So /g, how fucked am I?

Lets get straight to the purpose. No-one has paid me to check you. You may not know me and you're most likely wondering why you are getting this mail?

Let me tell you, I actually setup a malware on the 18+ vids (sex sites) web-site and guess what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were viewing video clips, your internet browser initiated functioning as a Remote control Desktop with a keylogger which provided me with accessibility to your screen and also web camera. Just after that, my software collected your complete contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as email . Next I made a double video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you've got a fine taste lol), and second part displays the recording of your web camera, & it is you.

You got only 2 possibilities. We should read up on these types of choices in details:

1st solution is to just ignore this e-mail. In that case, I am going to send your recorded material to every bit of your personal contacts and then consider concerning the shame you feel. In addition should you be in a romantic relationship, just how it would affect?

Number two choice is to pay me $3000. I will describe it as a donation. Subsequently, I will straightaway delete your videotape. You will keep going your daily routine like this never happened and you surely will never hear back again from me.

You'll make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).

BTC Address: blah, blah, blah.
[CASE SENSITIVE, copy & paste it]

Attached: alicia-banit-1115474.jpg (1000x1000, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you have been looking at going to the police, anyway, this email message cannot be traced back to me. I have dealt with my steps. I am just not trying to ask you for money much, I simply prefer to be paid for. I've a unique pixel in this message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message. You have one day in order to pay. If I don't receive the BitCoins, I will send your video to all of your contacts including members of your family, colleagues, and many others. However, if I receive the payment, I'll destroy the video right away. If you really want evidence, reply with Yes! then I will send your video recording to your 14 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer thus please do not waste mine time and yours by replying to this message.

>inb4 they've got muh password wrong, I have tape over muh webcam and i only youtube-dl pr0n or torrent javs

So far I've nmapped the ip I got from the email headers...
Lot of ports open that I would expect a cyber extortionist to know better than to leave open..

>So far I've nmapped the ip I got from the email headers...
>Lot of ports open that I would expect a cyber extortionist to know better than to leave open..
You have nothing. This is shit sent from infected users/servers

I figured it was that or bounced. have to be breddy fuggin stupid not to tbqfhphamalama.

>tfw if it was true they'd have audio of me grunting away as i rub 1 out...

Attached: ella-hooper-1115757 (1).jpg (963x1204, 143K)

hilarious larp. go on

>only watch porn on my phone, usually via reddit (the only reason to use reddit desu), very occasionally on a website
I'm good.

Literally just google it. Most mainstream news outlets are talking about this one.

Your fault for allowing the browser to interact with the webcam :^)
tl;dr it's a scam.

jsyk - 4chinz trips n e w s.c o m.a u to "baka"

Archive it

I am a little intrigued as to what sort of strike rate they get. Even 1% of a really big bulk spam email list would be worth about the same as a noice dinner out somewhere..

Attached: isabella-giovinazzo-1115555.jpg (750x750, 97K)

Oh yeah I forgot - DON'T use for baka...
>tfw japmoot really doesn't like Rupert Murdoch eh?

How the fuck could you even fall for something like this? I don't have a webcam, period. I don't have any contacts that you can get via infecting my pc, so what shit do I give? Also I download my porn, or wank to 2D on panda, or make my own. Holy shit normals are stupid.

Got the exact same email.
Though I only had to pay 1800$. Seems I got off lightly lol

Sucks to be you I guess

Attached: pupper.jpg (568x455, 47K)

>a website installing a keylogger
You'd have to be literally retarded for this to happen.

The site would have to initiate a download for some form of executable, and you'd have to open that random executable, which would require being retarded.

Also any good AV would have quarantined that shit instantly.

>paying 1800 for watching cuck porn

thanks for wasting my time reading this shit. OP I too have your nudes apologize or I post them in this thread.
this is not a joke

>tfw no webcam
>tfw no facebook
>tfw don't watch video porn
>tfw not stupid enough to fall for this even if I did do all of the above
Are BTC addresses really case sensitive?

>only watch porn on my phone, usually via reddit
You wouldn't need to worry about the shame since you have no dignity to begin with.

Yes, Google is your friend

This. The email is probably a scam anyway. Idea taken from black mirror I guess.

Consider the following. Even if they have a record of you fapping and a record of your screen, those are 2 individual videos, nothing can prove that you were fapping to that specifically. Usually the webcam points only at the face, so unless you do funny faces when fapping nobody would even know, and if you do, they will only see some funny faces, not worth 3000$.

What you should worry is if you fap to something illegal, if they catch a registry of that (all packets send/recieved and so on) and they blackmail you into reporting to the police. Even then though, you could argue (even if not true) that, since they got access to your computer, those records could just as well be fabricated proof. (+ being taken via illegal actions and therefore invalid proof).

So no matter how you look at it, blackmail for shame is not likely to work unless you're a very popular person to start with (and don't want to lose that). What is really harmful is if they encrypt your data and blackmail for restoring it.

If even after that you're worried, these attacks can be prevented by 2 simple things. Covering your webcam and making security copies.

>inb4 they've got muh password wrong, I have tape over muh webcam and i only youtube-dl pr0n or torrent javs

disable javascript

I'm 100% sure I saw an user plotting this scam yesterday on a thread (or maybe he was scammed too?), can't remember which one exactly.

>In addition should you be in a romantic relationship, just how it would affect?

what kind of autist can't comprehend that his girlfriend//boyfriend fap to porn on occasion?

>actually being scared of pavel, pajeet and nigerian prince tier scam emails with horrendous grammar

Jow Forums really is full of gullible /v/irgins. Hopefully he won't tell your parents you've been looking at scat.

>actually being scared of pavel
But he's the only one who can disable a fully primed neutron bomb!

>being scared of pavel

Attached: Pavel.jpg (434x401, 32K)

>Subsequently, I will straightaway delete your videotape.

You deserve it for running Windows

>Lets get straight to the purpose
Wow, you totally mangled that. Your grammar and word usage is so bad. Here is what you were trying to say:

Lets get right to the point.

she's going to get that watermelon all over the fucking place.

I got one too.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 149K)

>no information about what you've been viewing or any evidence given in the email that they arent lying
>paying the $3000 is not going to oblige him to delete anything and if it was real he probably wouldnt
>everyone faps, dont panic, posting the videos publicly will not make him any money and carrying his threat through will not benefit him in any way
>once he uses that card he has nothing on you

ignore it

>the porn website
lel, cant even specify which one

Nice fucking try user, we all know you're not a girl.

Google is malware.

Nice mail software.

>be me
>have ugly gf to fug
>webcams all unplugged
>don't use social media
Feels good man. Pajeet can get fucked.

Attached: pepe457.png (865x526, 65K)

>Scammer sees that you have no friends or contacts to send this shit to humiliate you
>Pities you and just tells you it's all good and not worry about it, also components your taste in hentai

>your internet browser initiated functioning as a Remote control Desktop with a keylogger
how fucking retarded is someone who beleives this

I'd like to dive into that melon too, if you know what I mean.

reply with your banking details

The keylogger part is true for all browsers though.

Even if this wasn't a scam or larp, if someone would just send porn to random people on kikebook, it would just be filtered and deleted before the recipient could even see the message.

Normfags should not be allowed to access Internet.

based and redpilled comment on image message board software host Jow in section Jow Forums - Technology

i want ugly gf too :(

Attached: pepe stupid deformed.png (400x400, 17K)

>>inb4 they've got muh password wrong, I have tape over muh webcam and i only youtube-dl pr0n or torrent javs

Attached: m02.jpg (1064x1600, 194K)

I think this message is a mistake. I do not view pornographic material. Photos of combine harvesters on the other hand....vruuum.

so what happend again?

>>tfw if it was true they'd have audio of me grunting away as i rub 1 out...

Attached: 004.jpg (1584x2376, 676K)

There is exactly one correct response to this:
>Go fuck a goat, sandnigger!

>t.hedonistic normie

>I've a unique pixel in this message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message.

The only way I can think of him knowing you read his email is that it was HTML and your browser asked for a CSS resource which he logged

no vid no money

>The only way I can think of him knowing you read his email is that it was HTML and your browser asked for a CSS resource which he logged
Seems like a very "normie" vector tho - doesn't really account for email clients that don't display html natively (so NOT outlook essentially) .

>tfw I get to see myself pulling muh "O" face....

Been a couple of days now - no weird "WTF mang?" emails from friends/work/family...yet..

Attached: dscn05171.jpg (2155x1616, 1.75M)

I would pay him 3000 bucks happily, if he showed off my great taste in jav to my non-existent friends.

You got this email if you were on the breach combo list btw.

And how do you have my acquaintances their fuckboi i use zero social media and go by aliases online. worst youve got is my credit cards i use to buy dragon dildos and video games. and ill just charge back that shit

I got this same email. Almost word for word. I don't even have a webcam. Unless they provided actual proof that they have this video, it's for sure a lie.

I love this scam, it's the nigerian prince of our time. Wonder how many retards actually fall for this.

Of course it's a lie, do you think they also make a person a real prince of Nigeria to send convincing e-mails? They talk out of their asses because it requires no work. People still fall for it and send them easy money.

According to haveibeenpwned it could be 1 on a few....

>Wonder how many retards actually fall for this.
>I am a little intrigued as to what sort of strike rate they get. Even 1% of a really big bulk spam email list would be worth about the same as a noice dinner out somewhere..

It's gotta be worthwhile at least a bit.

>tfw you actually fall for it, give the guy $3k and then go noporn/nofap out of contrition and fear that he might come back for a second extortion....

Attached: dscn0514-2.jpg (2558x1919, 2.91M)