ITT: Future proof phones
Note 8 never ends
ITT: Future proof phones
So good they released it twice
had this phone, it's so big i couldnt take it running or even fit it in my pocket, also the stupid fucking idiotic "edgeless display" is garbage, you can see white light leaking through the sides of the phone.
only reason you should buy this phone is if you desperately need the s-pen for work. otherwise it's a pile of shit, just like the rest of samsung's phones, so just get the s9 / s9+
>it's a pile of shit, just like the rest of samsung's phones
>recommends a different Samsung phone instead
i knew you autists would pickup on that, i'm saying if you must buy a samsung phone don't bother with the note unless you need the pen. fatboy
how do cases work on the Note 8? I imagine they look retarded or interfere with the functionality.
you need a thin one otherwise the phone becomes unusable. i remember i bought a spigen one off amazon and there was zero chance of that thing ever fitting in my pocket. the entire phone is such a burden to own. so glad i got rid of it, although when you unbox the phone you deplete the value by about $300 which fucking sucks but that's just android phones in geenral, they're shit.
had a note 2/4 and now a 8, probably will never move away from the note series.
I have the largest otterbox case available on the Note8 and it has no problems fitting in my pockets.
Maybe faggot manlets wearing skinny jeans simply aren't the intended audience.
im 6'2 and am in really good shape, so you must be a big fat cow with baggy pants and deep pockets. there is no way you're fitting that tablet-sized """phone""" in your pocket unless you're a fucking disgusting fat mongoloid fuck.
5'11" 155lbs, maybe you need to wear pants that fit you.
yeah, you're not fitting that phone in your pockets. it sticks out of your pants and you look retarded with it in them, and it also is ruining your jeans. thanks for calling me a manlet, then saying you're 5'11 155lbs. retard
Lmao, I use the phone everyday and you're telling me it doesnt fit in my pockets?
Are you literally a retard or just pretending for shits and giggles?
Wich phone did you got after the Note8?
remember that I also owned this phone for about 4 months and this means I also used it everyday, shit dick. i had friends and family try putting the thing in their pockets also and not one of them could comfortably get the thing to sit in there without it sticking out, ESPECIALLY when wearing shorts. why are you defending this so hard, faggot?
The anger in this thread over a fucking sameshit phone.
i got the iPhone X after using android for years. biggest fucking mistake ever. thing is a piece of shit. not build quality wise, but software. my next phone will likely be a pixel or maybe an s10 or something. steer clear of the X if you're considering it, trust me. I envy people who bought the iphone 8 because face ID is laughably bad
I can't help that you don't buy pants that fit you user, or you're simply incapable of buying pants with anything resembling a pocket.
Holy fuck settle down, high quality jeans have deep pockets, I’m 5”10 and I can fit fucking tablets in my pockets.
>buys skinny fit jeans
>complains about tiny pockets
Wew lad, just buy relaxed fit and stop being a moron.
I love the Note series because it is fucking wide and i dont have problems fitting it in my large man-sized hands or pockets. Stfu manlet.
>Not using the iPhone of Android, the Pixels
>it's so big i couldnt take it running or even fit it in my pocket
Manlet detected.
>you can see white light leaking through the sides of the phone.
Except it has an OLED display. So, there is no backlight. Which means you are full of shit.
Nice try, kiddo.
>recommends a different Samsung phone instead
Recommends the phone with the same curved edge gimmick as well.
He was referring to edge glare most likely, which is unavoidable.
Just put it in your purse, who carry phones in pocket anymore...
>buys a meme phone and hates it
>goes on to buy another meme phone and hates it again
>his list of phones he wants to try next are all meme phones
Are you that retarded that you don't put in 20 minutes of research before dropping $1,000 on a phone?