
>select a drive
>just use

>open disk manager
>select disk
>just use

Ganoo loonix
>mkfs, cfdisk, gparted or some shit
>format disk
>you can't do anythingon partition because you don't have permission
>now go to terminal, faggot!
>now you need create a mount point
>add permissions
>use chown
>edit fstab
>login again
>you still can't do nothing on the partition

So this is the "best OS in the world"? Fucking faggots tranies pedos shit! Put this meme in your ass and die, bastards!

Attached: uWbdDkL.gif (390x379, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't need to use GUIs in Windows and OSX for this. You don't need to use a CLI in Linux for this. You don't need to put a drive in fstab, and you certainly don't need to reboot. I'm sure this is all very new for you right now, but in time you will learn how retarded your post is.

Stay lying to yourself, dipshit!

>open nemo file manager
>select disk
>just use

>using gui
>on linux

I don't use gnomeshit.

I just do a couple of clicks in gparted and it's done.

>grub> _
>grub> _

If you're retarded or suffering from baby duck syndrome.

i experimented with many distros over my 15 years of linux use and sometimes it just happens, i use windows these days because i value my time more than my self-perceived intelligence

Yeah I guess that would work if you're brain dead.

How the fuck did you manage to do that?
I'm genuinely concerned. I've never had that happen to me. You must've be doing something incredibly wrong.

what is gparted?

>Ganoo loonix
>mkfs, cfdisk, gparted or some shit
Are you blind or can not read?

>implying wangblows disk manager isn't retarded

Nu-Jow Forums replying to obvious bait again. Even worse since it is also a frogposter. I wish there was a way to ban /v/ users from posting on Jow Forums

You might be retarded

>not using gnome-disk-utility
>not having disk-utility format for you
>being a faggot.

If you really want to mount it as an normal user, run (install if missing) pmount instead of mount. Or just run sudo -i and navigate it as root

>select a drive
>if fat or ntfs format, else fuck you
>process hangs
>still nothing
>try to kill the formatting tool
>tool freezes
>"do you want to stop this program?"
>yes please
>popup freezes
>remove drive
>suddenly tool closes
>put back in the drive
>explorer completely freezes, can't do shit
>remove drive
>windows still white
>OS can't stop pissing itself

Ganoo loonix
>open GParted
>select drive
>new partition table
>new partition

>same as ganoo but with other tool


Literally this

>that 20 year old boomer who uses GUI

Attached: boomer.jpg (380x348, 52K)

>select drive

Also the fact that you left out windows rebooting twice shows that you are shitposting.

>sets file partitions while installing instead of making only install partitions and setting up file partitions after logged in to user
>uses gparted instead of disks

I could make similar post about windows or OSx if I do something non standard

this user is right about you:

Just werks on my machine, faggot.