He doesn't use his OS in english language

>He doesn't use his OS in english language

Attached: 1000075.jpg (707x1000, 112K)

>he uses pig ugly burgerspeak instead of superior Oxford English

Attached: Screenshot_System_UI_20180718-070534.png (1080x1920, 36K)

>typing out "tippy clicky tappy typer" instead of "keyboard"
Technology is about efficiency

>"trash" instead of "rubbish bin"
keep trying

>his language is so irrelevant it does not get support

>anime poster
>doesn't use his os in Japanese
pathetic weeb

no regrets

Attached: 71287209.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

>doesn't get the difference between using a different keyboard and his entire OS being in a different language
kys my amigo


Attached: Untitled.png (330x215, 19K)

I use German, the language of my ancestors

Finnish is best language.


It's a trash can

oi bruv you got a license for that rubbish bin?

Attached: boysinblue.jpg (1300x956, 105K)

Best language for death metal

torille :DD

Attached: a7f4550d3500f4436dde6cb7415986dadf3d0af52d8a7b8c78dc43a5a5ab72c2.png (440x254, 19K)

Tää :D

Attached: 1523038623512.jpg (400x300, 25K)

no, Hungarian is
Magyar társaim gyűljetek össze, terjesszétek nyelvünk szépségét

>not using both
>not using english (Australia) for shitposting purposes

I've had to use Japanese locale for some games actually.

Top 2 ugliest languages, a cunthair behind German.

>Microsoft IME
Fucking gross. Do yourself a favor and install Google IME.


Attached: 1529968550941.png (923x713, 26K)


Attached: Clipboard-XxX.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

The Finnish language sounds okay as a gimmick but reading anything serious in Finnish must feel retarded.

Attached: 2.png (354x223, 4K)


ITT: retards who doesnt know the difference between system language and keyboard language

>He doesn't know any other language than English

Ugyanitt egy zsák burgonya eladó

>Inte använda sitt eget språk
t. the eternal anglo

didn't know this was a thing but why would I even

>he is ashamed of his native tongue

>doesn't know windows applications arbitrarily pick language, locale or keyboard to determine what language to use
it's a mess to say the least

>literally making shit up to make a thing you don't like look bad
Is there anything more pathetic than FOSSturds on this planet?

I am, but the cultural Imperialism of the English speaking world is truly sickening me.

>not using Russian cyrillic
Убeй ceбя

>he localises his OS
>he doesn't use the string names for UI

Täähän se olis.

Google IME is a botnet
(Although Windows itself is also a botnet)

>doesn't know how to use a search engine
how did you even get here, summerfag?

Attached: dear-diary-today-op-was-not-a-faggot.jpg (587x625, 180K)

wrong thread, m9

Jelly faggot

That's still English, baka.

too muzukashi yet. soon senpai, soon...

Step it up faggot.

Feel good for being a quadrilingual.

Attached: Step it up.jpg (1897x1794, 1.1M)

Native Spanish speaker here, I use English on all my devices since it is so much simpler than using my native language and in case of any issue I can troubleshoot it faster.

can you read moon runes?

You da real senpai :' )

Proficiency is native level since 5 years in Japan. Watching anime without subtitle is a piece of cake and I played most of my games in moonrunes anyway.

But I do, people often ask me why. Not my phone though because I actually share that with a few people sometimes.


I keep my GOOEY localised, but my shell has LANG=POSIX.

Its good enough

>he only speaks english

Attached: 24e.jpg (500x333, 30K)

i know this is a real finn because they said "is best language" instead of "is the best language"

I know this is a real American because xhe said "they" instead of "he".

ayy lmao

into the waste-basket it goes

I'd hope nobody on Jow Forums does that.

Why are murricans so easily triggered. You may have to accept one day that not everything you do and have is the best thing out there.
But then again you guys are forever caught in a bubble, almost as bad as north korea.

Why does nearly every European on Jow Forums insist on calling himself European and nothing else when you're clearly not all the same over there? What happened to being French or German?

>windows power shell

delete yourself faggot

Do you guys honestly suggest to use english besides your native language for all programs? I not talking about keyboard input.

Attached: Kamisama_kiss-07-nanami-textbook-studying-confused-cute.jpg (718x719, 114K)

The only non-English language that bothers me whenever I see a screenshot or something is Spanish. Any other language for the OS doesn't trigger me, but if I see the system language in Spanish I get a sudden urge to kill. Don't know why.

I have a friend from Ukraine who comments his code in English despite the resulting language being rather mysterious because he doesn't bother with grammar and his grasp of English vocabulary is peculiar. For example, he often omits the prepositions "by", "with" and similar where they're not needed in Russian and Ukrainian syntax (served instead the instrumental case -- see what I did there?).

Egy szar ez a nyelv, ragok, ékezetek, kéttagú meg három mássalhangzók meg minden babámfasza.
Legalább káromkodni jól lehet.

Nem krumpli. Gondolom parit, meg ubit veszel a boltban is te nu-magyar buzi fasz.

A magyarországi magyarok a leghitványabb geci tápos nép, amivel eddig volt dolgom.

I know about ~70% of english grammar. I force myself to use on my hobbies and and study stuff. My native language is portuguese and is very limited. English is a international language, most people speak it.