What's the recommended laptops to buy?

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Im guessing they mean desktop?

kill yourself nigger cocksucker

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everyone here will just tell you to buy a used thinkpad

It's a good thing I own a thinkpad

So everyone over 30 is an incel? Wow, better fire everyone who's over 30 because they're some filthy incel! Right reddit?

This article is not real. It is a photoshop of this article:


It's surreal how you can't tell it's ironic or not.

Not really, you're just gullible.

It could just as well be real.

this article is just as retardedly baity as the edit though.

it's worse?

Attached: 1512548029895.gif (240x228, 858K)

>ellen pao

Still desperate to find a new job I see.

But i'm a stock market trader.
How does that work?
I kind of NEED a computer to see my stocks

i assumed incel was some religious thing

I didn't know both my parents were incels. I guess that means all by siblings and I are adopted.

Yah. Really weird times we are living in.

I just got this. shopgoodwill.com/Item/54903914

>It’s an underground coalition of mainly men who complain about how society actively and unfairly deprives them of sex, often, they say, because they are too ugly or too fat.
That's not what I was thinking this was. I thought it was quite literal. Not a club or some shit.
I suppose since it's involuntary an open statement concerning the fact would be required to specifically make them incel.
I haven't bothered reading beyond but why would you oppose people being employed based on a morally neutral and legal aspect of their sexuality.

It's Wired. What do you expect?

No, usually vocels are religious.

What a shit article. I'm sticking with /.

The only thing about incels that is annoying is what Jow Forums already has shined on tons of times. An asshole that bitches about being incel doesn't realize they can't get laid because they are an unlovable asshole and refuse to realize it.

I posted this comment on the article:

> I love how you feminists always try to covertly label males with autistic interests like computers as misogynistic incels. Even if you didn't actually say it, the fact that you seem to have a bizarrely intense focus on the small intersection between those two groups shows that you clearly believe they are equivalent. I've tried to find similar articles from feminists on jocks who rape women at parties and have turned up nothing. So tell me, what exactly is it with feminists' disproporationate hatred of computer geeks anyway? And what's with the demonization of autistic traits and interests in males? Are you ableist?

> As an autistic asexual male with an interest in computers, I feel marginalized by this article.

dude is this real

Not quite. Sex is competitive, and men are intrinsically less desirable to women than women are to men. Women know this and use it to their advantage when choosing a mate.

If we could rate people overall on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being perfection, you will typically see women dating "up" while men are forced to settle with equal or below themselves. If the man is not willing to settle, the woman in question will simply find another guy who will and that guy is guaranteed to exist.

im 14 and this is deep

When did we start using incel instead of robot?
All these new terminologies feel so normalfaggish.

I'm 33, pic related is my computer, I'm married and I just fucked my wife this morning.

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Welp, America does have a history of having parts of its economy sustained by involuntary and hated workers

Because women like to be raped and dominated by jocks.

It's disgusting when it comes from some pasty face 130 pound social loser.

you know this place stands for autistic Thinkpad Jow Forumsrinding right?

Jebem ti xD

medias forced it when the canadian dude did his thing. Then I guess people rolled with it because it's reddit shit so it makes for good baits.