Why aren't F16-F19 keys more common?

Why aren't F16-F19 keys more common?

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I have never had a use for them. Why start?

You can bind stuff to them, and be certain that those keys won't already be taken up by application-specific binds.

Not everyone has an F16 in their driveway.

That's where my numlock, capslock and screenlock lights are located

why aren't F1-F12 and ESC keys more common?

Attached: pac-man-touch-bar-macbook-pro-1200x630-c-ar1.91.jpg (1125x630, 159K)

Get a programmable keyboard, TMK and QMK both support function keys up to F24

>That's where my numlock, capslock and screenlock lights are located
Why couldn't the keys themselves just light up when they're being used? Apple does that with Caps Lock, I'm sure you could the same for Scroll and Num lock.

I know some other keyboards have media keys, meta key toggles, and volume knobs there too, but why not both? Why not have a row of media keys and then the F16-F19 keys?

Why do we have to resort to using macros and keyboard software?

If Apple didn't force people to buy their higher end models, we would have those.

The 2 port (and headphone jack) MBP has that.

The Surface desktop keyboard has media keys for them, which require rebinds/reflashed firmware... but at least it has those keys.

Makes me wonder why this isn't more common.

Attached: RE1J7QB[1].jpg (752x423, 31K)

108-key keyboards seem like a no brainer, but none of the major manufacturers seem to want to do it. They put keys on the left side of gaming keyboards as dedicated "macro keys", fucking with ESC key placement muscle memory, and making it a niche market.

I don't get it.

the touch bar thing is kind of cool. But the fact those new MBP only have usb type C ports. sorry but I dont want to have to have a dongle with me just to plug a normal thumb drive into the machine. HAHA just no. The dongle era is back and it is just as bad as before.

wholeheartedly agree. even with my 2015 mbp i need one dongle for a VGA monitor and another for an ethernet connection.

if i upgrade i'll need at least 3 more dongles (one so i can still use my magsafe2/magsafe1, one for my awesome grado 125e's, and one so i can have a dongle to connect to a new USB hub that i'll also need to connect to an external mouse, external keyboard, and to charge my phone.)


Shut up, poorfag.
macOS doesn't even recommend F keys.

Attached: function-keys-featured.jpg (650x299, 92K)

Attached: 1507132757547.jpg (1170x1246, 327K)

yeah, but the fucking escape key??????

i use vim on my mac, I NEED THE ESC KEY

this is why i am really postponing upgrading at this point. i need my fucking escape key. if mac doesn't bring it back i'll need a hackintosh or something

and fuck "remap "j4xxt" to esc, that'll work"
no. i need a fucking escape key.

Yeah, all of those are stupid

Pajeets who never seen a MBP. Look at the picture fucktard, the esc keys is always there.

> if mac doesn't bring it back i'll need a hackintosh or something
You are not buying a MBP anyway because you're poor and a manchildren.

first of all, i'm a fucking murkan
second of all, the word "key" means a fucking physical button, not some fucking avatar of my old button on an LCD strip, despite whatever haptic feedback apple decides to shill

third of all, it's not always there, fucklord. look at pic related

Attached: f7f1f5c4-50cf-41c8-81ac-986509d86c9a.jpg (800x800, 369K)


Remap kj to esc you mong, it's natural, like drumming your fingers.

Or, don't use that device.

i dont understand why they can't just give the touchbar as an upgrade option...

Gimme a four thunderbolt port macbook with esc & f-keys

Touchbar is an additional $200

>Or, don't use that device
Moving your had to esc is always going to be slower, this isn't a matter of device, it's convenience. Moving your hand to hit esc has to cause rsi too.