macfags on suicidewatch
Macfags on suicidewatch
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macfags will defend this
lmao nerds you're using it wrong
I really like the recent tendency of macfags growing tired of Apple's bullshit. Honestly, my main gripe with Apple is their shitty marketing policies and autistic retards who fall for their tricks. I actively dislike their products but I'm chill with people having a use for them.
If the trend continues, who knows, maybe one day Apple will stop being a steaming pile of shit it is nowadays.
>macbook pros already throttle like crazy
>alright lets shove two more cores in there with non low-power ram
Is this because the CPU is throttling to 1.3 ghz or because the ayymd GPU is worse than Nvidia?
>Have no idea what an Aero 15X is
>Look up said machine
>1070 dedicated graphics
(that's the point bitch)
bro you're supposed to be using it in the freezer, duh
r/Apple,appleinsider and macrumors are salty as fuck
The Aero 15x and all the shitty looking windoze laptops indicate the user hasn't aged past a 13 year old angst filled child as far as taste is concerned. Poorfags simply don't understand why MacBook Pro is a better product, because their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to. They work better, period. They're better built without all of the childish plastic where it doesn't need to be. Simply better products. The trash that can't afford the better products have to stretch to find flaws, like saying how an Aston Martin DB9 doesn't clear a curb at their local Wal-Mart as well as their 4-owner deep late 80s Honda.
The latest MacBook Pro comes with a Radeon 560x, which as far as I can tell is about equivalent to a Nvidia 1050. That's right a fucking 1050. Not even a 1060-tier card in a brand new PRO laptop, built for PROfessionals. The absolute state of Apple.
They are literally stealing people's money.
>t. trash
>t. Hot head
You literally posted a link to the toy, lol
God that thing is fucking hideous.
>the toy ass rape MacBook Pro
It's okay, keep working that angst out. One day you'll grow up.
Oh, it doesn't speak English. No wonder it's so retarded. Eugenics literally when for third world shitholes?
"Hot head" is seriously the best you can come up with. Sad. Poor and sad.
>1.3 ghz
If only. Try 800 mhz.
The aston martin, unlike a macbook, can actually run as intended under a heavy workload. In our case the aero is the aston martin and your throttlebook is a 70s shitbox that spews smoke as you pull onto the highway and proceeds to light itself on fire.
but $6600+ pimped out one means its good right?
They want you to buy an eGPU for $600 + tax instead of carrying all that power in an easy-to-carry laptop.
>new Apple toy comes out with a couple of good specs
>new non-Apple toy comes with a couple of better specs
When Apple had good keyboards, Apple was the best because the keyboard was good.
When Apple's new keyboards were bad, Apple is still the best because "lolmao who cares dude it is just a keyboard bro lolmao".
When Apple had good screens, Apple was the best because the "wow retina screen amazing this is really awesome".
When non-Apple screens are just as good or better, Apple is still the best because "lolmao who cares dude it is just a screen bro lolmao".
And so here we are:
>lolmao dude who cares about performance, like, it is just a gpu bro lolmao
>lolmao dude who cares about the specs, bro it is all about the looks dude lolmao
>lolmao your non-Apple toy does not look like an Apple toy dude lolmao it is all about the looks bro lolmao
Looks much better than macshit. Bad bait. This is about as professional looking as laptops get.
I'm sure this is bait, but
>They work better, period.
>fails to maintain base clock speed when used for the professional tasks that it is marketed towards
Let's take this quote from Apple's own marketing page about the new MacBook Pro:
>With eighth-generation Intel Core processors, MacBook Pro reaches new heights in compute performance. The 15‑inch model now features a 6‑core Intel Core i9 processor that works up to 70 percent faster than the previous generation, enabling up to 4.8GHz Turbo Boost speeds. And a quad‑core processor on the 13‑inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar now makes it up to twice as fast as the previous generation. So when you’re powering through pro‑level processing jobs like compiling code, rendering 3D models, adding special effects, layering multiple tracks, or encoding video, you’ll get everything done. Faster.
It's marketed directly towards video encoding, rendering 3D models, and other professional workloads that are actually demanding of that hardware. This isn't some random "oh your facebook machine can also be used for this btw" tidbit, this is the main purpose of the machine according to Apple.
But not only does this machine not reach or maintain its boost clocks, it fails to maintain its BASE clock speed. The i9 in a 2018 macbook pro will not run at 2.9 GHz for an extended period of time. It throttles to the point that 2017's quad-core model is faster at the specific tasks the current model is marketed towards.
This isn't stretching to find flaws. To use your own analogy, this is the equivalent of a supercar that might be able to make fast runs on the dragstrip (the new macbooks benchmark fine in geekbench, something that takes at most 2 minutes to do), but ultimately falls flat on its face when a Prius runs laps around it because it cannot sustain any sort of performance in a real-world scenario (see: video encoding).
>ethernet port
>usb-c AND traditional ports
>pcie sd card slot
>activity indicators so you know its actually working instead of having to guess whether it's frozen
>active cooling system that makes full use of the CPU and GPU power
Now THIS is professional-grade hardware that makes even the most dedicated macfags question their existence.
>4K and 100% RGB adobe screen with profesional calibrator built it.
>2 PCI E nvme replaceable ssd.
The screen is nice, basically the same as Apple's true-tone.
Replaceable SSDs aren't even worth mentioning as that's about as standard as air bags on a car.
>a fucking AYYLIEN Ware and MSI Titan with exhaust pipes can't cool down i9 to get more than 16% performance boost vs i7
I don't want to sound like defending Apple's retarded inclusion of i9, but Intel really needs to die. Oh and it multicore there are nearly no gains, NO GAINS.
This new i9 macbook is literally a geekbench machine.
absolute wreckage
are you okay?
He's too busy trimming his hipster beard to reply.
You'd have a point if the Aero 15X wasn't at minimum $1,000 cheaper.
Wait a minute...
>$2499.99 (no tax collected outside NY and NJ)
>free expedited shipping
>Display: Ultra HD (3840 x 2160)