>coding class
>"professor" comes in
>plays youtube video during the entire class
Coding class
>coding class
Have you ever been to a SINGLE uni class in your life?
yes but im not amerifat so i dont know how you fucking call them so i went with that
Welcome to university. Where you pay 40k/year to teach yourself.
Start looking for resources user
>40k a year
Amerifat detected
i use youtube videos, forums pre 2014 and books but fuck its boring as fuck
its koding with klossy/gender equality studies 104, its right across the hall from the chipotle
youtube videos suck dick because half the video it's some curry nigger talking about what he's going to do instead of just doing it.
>work for dads company
>use high level programming language (c#)
>don't ever touch a pointer or worry about stupid shit like recursion or what the fuck ever they learn in CS school
I'm still going to school but this shit seems stupid
download shit here: libgen.io
>web dev class circa 2015
>"This week we'll be going over integrating xsd+xslt with your xhtml document"
>all I do in industry is wordpress
>Professor starts playing video
>bookmark the url and get up to leave
>"umm no sweetie"
>everyone laughs at me
>I stare at the professor "w-what"
>"Sorry dumb-dumb the class isn't over yet"
>everyone bursts out laughing and stamping their feet
>get back in my seat, there's sweat all under my shirt
>1:20 passes
>"Okay sweetie, you're allowed to go home to your basement now"
>everyone screams with laughter and claps in approval
>I power walk down the stairs and out of the theatre
jeez user get your shit together, don't let fucktards laugh at you
Come over to technical documentation, xsd + xslt is most of what I do here.
I hope there's a language that can have high programmer efficiency without trading off computational efficiency.
I really don't get what xslt does that php can't do.
>instead of just doing it.
yeah i know but its the only thing i have left, also happened to me recently when wanted to enable bluetooth on my linux pc
nice pasta fag
My dad has been programing for 30 years and he literally told me, to paraphrase, "I have friends who care about computational efficiency but I don't care about any of that bullshit. I just get together and if it works I move onto the next thing. I used to care but not anymore."
He writes pretty decent code though.
>I just get together and if it works I move onto the next thing.
I realized this is how the world works a week into my first job
>I have friends who care about computational efficiency but I don't care about any of that bullshit. I just get together and if it works I move onto the next thing.
Introduce him to a concept called 'scaling', and he'll know why his pajeet-tier approach to programming is garbage.
Engineering is not just about building something that performs a certain function, any halfwit can do that. It's about *how well* a function is performed as well.
There is nothing that X language does that Y language can't do, that is the nature of Turing-complete languages. However, for the purpose of transforming one kind of XML in to another kind of XML, XSLT's template-based approach is usually a lot easier than writing a procedural program. And of course, the XML syntax, while not as nice as languages with their own specialized syntax, means you can use the same tools. XSLT that produces XSLT is not uncommon.
It's not one-size-fits-all though, there are many cases where procedural programming is better too, or is the only efficient choice. For example, if you need to maintain state as you process the document, since XSLT is functional.
I don't think he cares if it's garbage... if he can produce a half assed solution and bill 6 hours for 2 hours of work then he can move onto another client and work 3 jobs at once. He milks his clients for what ever he can get. He makes 200-300k a year, so the proof is in the pudding I say.
I wish you were wrong
why do british people use monkey speak
>software engineering course
>professor doesn't show up
>after about an hour of waiting someone shows up to report the prof quit and nobody thought about his courses
>course cancelled
>same software engineering course, few months later
>new lecturer struggling to connect her computer to the projector
>starts showing slides from some foreign uni's website
>reads directly from the slides with completely incomprehensible accent
>a question is asked
>"lecturer" tries to find answer by skipping through the slides, forgets the page she was on before
>about 25% of students show up next time
Goddamn this software engineering department is garbage.
youl realize that almost all the classes are BS anyways. The only classes that were actually good were Databases and an intro class. The rest 12 of my class have been a complete waste of time.
And you already know how will it go
>introduction to linux class
>by school convention all assignments are distributed as .docx documents
>class contents are installing some distros in virtual machines and then answering questions in these .docx files
>professor is obviously pissed through every class
>bring my linux laptop to class one day
>professor notices, and comes up with something
>'if you don't want to do the .docx assignments, you can pass by completing this bash scripting challenge'
>write the script
>pass class early, only one going the alternate route, professor is satisfied
>the rest of the school is still .docx excercises and youtube lectures
>drop out
Oh and when we were installing those virtual machines, literally not a single ubuntu install worked ootb. It's like it shipped broken.
>coding class
you should call your professor a trainer for the code monkey you're
Oh my god what a pathetic profession
Are u me?
It's a socially accepted way to prolong your carefree childhood and it's free here. I'll take it, why not.
I don't use C# but I do know C++. I have a question for you. Let's say you have a method that you want to modify the value of an int which has been passed in. How do you do that? If I understand correctly, C# automatically passes all primitive types by value. Since an int is a primitive type, how can you have a function modify it's value? Is there a way to force it to pass by reference? In C++ it's very easy because you always explicitly specify when you are passing by reference/pointer.
My uni wouldn't accept .doc, .docx or .ods formats, just .txt for some beginner Linux assignments.
Unless you use C++ you probably won't need to worry about pointers. Do you use delegates?
>eurofags don't know the term "programming" or "software engineering"
We call everything informatics.