I'm looking for little upgrade on my tad dated PC. Something to game at 1440p 122Hz.
i7 2600 and 8GB DDR3
Will these new cards roll with DDR3 and old CPU? and won't i7 2600 impact vega 56 performance too much?
RX 580 or vega 56?
whatever you can afford, senpai. you'll be fine with either or. obviously the Vega is better, but they are still a bit pricey. the 2600 is still really good and won't bottleneck
don't let /pcbg/ shills make you buy a new cpu, it's 100% fine
I'd go for the Vega since it will keep up longer with new(er) titles over the years, the 580 is kinda lagging already and it's just going to become inadequate sooner than a vega card.
OP here I can still wait a bit for the price drop, mt old graphic haven't died completely yet, but does anyone have crystall ball to predict when would be "good enough" time to buy?
When you can find a non-reference 56 near $400
>Something to game at 1440p 122Hz
Not happening unless you drop the settings to medium or play old games like CSGO/overwatch/LOL.
For 120 Hz a coffee lake processor or a ryzen processor paired with faster RAM is recommended, Vega 56 is fine for 1440p 60-75 Hz in general.
>when would be "good enough" time to buy?
As soon as new cards are released, we will probably get news in august.
A 56 is only worth it if you can get one for around 400.
If you want to play on 1440p go with the Vega.
If you want to have a decent framerate, get a new cpu and better ram.
OK itr's still $540 here, so got quite some time to wait
If only producers could make same mistake that with nvidia that produced thousands new GPU chips and nobody wants them, but AMD didn't have manufacturing powers for that
First, amd doesn't manufacture their chips. Second, they made a good chunk, but miners bought them up. Nvidia has a shitton of unsold cards because they jumped on the train too late and miners preferred amd cards anyway. Thirdly, with that cpu you should get an 580/570, or even a 400 series card. They are perfect for 1080p gaming and for higher res you need a better everything.
gtx 1070.
Why the fuck would you want non-reference 56 when reference 56 has samsung memory instead of hynix? Every 56 with aftermarket cooler has fucking hynix which offers less performance.
hey, mod, why the fuck did you change my comment from 'senpai' to 'senpai'? I saw that, desu.
dumb newfag
Stupid nigger assuming it's a newfag. Op just get a 1080 ti
What does your 1080i have to do with wordfilters?
I'll go AMD thank you very much, can afford wait since I'm not in rush getting GPU now.
I have 1440p monitor already, but current card can't even sent more than 60Hz now.
Also I'm not aiming for ultra settings, can do fine tuning these down a bit.
On the long run a vega would serve much better, but it also costs much more. At least get more ram.
>hey, mod, why the fuck did you change my comment from 'senpai' to 'senpai'?
gtx 1080
>mfw fell for the 580 meme from /pcbg/
Anyone else victimized by those amd shills?
Since OP is a fag this is probably the safest option
didn't your card get a 20% performance bump last update? it beats the 1060 now
Oh damn drivers out of date, thanks
Nvm the lads at /pcbg/ are a solid, helpful bunch
what meme? I've came here just for little opinion what to get I'm not familiar
580 wont be able to take advantage of the 122hz refresh at 1440p, get a vega if you have to upgrade. Honestly id wait however, prices are coming down slowly, and as a Jow Forums and link marine, crypto probably wont come back for the rest of the year if ever.
all of you can suck my big fat leaf cock.
Vega 56. The RX580 barely matches a GTX 1060.
GTX 1070ti or #waitfornavi
If you're going nvidia, you might as well wait till they release the 1170.
If you want to use loonix, buy AMD. If you want to use wangblows, buy nvidia.
Now, if you want to use fagos, nvidia, amd, whatever.
Lucky. I hope I get a Samsung Red Dragon too.
Just get an RX 580 and save the rest of the money for Ryzen 3000 next year.
>Being this GPU-bottlenecked
Fuck that
The i7 2600 is still perfectly fine for 60hz gaming
The RX580 will be a bottleneck with a 3rd gen Ryzen.
CPUs bottleneck refresh rate/max fps
GPUs bottleneck resolution/quality settings.
The RX580 won't maintain 144hz@1080 in newer games. OP would need something quite a bit more powerful for that.
Resolution Slider
Could easily turn down some settings like shadows and AA to get the fps up.
I do all my gaming at 4k on an RX 580 8GB, works fine.
>Resolution Slider
Yeah, no.Unless you are playing games like L4D2 at native 4k non of this resolution slider BS you arent playing ROTTR at 4k, more like 1080p on the 3D render side with a 4k UI, sooooo no, either 1080Ti or Vega 64 for REAL 4k gaming.
>tfw fell for the 480 meme
>like 10% slower than the gtx 1060 now
>replaced it with a gtx 1070
>best hardware purchase i've ever made
Please don't tell me you only have a 1080p 60hz monitor.
got one of them fancy new curved 144hz monitors off based amazon warehouse deals a couple months back
vega 56 for sure no questions asked
if and im going to stretch the IF the game engine devs implements the primitive shaders into their engines (since amd dev team couldnt do it automaticly for games but somehow it works for CAD.......go figure)the culling perfomance will increase ten fold making the 580 doa literally since it has x3 less capability of triagle culling anyway
The 1080 is cheaper
I don't want to make a thread so I'll just post it here. And I don't frequent this board.
The most popular PC parts store in my country is selling current nvidia gpus at almost msrp prices. The last time they did this was when nvidia announced new gpus just a few weeks after. I know the "nvidia will release gpus in july rumor" is already known but now at least we now know for sure it will really happen.
That PC store was also the one that leaked coffeelake prices so this at least gives you a clue if you want to verify this.