If you don't RAID0, fucking hang yourself.
If you don't RAID0, fucking hang yourself
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So much storage space.
You rich or something?
Yes, I'm a hardware engineer @ apple HQ
>using plebian tech such as raid
Bitch, I got StoreMI. Fuck your raid.
>doing raid
>not using a redundancy raid level
Why even bother?
>boasting about raid
>with adata 128gb shitdisks
top kek
>mfw i can buy a single non-shit 256GB SSD and have it perform better than OPs shit disks for less
>not RAID1 SSDs
It does make perfect sense for what he is using it for most likely. If you use 2x raid 0 setup for something like system drive or gaymes drive then you will end up with higher speed and only drawback is wasted harddrive slot and SATA cable.
You don't need to backup this kind of drive, if it dies you lose nothing because it's not a data storage drive to begin with.
Well, you will lose time on reinstall etc but that's about it.
I hope you will lose some important data.
LSI trash
All modern SSDs are extremely fast in random 4K read. Raid0 between drives gives a +/-5% speed delta at most.
He is retarded, buys two sata ssd and puts them in RAID0 instead of buying faster nvme ssd, what a brainlet
Suck my cock, my mobo doesn't support booting from m.2
Also cheap raid0 > single expensive ssd
Then why even raid? One ssd for system one for everything else.
All I need in a computer are OS, an IDE, and 1-2 games. 128GB is plenty for that shit.
You saved 10$ and you got two slow and shitty ssd
>He doesn't use Raid-Z
Hello, grandpa.
Saved $30 and got 2 SSDs with 5 years warranty.
>He didn't get Kingspec/kingdian meme
So you are willing to your data's integrity for once?
Maybe where I live nvme are cheaper, but you still got bad ssd
who needs warranty on an ssd and why not just get one that is the size of both, its not like you are actually going to need two stupid nerd
Are you really a femanon? Post feet.
>/v/ having important data
its just not happening
These SSDs cost me 25 euros each. Cheapest name-brand m.2s are easily 50+
>who needs warranty on an ssd
I do, I just RMA'd my other Kingston.
would you not rather spend some more money to not have to lose your data and rma shit
> SSD's
Nice, you've just doubled the chance of your raid drive failing while not gaining any speed because you're too much of a Brainlet to realize that you've saturated your SATA3 bus. NVMe is faster.
No, that's what warranties are for, to not give a shit.
>saturated your SATA3
.................. i unironically didn't think of that
Not to mention, he's not going to use it for anything important
sounds like a big fucking waste of time
These babies will be filled to the brim with I/O active software. Or do you think only data centres are allowed cutting edge tech you brainlet?
Yea, when you're a dumbass who buys his shit from across the world. I live next to 2 repair shops and a computer store.
where did you buy them for 25 eur?
Small local stores in my country using what is basically Trivago for technology.
I have 2 cheapo SSDs in RAID 0 as my steam drive.
Everything important is on my other 4 drives. Boot is 512gb 960 evo
i dont know what statement you are trying to make
If you don't hang yourself, RAID0
No, he's a miserable namefag baiting incels like you.
Post speccy?
Can't raid on a laptop, bonehead.
kek, impossible
Found the faggot
My shitty "gaming" laptop came with 3 64GB SSDs in Raid 0.
user, Internet is filled with naked, hot 2D/3D women. Why do you go after some fag pretending to be women? You do know anyone can put that name right?
How can you be this dumb? The fact that they're on Jow Forums makes them 200% hotter. Who cares if they're fake? It's the thoughts that matter
Watch the average Jow Forumsman amased and assblasted, at the same time, by the fact that a woman is better than him at something he's supposed to be good at. Always funny.
Heh, I remember that thread
Check out speed comparisions of SSD drives, at 128GB you would probably be better off (in some workloads) buying one 256GB drive.
You go girlll
Yaaaaaaas queen slayyyy
Why would you use raid 0 on 128gb ssd, when buying a 256gb ssd is pretty much the same thing?
You realize a 128gb ssd has 4 memory chips very likely while the 256gb has 8 memory chips? All you've done is add an additional point of failure by having another controller.
>All modern SSDs are extremely fast in random 4K read.
Check out the benchmarks of Adata/Goodram vs Samsung. 4K, mixed have a tremendous difference (even fucking sustained write is only ~200MB/s for some Adata SSDs vs almost up to spec with Samsung).
Link to the thread, its classic Jow Forums
I really dont see the problem here other than he was likely desktop class disks and didnt bother to do nightly backups
RAID0 on it's own is always dumb. Never do this.
I was just poking some fun. That thread was funny. Still, RAID0 that amount of storage is not the brightest idea.
RAID0 is fine if you take backups and buy enterprise class disks
Well, I don't think OP did backup that 25TB array, lol.
In fact I used to use RAID0 on two Intel 530 (?) 240GB SSDs few years ago. It never failed, but even if it did, I never stored anything important on my Windows drive and if it had failed I could always restore the entire thing within a couple of hours (provided I had replacement drives, of course).
>It never failed
Why do people always use this?
It does not fucking matter if it does fail or not.
>What are statistics?
fix my mbp keyboard dumbass
That'll be $35/hr for mmmmmm 1,5 months.
Just get a single faster drive.
Because I needed something fast and it was the cheapest way for me. I got the SSDs for free (were used at work as scratch disks).
RAID0 is retarded for gaming, the latency is identical to a normal SSD, and normal SSDs ALREADY read faster than games need.
Doubling that read speed wont do a god damn thing since you aren't even fully using the speed of a single drive.
>t.kiketel shill from the ssd thread
>i dont understand what latency is
How the fuck is adding another drive going to improve latency? The seek time is identical on both drives, having both of them seek isn't going to reduce shit. They'll have the same latency, they'll double the throughput, but that's simply not needed for gaming.
Why do games not utilise the full sequential read speed?
The latency would be increased on a cache miss and significantly decreased on a cache hit you retard
>seek time
thank you for proving you're retarded again
Why would I want to waste 2 Sata ports on 2 SU800? Even if I didn't want to buy Samsung drives I could buy 2 SU900s or something.
I used to RAID0 . I had a couple of 128 840 pro's. DESU I have now 512 850 pro single disk and Windows actually boots faster than it did when I used to RAID.
I think "RAID 0" should be called AID, or AIDS.
Well, you know, SSDs today are doing some form of RAID0 internally.
Post something better than
Because no games are loading 10GB+ of assets at once, game developers are better than that.
No shit fuck head, I was giving a hypothetical best case scenario. In the best case, they're identical. In the real world yes, RAID 0 adds a negligible amount of latency, less than 20% of the total latency though compared to non RAID-0.
>i still dont understand what cache is or why RAID cards have so much
>people still use SATA SSD's.
lmao, you know OP isn't running hardware RAID and you're making yourself look like an ass in the process.
>he fell for the nvmeme
When did I ever say anything about OP? I'm talking about the card i'm using.
Pathetic samefagging
Well this thread is about OP and his retarded purchase decision....
>i wish i knew enough about raid to not embarrass myself by thinking latency would be the same
What do you need more speed for? Enjoy your double chance of data loss
Doesn't have to be NVMe.
SATA is a bottleneck, and doing RAID 0 is nothing more than a way around that bottleneck when for the same money you can just use PCIe 4X and not have a bottleneck to begin with.
Lmao, I already explained that, if you're too retarded to understand I was framing it in the BEST way possible, literally just end your life, it's not gonna get any better from here for you.
Further, i'd love to see ANY literally ANY scrap of evidence you might have that suggests RAID 0 SSDs have ANY effect on gaming. Literally ANY noticeable performance increase. Im not asking for your shitty subjective opinion, i'm looking for hard numbers, without them you're standing on water. RAID0 is simply pointless if gaming is your intent.
Sorry, only picture I have of my feet is when I was selling my shotgun.
don't forget it is actually better for certain tasks, also: no wires
>I was framing it in the BEST way possible
You weren't. You were too retarded to know that just about any RAID controller has a bunch of cache on it
>RAID 0 SSDs have ANY effect on gaming
cache and read-ahead settings, pic related
At least you can use productive software like Office and Photoshop. These Loonix NEETS ain't even ever had a job.
How? What about latency?
Again, having a shit ton of Cache wont do dicks for gaming, you've got no argument, and no evidence to back you up.
Are you actually mentally ill?
Most of what games are doing when they load is NOT just reading data.
If games needed more read speed then you should just get an NvME drive with 3000MB/s+ read speeds, but guess what, even with that your games wont load ANY faster.
>I still dont know what read-ahead is or why cache matters
>Only 3000MB/s
Still slow as shit, pic related was my RAID
What about it?
If you plugged 8 SATA SSD's in RAID 0 into a PCIe SATA card do you honestly think it will be faster or have lower latency than a PCIe SSD?