At job interview for big name software company

>at job interview for big name software company
>first few questions go pretty well, pretty basic "tell me about yourself" type stuff
>we move on to the whiteboard problems, I'm nervous but I actually manage to solve them quite easily
>we do some more talking about the company and the technology it uses, it's looking really good for me
>interviewer pauses for a few seconds
>"alright, just one last question user: Do you dream in code?"
>i'm sort of taken aback, I don't understand the question
>"No, I mean not really, I don't really have those sorts of dreams"
>interviewer completely changes his body language, ends the interview abruptly
>tells me I'll receive an email with their decision in a few days

what did I do wrong? is this a bad sign?

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work for a different co. Been doing this shit for 10 years and I've yet to "dream in code".

I see this shit all the time in job postings
>We want someone who lives, breathes, eats and shits code. Basically you have to get a hard-on and bust a nut purely from coding, but also be a well adjusted person that can socialize well at the office.

Fuck em

>what did I do wrong?
You didn't dream in code.

tfw dream about high school, college, or conventions.

>in an interview
>completely nail all the technical questions
>"so tell us about your hobbies outside of coding"
>sit there like a sperg trying to think of something good to say
>still jobless

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This meme is 6 years old dude, wtf.

Dreamed in code once, was in Java, had shit up to my neck and couldn't escape. Quite an abstract experience.

For a brief period I had nightmares about imaginary math problems I couldn't solve. Literally woke me up in the middle of the night. I find it rather comical. They came because I was stressed over an exam project.
I have also dreamt about code once. It's a weird question to ask you during an interview.

You can find worthy hobbies without even leaving a Jow Forums comfort zone dummy! Go on or or something

fapping to animu
fapping to apple
doing sport or some shit

Dreaming about ANY language processing is HIGHLY irregular.

The language center of your brain is like 95% in the left hemisphere.

Dreams are 100% right hemisphere.

Less than 1% of the population has the ability to see legible written words in their dreams, let alone computer code.

That's a dumb question.
It's an almost impossible situation.
I know neuroscientists who would slap him for putting that on a fucking interview.

Yeah but let's be pragmatic, if you get asked something that dumb then just appease them.

>yes lol u 2?
>nice xd

>taking this bait seriously

I am disappointed, Jow Forums.

He was probably just put off by OPs behavior

Don't you love it how companies want you to love programming so much that you even do it on your free time so you have tons of personal projects and at the same time have loads of other hobbies and are a very social person.

OP might be bait but it's a real scenario

>I like to upgrade and modify my computers, explore software usage, and program stuff on my spare time, but I don't dream about coding, nor do I do any big projects on my spare time.
>don't call us, we'll call you
Just fucking tell me I'm a loser and get me out of here already.

i thought it was pretty clear too

>it's a real scenario
Interviewers bait candidates with Jow Forums memes?

I've seen people sincerely talk about things like this IRL

>answer every question within minutes, in perfectly clean and modern code
>So..uh, we need a cultural fit here and honestly you answered the questions like a robot, and really we were looking for a more down to earth coder.

Seriously? This just happened to me 2 days ago

They basically said you don't fit the diversity quota.

they want someone more attractive

I dream in code, especially when I was learning assembley.

>things like this
That's pretty vague.

Could be you being cold and autistic, could just be what they said. If you can choose who to work with you will choose people more like you.

You intimidated them.

They want a codeslave that'll compensate for all the (((stronk wahmen))) who don't do shit but sit around.

Lol programing doesn't involve much syntax in practice. The real stuff is structure and design.

>he doesn't bullshit interviewers
just say you like to visit museums or some shit


>in an interview
>I was asked what did I do for the weekend
>Answer I used a Russian VPN to buy cheaper games from GOG
>Interviewer writes something
>Did it added or subtracted points from my interview?

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at that point the correct thing is to lie. tell them you like running and reading books. running is good because there's really not any intricate knowledge to it that they could question you on. not like if you say you like going to the gym: "oh, which gym do you go to?" "really, i go there too. i haven't seen you around, though...". saying you like reading is also good. it's one of the few reclusive hobbies that are socially acceptable. just remember to keep some book in mind so you can answer if they ask you which book you read last.

Most likely subtracted.

That's a good answer

>at job interview for big name software company
>first few questions go pretty well, pretty basic "tell me about yourself" type stuff
>we move on to the whiteboard problems, I'm nervous but I actually manage to solve them quite easily
>we do some more talking about the company and the technology it uses, it's looking really good for me
>interviewer pauses for a few seconds
>"alright, just one last question user: Do you kode with karlie?"
>i'm sort of taken aback, I don't understand the question
>cd code

what did I do wrong? is this a bad sign?

In my experience the last question is always some nebulous "so what are your career goals" shit that is way more important than you expect in their evaluation of you

>He Plays video games

*scribble scribble* INCEL DO NOT HIRE

NO! I dream about big fat pussy, you faggot! Don't worry OP, you don't want to work for those cucks anyway!

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I was once asked if I could be any type of rock what would it be

so I was completely taken aback and blurted out.. Granite.

she wrote something down. I was later informed I failed the interview.

I'm not even joking

>>"alright, just one last question user: Do you kode with karlie?"

Only on Wednesdays


Jesus fucking shit, even if this is bait this shit must have at least an ounce of truth to it

What kind of high school tier popularity contest shit is the tech market turning itself into ? Now the employees have to be ultra social normies with the exact amount of mediocre competence as to work and not hurt the pajeet subhumans feefee

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reminds me of a stupid metal personality test i saw a decade ago
>you are doom metal
>you're kinda slow.

> doing well on interview so far
> user do you like to work in a team or alone?


>Not being so good and so indispensable that you can call the interviewer a nigger and still get hired
You're doing it wrong.

If the position was for webdev or fullstack, you are the only one to blame.
Not only it makes you a pleb and fucking numale, but it is the definition of the cancer that is rotting the technology sector. Even if you like web development there is no way a decent person can enjoy working with the average scumbag you'll surely encounter.
webdev is only useful for a first code monkey job if you didn't go to university until you get something better.

>I enjoy working in a team when trying to coordinate and come up with strategic targets, but prefer to work alone when I need deep focus.

wew that was tuff

>I enjoy working in a team when trying to coordinate and come up with strategic targets, but prefer to work alone when I need deep focus.
I might actually use this, I get this question asked a lot.

I've dreamed in code before and trust me it's not a good thing. It only really happens to me during some critical code sprint and when I'm hating every second of my life.

the more you know
thanks user

...source? I can distinctly remeber at least one occasion where I saw words in a dream.

funny, it just happened to me yesterday
not actually in code but i dreamed of writing functions and shit

Before my last interview a week ago I took the time to find a few XSS vulns on the company's production website. In the interview I said I found some vulns in their product. They asked what they were and I said I don't consult for free. Haven't heard back yet. Misfortune favors the bold.

>He Plays video games
Not even that.

>used a Russian VPN to buy cheaper games from GOG
Dude, if you want to support the devs or someone, you should just cough up the money for the games you like. If you're too poor, just pirate them instead.
The points are subtracted because this is stupid.

>They asked what they were and I said I don't consult for free.

proof that being smart doesn't help when you have autism

Yup. Thats the paradox.
It is rational answer, but sounds dishonest and robotic senpai.
It leads to I just said "alone". Because I dont mind having a steak with colleagues after work, but I want to work alone. reee
Slavemasters had a good laugh at spergout and offered me the job after interview.

>haha, not really, I've had dreams about program ideas though

>I've yet to "dream in code".

Actually when I was coding often, while drifting off to sleep I'd have an "aha!" moment when the structure solving a problem would just appear. Then I'd have to get up and write it down or type it in before the inspiration faded.

So, it happens.

No, not necessarily. Although, I wouldn’t have worded it that way myself. I would have said “I’m not quite sure I understand your question. Are you referring to coding in my sleep?” I always counter ask questions back if I don’t understand it.


that is the only windows open in my monitor in my wagecuck job


I see what you did there.

I've never remembered any of my dreams

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Same. I have heard people say text is supposedly illegible in dreams, but I've had dreams explicitly about writing text on paper, even rereading it.
Not sure anybody really knows anything about dreams at all tbqfh


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I've been at the same job for 7 years but I just told them the truth that all my free time goes to my wife and kid, have me an offer a few days later

It's called being a well rounded person user. You don't want to staff your company with autists

Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you're a good fit. Welcome to the real world. Skill alone isn't enough

I see words all the time in my dreams though

You must be white. That’s what racist minorities say when they want to discriminate

yeah its real and it happened to me.

>what are your hobbies user?

i sperged the fuck out and said some nonsense. i literally have no real hobbies except for games and fucking with people. didnt get the job

lmao'ing imagining someone hitting the interviewer with that exact response.

I've recommended turning down candidates because they looked and acted like insufferable spergs during the interview, even though their technical skills were solid.

Unless you're a bona fide genius, your ability to work in a group and not be a dick (intentionally or otherwise) to your colleagues is just as important as your technical skills.

What he was asking was 'Are you going to want to work 16 hour days while we pay you for 8 hour ones?'

ITT Jow Forums finds out being a well rounded person is much better than spending your whole day on Jow Forums, watching anime and playing video games.

>>Answer I used a Russian VPN to buy cheaper games from GOG
Holy shit, saying stuff this specific always gives me anxiety.

I would have said: "Dwayne Johnson"


this, it's the best when you fuck off for a few weeks and the company says you need to come in and interview again since you were the best candidate

For me that's usually the point where I wake up. I will see text and just
know what's written there, but when I want to double check and try to actually make out the words, that's when I'm thrown out of the dream.

One guy asked me what websites I used

Had no clue what to say to that question so just sat there silent

Hobbies are memes desu, no idea why people think this is a good question to ask. You can generally get a good feeling of whether you will get on with a person just by talking to them, whatever random thing they say they like doing in their spare time doesn't make an ounce of difference.

good one

>well rounded person
a diverse team creates better products and diversity of lifestyles is integral to that. Companies should just get over their bigoted, preconceived notions of what a "normal" lifestyle is. What is this, 2017?

I've dream about math, physics, videogames, and algorithms but never code.

this. are they fucking noobs to think "kode" is something that requires much thought? in my dreams if anything I 3D visualize algorithms (in a very abstract way, but you can get the idea), which are 9/10 of the times where the problem solving is.

however, is right. I've worked on projects with absolute autist spergs among which a libertarian Jow Forumstard who always complained about FUCKING EVERYTHING, got distracted from what we were doing 24/7 because he had to annoy us with his glory dreams of going out of our company and doing a successful startup, and I'd never ever want to do that again no matter how good they'd be at their job. I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear than re-live the frustration, anxiety and bad feelings of working with such people. I fucking had diarrhea 24/7 for the depression on that time.

Because employers don't want robots

>I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump
Thanks for reconnecting those neurons I really need to have more AVGN thoughts rather than that other stuff I needed to remember.

If anyone can't understand that a person may not get a job because the cultural/personal fit is not right is probably exactly the find of person that is too socially unaware to realise they don't fit.
Working in an office is a social interaction, being technically able to do the job is only half of it. Also any decent developer will be able to pick up new languages/technologies to be able to do the job if they fit the business.

>what did I do wrong?
The thing you did right - you didn't lie.

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just lie bro

You dodged a bullet. Why would you want to work for such a faggot?

This. Next time, how about you curse in Spanish while writing your code? They'll frig themselves silly over your firey latino spirit (you don't need to be hispanic, anyone who uses Spanish is hispanic because Americans are retarded and think language = ethnicity.)

>"alright, just one last question user: Do you dream in code?"
Where the fuck do these kinds of questions come from? Is this a US thing?

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Why the fuck don't company or interviewers reject you immediately, they rather force you to wait for months or so? I'd rather be told that I am a fucktard and should learn more, rather than "oh u know next time tee hee XD".

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It's a trick because if you aren't 100% normal you have to be smart and aware enough to blend it.

I hated lying and thought it was horrible when I was younger but trying to get jobs in IT taught me to lie lie lie my way to employment and everything else when it comes to seeming "normal"

so you don't have to be escorted out by security

And what if it's a phone interview? Or is it a simply a way to weed retards out?

>meanwhile my friends never failed an interview, gets invited here and there and tired of hr trying to get him

You probably made him feel stupid for asking the question by YOUR body language. What a fucking strange interview question.