Do you still use your old machine, Jow Forums? How long have you been using it?

Do you still use your old machine, Jow Forums? How long have you been using it?

This is a slavstation/crapstation thread. Post your old rigs/builds that you still use.

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can i play?

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Now with 6gb ram and gt210

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surprised it takes 6 pin


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lga 1366 socket is gud

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Still having this as a backup. Thinking of doing a clean Vista install and using it as a pure nostalgia machine.

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>these are crapstations/slavstations

If smoke didn't come out the PC that one fateful day I'd still have my 800MHz duron setup for a backup

Not really crap but definitely old

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oh I’m laughin rn

Core2Duo 4 lyfe

Its pretty old now. Released 7 years ago. 1st gen Core is genuinely old.
These old Xeons are still incredibly usable, even for gaymes, though you should remind they were the absolute top end back in their time. They are what a Threadripper is today.

Why do you have a 1070 with such low resolution screens? Seems like wasted money.

I only have the 1600x1200 at the moment but I'll be getting a Dell 1440p monitor as well for triple screen

Sandy bridge i5s can be out performed my c2q's, xeons and even phenoms from that generation.

It is pretty bad.

sure do

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it's so old
i made it 4 years ago

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Joining it boi

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why 10.9

This counts ?

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starting to get ryzen envy as i am doing a lot of h.264 encoding lately, but it manages to finish a queue before I need it to be finished and not get over 69-70 degrees max so... meh

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the ipc difference between sandy bridge and yorkfield/deneb/anyotherphenomorcore2arch is enormous, as even the gap between them and Nehalem is pretty big. You are fake news.

No speccy since I've got Linux on it, but I've got an old Core 2 Quad machine from 2008 still going strong.

Really crap indeed

fuck off macfag

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Only about 8 years old

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Buy a Xeon X5650 and over clock the fuck out of it, also add another 6GB RAM for Gaymin, but make sure you have triple channel RAM

I'm scared of touching anything in this thing without it breaking. Still gets 60 fps in overwatch somehow

I have an ASUS P6T that had a 920 as well, I slapped in a W3680 and hit 4.54Ghz Stable, at that OC it's similar to stock Ryzen 5 1600

I had my Q6600 machine pulling NAS duty until about a month ago, fan got super noisy and I got more parts so it's been sitting idle as I migrated everything under one proxmox box.

ZFS uses BIG Ram though, so I might get it 16 GB of ECC DDR2 and a new fan, then bring it back online as a pure storage array, freeing resources on the VM host.

lol those speccys are the same as the ones for my daily driver