Have been long contemplating about buying this. Talk me out of it /g please.
Have been long contemplating about buying this. Talk me out of it /g please
Make your own decisions dumbass.
if you have to ask, then you don't need it
What am I looking at?
It's a supercharger for his butt plug
Mac Mini for poorfags.
What's the difference?
About £1500
Shit design. Super small form factor PC that requires a brick just as large as the pc to function. All sides need a ton of venting so you cant put it anywhere you'd want a small PC (entertainment center etc)
It is not waterproof.
Buy a thinkapd
What SFF would you prefer instead?
Why the fuck would you want a waterproof PC? Sounds like a house fire waiting to happen
Shit and comical. I saw someone with one of these a while ago and desu i thought it was a diy job
Why even have a case at that point?
Just build a cute little ITX OP.
Much better than those shitty things.
Underrated post
Not op, but I want to make my self one. Any tip or guide?
it wont compensate your addiction to get something you dont even need for too long as usual OP
you already made a thread bitch
depends on what you want in it
pardon the reddit link but you aren't going to get a more stable repository of information from a place as volatile as Jow Forums
>Paying more for less
This may be applicable for servers where as much as possible has to be crammed into designated racks cause of cooling, but its just nonsense for your living room.
It might be a cool idea if would resemble the actual material price.
>that gut
That looks neat
>macbook pro
That shit is more powerful than a macbook pro alone.
Who is this semen negro?
>kikestarter chinkshit when Sapphire is bringing 3 embedded boards to market