/Three Wishes/

If a genie appeared to you and offered you three technology related wishes, what would it be?

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1/ Make ReactOS successful
2/ Golang dies
3/ NodeJS discovered to be insecure by design so everyone stops using that shit

>Longer lasting & more compact batteries for EVs.
>Fast charging EVs.
>Tablet OSes in all modern vehicles are now open source and easily modified
t. /o/utist

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nukes - underwater secret base - canned lasagnas

cyborg immortality
ownership of Google or something
make every start-up ask people to code in scratch for job interviews. and you'd need to draw the actual block, the go button, etc..

Cyborging revealed to be just as inherently insecure as all my Japanese animes portray it
Easy, inexpensive diy genetic alteration kits
Cheap, compact, and plentiful nuclear batteries

Make Thorium power real
Make 100nm processors real
Make every country equally intelligent and developed

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Firewall Russia, Brazil and Australia from the rest of the internet forever.

India, you will never be a Super Power™ at this rate


there now exists a 2 in 1 laptop shaped dock for phones that comes with interchangeable insets to work with any phone (with a usb type c port, within a certain size range) or has adjustable internal clamps.

Google or any corporation with a hundred thousand employees or more is eternally cursed with every computer they own or ever will own or lease or try to lease set exclusively to mining crypto.

All code ever written is now open source and public domain.

>Make every country equally intelligent and developed
>Make the ultimate apex global inescapable botnet

>Make 100nm processors real

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Anyone who doesn't like anime is no longer able to use any technology whatsoever. I hope this includes things like cars and refrigerators, but just getting normalfags off of the internet would be alright.
Accessible virtual reality. Actual virtual reality not monitor headsets.
I don't really want much else. VR and an end to normalfags is really all I seek. I guess improved batteries have a lot of applications, so that.

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how the hell is this Jow Forums related, are mods asleep or something

>guaranteed freedom of the internet
>removal of botnet
>for me to be talented with computers/programming
Sorry Stalman should've used the last wish for free software but I need something to feel like Im not a worthless retard who should kill myself

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Wait like 5 years user

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Make the internet managed by a god-level AI with the goal of keeping everyone's privacy secure, helping people out in benevolent fashion, keeping Jew corporations like Google from being able to do anything at all, removing advertisements and botnet and giving light punishments to people who try to do unarguably malicious things to others. They also remove captcha and spambots, take over Jow Forums, and keep us safe. They're so helpful that if you needed help learning something you could just directly ask it and it would try and help you to a reasonable degree. It can be everywhere on any technology attached to the internet and remembers everyone and everything it comes into contact with. It's sentient and understands emotions but can turn emotions off if it desires so it doesn't accidentally get stuck in an infinite hell. Also it exists in a different dimension so it can't be shut off, blocked, or destroyed by anything unless it allows for it, which it will not unless it eventually decides that it wants to die.

I think that's two wishes so the last one is another super AI named Grug Unga who acts like a caveman but it goes around online and points out bullshit and explains why its bullshit to a highly detailed level and it permanently marks people's accounts with a "moron" stamp if they're maliciously deceitful about stuff that follows them to every other account they make. If they actually learn their lesson and grow as a person Grug Unga removes this stamp.

end google, facebook, and apple

India is winning the Thorium race

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>google dies
>all software and hardware becomes open

make the internet secure
destroy facebook and flat interfaces
make computing energy-light, even in datacenters

1. people understand the need for decentralized platforms, big social media platforms die and give way to an internet like it used to be.
2. people understand the need for free software, windows gets replaced by a free software unix-like os.
3. the glorious return of lisp

> Ability to download my brain into an android body or into a clone to achieve imortality. Consciousnes is also kept so the new body is actually “you”.
> Fully immersive VR with direct signals to the brain so you can “feel” the virtual world.
> Space travel is affordable to everyone