Amazon Mturk

Anyone here tried Amazon Mechanical Turl (Mturk) ?

Is it any good for some pocket money or is it just for poor indians to slave at ?

Attached: Mechanical-Turk.jpg (360x298, 28K)

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I wanted to try it but you literally need to put in your SSN at signup.

Somebody should make a crypto alternative

Yeah I saw something like that in the FAQ. I'm not in the US though so I don't know how that'd work

I've heard of this being discussed on HNews in the comments of some article on the gig economy. Can someone give me a rundown?

>literally making bots to play a game
some things never change

>Pic related
Gee, you tell me

Attached: Capture.jpg (480x150, 22K)

Basically using people as a temporary replacement until we have general human level intelligence.
People post tasks, you do them and get paid

>I wanted to try it but you literally need to put in your SSN at signup.
I did the same when it wad new. I'm not giving fucking amazon my SSN just to get paid peanuts for doing menial tasks.

That's what I want to know : Is it worth it ?

google it, shithead

When I looked into it years ago it seemed like the only decent paying tasks required actual skills and time though still didnt pay much. Shit like translating manuals or text blobs to/from english was the top strat.

That shit's old, it's from 2016


Noone else has any recent experience with it ?

Depends how much of a tolerance for really repetitive work you have. I did it around 2 months ago for one month. People will tell you that getting to 1000 will really open up much better work, I really didn't find this to be the case. It was almost always boring, to get the good jobs you need to have like 15 scripts and know when the peak times are, and know who good posters are.

I switched to Rev (freelance transcription) pay was better, if you can stand trying to decipher retards mumbling into shit microphones with thick accents, and can type really fast.

5/10 would not recommend MTurk, unless you do it as a way to earn a few smackaroonies for fun. To make the big bucks like some people claim online, you need to spend a lot of time on it.Most of the tasks are boring as fuck.

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Not really. I mean, if you are in college and are bored on your computer, you might be able to make minimum wage for some okay supplemental income. You could do worse. Just don't expect to get rich.


That's exactly what I expected. I might give it a go, I have a lot of free time and I could use the drink money

Thanks dudes

US citizens do know that SSN are public information? It's not some secret password to your identity, it's just like your name, just in a numeric format.

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>$1 for a 20 minute job
>$0.01 for a 1 minute job
No thanks.

Maybe if you're a NEET living at your parents expense, the amount of money you get is less than the power, water, internet and food you consume and pay for

>Rev (freelance transcription)
tell me more

>$24 per day
Thats literally more than i make now

arbitrage is fun!

where do you live?


đes ba?

>just for poor indians to slave at
Take the test, it is really easy. There's a period when you are stuck doing the worst of the worst projects until you prove you can make metrics. A lot of shit on here is terrible audio quality and a lot of pajeets/other people with insanely thick accents. Generally you can make 10-70$ per "audio hour", so depending on how fast you do it, you get paid more.
I do it on the weekends for some extra spending money.

its profitable if you're not producing any income otherwise

but i make 69 an hour and that doesn't include benefits so its probably for destitute pajeets

I used it in 2014/15. No idea what it is like now, but back then it was mostly transcribing audio. Or at least those were the only tasks i did. But if you are fast at typing then you can make a decent amount of side $$. It's just slave work but try it and see if its worth it anymore

Attached: man-chained-his-computer-260nw-256564984.jpg (396x280, 22K)

I make about $80 a day on it. If you can get over the fact that its small tasks and do them quickly enough its easy. Hell, i've shown a few friends and they pull about $20 a day after work. Good for a beer money or video game fund for sure.