
literally SHIT in a fucking CHASSIS

>he doesn't know what SDR is

is this small enough that I could wear it on my back like in watch dogs

Perhaps when it come with igpu which at least on par with vega 11.

>win instead of pocket

I get the feeling you're only familiar with old Intel graphics. They've improved constantly over the years.

Not only is that true, but you can expand to say most software in general is unoptimized. Hardware improved too quickly and people got sloppy.

You had me all excited until then. No fucking way. VNCing into anything would be a blurry mess.

Do all Jow Forumsayes have black cats? I have 2 as well, seems suspicious.

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>It's not just for gaymes.
>runs windows
You don't say

Your setup it's shit, but your cat is cute.


"fucking intel hd shit". How about you elaborate on that?
Newest 615/620 serie is pretty fast DESU DESU.

Same can be said about any tablet. Install gentoo, motherfucker.

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isaac you faggot, you and your fucking heart stickers

I'm allergic :(

Full Linux support. You can install Debian on it right away, and everything will work out of the box.

A cat? My family has seven. Lemme name them off:
Benedict (Sometimes called Percy)
Tiger (Sometimes called Tiger-Lily)
Eva (Or Eve)

Because I'm allergic.

Thumbs up for the Win 2 though. I have one of those.

720p is fine. It's exactly like that for the purpose of gaymes.

he looks a lot like FamITT's kitty (diff cat though. different coat pattern)

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I wish I had a catgirl.

what is this game?

cool sun workstation

Is it compatible with atx boards?

Because I don't want toxoplasma gondii.

Enjoy your brain parasites, faggot.

Went with a $500 build but I feel guilty about not going pre owned

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I got the first one but I don't use it anymore because it's a pain in the ass and charges way too slowly. I might get a 2 if they don't announce another within a year as I enjoy handheld gaming and have a shitload of Steam games to get through.

is it durable?

might get one for when i go to Afghanistan

If it gets bumped too hard it can go catatonic


So fluffy and cute ^^

If they make one with chrome os with Linux and android support(all new chromebooks have both) I'll get it. Don't wanna deal with Windows bloat and presumably unstable Linux distro ports

>text this small
i'm out

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my dog wouldn't like living with a cat

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cats > dogs