Is it possible to do a sql injection via SSID? I just found this wifi network in a bus.
Is it possible to do a sql injection via SSID? I just found this wifi network in a bus
>using a laptop on a bus
What did OP mean by this?
>Is it possible to do a sql injection via SSID?
Only if you're sniffing for SSIDs, to store them in a database and not sanitizing your input.
>i just found this
that date says otherwise
It depends in the implementation of the client, obviously. I doubt it though. There have been more mundane bugs around those though like ignoring names with emojis and auto joining hardcoded "factory update" type names.
You got me
Then is there another purpose for this? Or was it just a scriptkiddie or smt
pretty sure it's supposed to be a joke
So it's in the future?
Well, some routers and APs may datamine the surroundings and send that data to ISPs or Google and shit. It may be used to fuck the local DB up.
it's a shitty recycled xkcd "joke"
I believed that only me hated xkcd "humor"
omg an xkcd joke XD
sorry but i dont speak nazi language
Not gonna lie, "bobby tables" made me laugh
it's sql
That's Dutch you ignorant
Dutch is just a Deutsch dialect
This is assuming the table name and won't always work.
Aren't there far more destructive SQL injections that don't involve guessing a table name? Can you pull info from some system tables and query off of that?
Unless there's some idiot who is running some wifi access point enumeration script that passes parametrised queries to their SQL database.
You know what you must do.
no because your NIC doesnt use a SQL database to store your connection info
Whew lad
99% of posts here are just larp.
Stop making yourself ridiculous with talking about things you don't know
Ah, I see you've been here all summer. I'm quite the oldfag myself, having joined in march.
That he is actually productive.
>humorless non-americans
>my table is named AP_STORE
Aww, I guess you can't do your bugman meme hack now :^)
In the words of the Bob,
"Don't criticize what you don't understand".
>"bobby tables" made me laugh
Why? Is it the autism?
Correct. There is no place more productive than public transit.
>Inb4 it's my tour bus
No it's not
>mfw op rides the short bus
Anyways, what's up with Reddit? Every time I make a post I get downvoted to shit for no reason
> no --
Never gonna drop any tables like that boy
the fags here talking about xkcd, do you even know how old sql injection is?
it's probably just someone making a fucking DROP TABLE joke. I seriously doubt the dude who owns that router has any malicious intent.
>Is it wednesday to blue a quack doodle?
the absolute state of Jow Forums
pretty hilarious, i wonder if this ever worked to fuck up somebody's network sniffing code