Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4...

>Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine


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android is either made by google or a subsidiary of alphabet correct?
This honestly sounds like the eu bitching at microsoft to make open source non microsoft controlled versions of their software.

> to make open source non microsoft controlled versions of their software
t. has no idea what he's talking about.
What MS did is:
Take a well-known protocol
Add their flavor to it
It doesn't work anymore with everything else? Well, too bad, fuck you.
Also, no documentation for you.

You need to understand it doesn't apply to MS own' protocols, notably Samba. It is reverse engineered to some extent to ensure v1 and v2 compatibility, nobody's bitching about that.


the three things in the image

google makes android, wants search and chrome,
wants google only out of the box
wants some modicum of control over their shit,

because android stompede proprietary shit in, they are being punished.

This shit never happens in the US cause corporations own the government there.

stop calling microsoft's smb samba, samba is the foss reverse-engineered software suite, it's name is a play on smb
microsoft does not make samba


Not enough desu

5 billion for every year they've been doing it

This shit only happens in the EU because the EC is headed by a literal Marx apologist

Not enough, they should behead the CEOs too.

Based EU

all good, i just hear it all the time, even from people who work in the industry who only ever touch windows
it seems the same is just a bit too clever for its own good
the rest of your post is right though, their network tools are basically just incompatible versions of things that exist(ed)
the phrase "embrace, extend, extinguish" absolutely is a thing they do


You are stupid.

inb4 they went for the intel route
>keep on fighting until they won the case

user DESTROYS user with FACTS and BANISHES him to another DIMENSION

>Marx apologist
That is just retarded on so many levels. Why would an economist and sociologist need an apologist? What crimes has Marx committed?

Intel's already saved like 20% of that fine thanks to inflation alone

the correct response to them dragging it out like they have is a new settlement quintupling the fine.

But Marx is, like, communism, dude. Communism is bad, everybody knows that.

wtf I love juncker now

sasuga amerilard

Furthered the ideology behind the French revolution which has resulted in the most peacetime deaths in history.

There is no defending that. He was wrong. He was deadly wrong. He was so wrong millions died.

Can you blame him as a person, from the perspective of his life? Only for being a total cunt. But you can't defend him either, his ideas wreaked absolute catastrophe when implemented every time they've been tried.

The communists in the Marxist EU have won again, what a retarded decision.
At least freedom doesn't get trampled on here.

>Google restricts the freedom of manufactorers
>The EU can't restrict freedoms but corporations can
These mental gymnastics.

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Also. While we're at it, the USA is the reason why no one can use a character until Death of publisher + one billion years.
That doesn't benefit anyone who does actual work, it only restricts them because no one can build on someone elses framework. Everyone has to make theirs from scratch.
Things should become public domain at most 10 years after inception in my opinion. The author still gets ample chance to make money, but people also get a chance to make something better based on it within their lifetimes.

That sounds better.

>furthered the ideology behind the French revolution
That's capitalism, mongoloid.

>buy android phone
>it comes with chrome preinstalled
The EU needs to be nuked from this planet.

Sounds like iOS to me.

>he does something good
>but he's le commie xD
>so it's bad

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those refugee gibs have to be paid somehow

this basically. If you dont like it go buy apple or nokia.

You can't fully remove it from the phone, at most you can """disable""" it.
Or install an alt OS. Which google is also messing with.

>go into Walmart
>see Walmart branded goods that are cheaper than the name brand
No wonder Walmart never expanded to the EU.

>Go into wallmart
>Want to get the comfy brand that you know and love
>Wallmart forces you to grab their brand too in order to buy it
Yes that sure would be reasonable in the real world.

>"forces you"
No one is forcing you to use Chrome.

Congratulations, you didn't even understand the issue.

No one is forcing you to use the wallmart brand.
You still have to take it though, it still takes up shelf space in your home, you're not allowed to get rid of it.
Not to mention the datamining they do with the play store.
Wallmart is also forcing you to sign on to being tracked on your way to and from the store, all your purchases being logged.

>Europe is communist because it doesn't want to get fucked in the ass by big corporations

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Like Microsoft isn't doing the exact same shit with different coating. Every damn home computer is riddled with Microsoft bundled crap just like Google Chrome and Google PlayStore.

I don't mind Google getting fucked in the ass, but Microsoft deserves a spiked buttplug permanently embedded in their asshole far more.


>minding who the dick belongs to rather than the dick itself

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that's what i read

>You still have to take it though, it still takes up shelf space in your home, you're not allowed to get rid of it.
So if they replace the Chrome binary with 100MB of shit from /dev/random it's OK?

>Not to mention the datamining they do with the play store.
You know you can sideload applications, or download them from Fdroid right?

reminds me on ms and ie. what does google make on average in a year?

OS authorship, app store and search engine are separate businesses. Remember how USA blocked purchase of cinema company by telecom? Yeah, me neither.

Just like you can choose to not go to wallmart.
But those other stores sure have the same selection, right?
>So if they replace the Chrome binary with 100MB of shit from /dev/random it's OK?
Well. No, I'd rather they not do either.
I'm curious why they would be adding useless data to your phone though, and then making it impossible to get rid of.

It's the same here. EU is a corporate joint venture. This is just our style of fighting against US and other countries. It works only because we are an important market for you.

>Just like you can choose to not go to wallmart.
No, it would be the equivalent of going to Walmart, and buying other brands. Nobody is fucking forcing you to use Chrome or Google Search on Android.

>Well. No, I'd rather they not do either.
>I'm curious why they would be adding useless data to your phone though, and then making it impossible to get rid of.

Oh, I see now that you're absolutely retarded and suddenly cycled back to points already discussed.
>Ban everything bloat
Never said that, shows how retarded you are that you wouldn't understand this.
Simply make it removable. Or give users the option to install it later, that bloat doesn't need to be on the phone from the start.

>that bloat doesn't need to be on the phone from the start.
Yup sure. Let's make every user have to sideload the App Store, Chrome, Email, Calendar, Clock, Calculator, and Music as soon as they get their phone. That will be a great user experience!

>Fewer operating systems, search engines and browsers

It's like there is a reason not to use Chrome, Android and Google for 95% of people on this Earth, right?

Fucking hell I wish I were in UK so I would not have to deal with this fucking EU bureaucratic shitholl.

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>Simply make it removable
Man you sure have great reading comprehension.
Acting like a sperg isn't going to win you any arguments.
Why are you defending this shit anyways? Do you want all phones to have 100 packages you never use and can't get rid of?

It is removable if you have root. They don't want dumb normies to remove it and get stuck in a state where they can't recover from. That isn't the issue of the the lawsuit though.

>Do you want all phones to have 100 packages you never use and can't get rid of?
A web browser is a basic fucking feature of a smartphone.

He was Luxembourg's prime-minister for 18 years, he was effectively an advisor for corporations all over the world to dodge taxes. He's the polar opposite of a commie and damn near an avatar of capitalism, which ironically is precisely why he's perfectly positioned to say Marx was right.

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any normie here realized the commission wants the producers to be free to include freely any substitutive app in their android phone and not "just don't give any at all"?

Atm google is forcing anyone who want to use a specific part of their services (EG the play store) to force default and make unistallable also every single other of their services.
A Producer could want (and should be allowed) to include eg the play store but set as default firefox for browser, an alternative youtube app for videos, etc etc

>>A web browser is a basic fucking feature of a smartphone.
>Missing the point completely
>Google is cracking down on open source roms as well, as per the image in the OP
>Normies might break things if they're allowed to remove chrome and the music app
>It's not like they can just put a warning on removing essentials
Try to look inward and decide if you really want to go down that road.
If someone tries to remove something essential, and even after being warned they still do it. Is it then THAT bad if it breaks?
I'd still like you to answer why you're defending it. Maybe get some insight.

>Google is cracking down on open source roms as well, as per the image in the OP
Nice baseless FUD. I'm still seeing plenty of custom ROMs being developed, with Gapps.

>It's not like they can just put a warning on removing essentials
That's what they did though. If you have root you can remove it just fine. Do you also want the ability to remove Bluetooth? All I see here is you crying about 100MB of space taken up by something YOU personally don't use but many other people do.

>Voiding your warranty to remove Chrome and the music player is acceptable
Answer the question user.
Why are you so hell bent on defending something that every reasonable person would object to?

Root doesn't void your warranty.
Answer the question. Why are you so hell bent on getting that 100MB of disk space back? Remember that this has nothing to do with the lawsuit too.

>Root doesn't void your warranty.
Do you not even look up the things you're talking about?
I give up. You clearly don't intend to see reason, all you want is to "be right" when you're clearly not.
But I'm sure being the last to post makes you the "winner" in your mind.


now make those dogshit american companies pay taxes and we're all fair and square with Trump.

hell, Amazon, Google and Apple actually paying taxes would completely even out the losses caused by Brexit.

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>the losses caused by Brexit.
Having less Angl*s can only be a gain anyway.