That 30 year old boomer who manages his own memory manually with his hands

>that 30 year old boomer who manages his own memory manually with his hands

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Other urls found in this thread:

shitty use of the boomer meme

>that zoomer that programs in rust
i bet you say coding faggot

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>things only a boomer would say

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>his parents never taught him to treat other people with respect

It will overflow anyway so why even try
Just use Python you faggots

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STL's unique_pointer and shared_pointer are bretty gud.

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>Respect means pretending a man is a woman

You don't have to pretend, user. Just follow your heart.

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They sure are. Shame that every university teach c++ like its c with classes. In my intro to programming class they wouldn't even let you use vectors.


>tfw D and Nim are my favorite languages
>see this pic

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It really isn't difficult to just use someone's preferred pronouns, regardless of your opinion on trans people. It's really fucking simple. There really is no excuse, except for being a pathetic neckbeard.

this book sucks

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pronouns aren't meant to be something you have to memorize. Otherwise they become nouns like a name. Pronouns are supposed to be a generic way to refer to someone or something and give a contextual clue so that everyone understands what you're talking about.

Perfect use of the boomer meme. People who hold onto the C relics are luddites

Go fuck off to Reddit you low-T sorry excuse for a human.

whose this slut

also what is julia

My pronoun is Tyrannosaurus

I always use shortest pronoun, if it's a female it's a he, if it's a male it's a he, if it's an object it's an it.

Fucking sue me, you major faggot.

I like it

>his parents never taught him respect is earned not given
my respect isn't a worthless piece of shit given to any random garbage that manages to eat food, breathe air, and wander in front of me somehow.

Who is the semen demon?

even though you're baiting and finding it hilarious how all these neckbeards fall for your low quality post, the ridicule will eventually take over as it always does and the joke will turn into reality.

unfortunately, people like you are the reason why movements such as these were possible in the first place

>That 13yo gloomer who uses GC
Rust is the only good language on the pic.

Fuck, why is VS Code so damn glitchy in hdpi?

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Rust has one of the most liberal CoC out there, you can even *hug* people!

ay brudda