>People bragging about IPS monitors
>When CRTs exist
Why? You can get OLED quality image for a fraction of the price. The only limiting factor is whether you're too much of a lanklet to move a heavy object.
People bragging about IPS monitors
Other urls found in this thread:
>posts tv
2/10 made me reply
Energy consumption.
God I'm so fucking sick of these threads.
>oled quality
Yeah right fuck off you retarded boomer faggot.
It's more a matter of purpose than of construction.
Honey, your TV isn't making global warming happen. Don't believe everything you read or even see on TV.
Same difference. There are still high end CRT monitors that can do images and colors far better than modern monitors.
>non uniform picture
>washed out colors
haha yeah no
>>washed out colors
0/10 made me reply. CRTs have objectively better colors
> smoll screen
>buys shit crt from thrift store
>wahhhh why is it shit???
Don't you have a spy business to run or something, mr. Braun?
>a fraction of the price
hahaha good joke
Honey, not all of us are living in mom's basement and have to pay the energy bill ourselves.
Where can I get a decent CRT though? Perhaps something with VGA and AV.
Post on local sale groups on Facebook and Craigslist. Consumerist cucks are practically giving them away all the time.
>consumerist cucks
>using a CRT
>attention whoring about it online
The fucking cringe. I can smell the musty fedora from here.
E-recycling centers. Most of them won't sell computers out of fear that they contain personal/private data but everything else they either give to you for free or ask for what it's worth in scrap metal.
You know what I mean, fuckface. The people who throw away perfectly good stuff just because it's not the latest and greatest. That makes you a consumerist, and it alsk makes you a cuck because you're spending money for no goddamn good reason.
>perfectly good stuff
I got rid of my CRT TV because it could no longer receive over the air broadcasts and didn't have HDMI ports for new equipment.
I'll get a crt when you show me one at 1080p 240hz
What do you suggest? People like upgrading things they use everyday like TV and monitors, I guess everyone has unlimited storage space and can keep everything they're not using thats old and massive? Yes giving it away is better or selling it but that can be quite a hassle since most people arent autistic hipsters like you.
That's actually a good reason. It's obsolete and become unusable for most cases.
This, on the other hand:
>but itz not neeeewwwwww!
Good, good goy! Spend more money on incremental upgrades that do not meaningfully increase your quality of life!
>incremental upgrade
Yeah man a 4k monitor definitely is an "incremental" upgrade to an ancient CRT. Jesus fucking Christ you're deluded.
Yeah no. Except muh BLACK which is literally 1 color out of 16 million
Even if I wouldn't mind using a ton of space on my desk, I doubt I could find a CRT monitor to replace my 27", IPS, 144 Hz, 1440p, Freesync monitor. Every CRT I've used has always been an eye grate that nobody should be watching for long periods of time. CRT's time has passed and we have better technology now. We will have even better technology in the future when that OLED becomes good enough.
4K is a meme. And this is exactly what I'm talking about.
You know how all those people went out to buy 3D TVs even though there's very little content for them? And now 3D TVs are dead? 4K is kinda like that. Most people are going to be unable to tell the difference between 4K and 1080P at regular viewing distances. We hit the point of diminishing returns ages ago.
When high-DPI OLED reaches mainstream use I'll get rid of my CRT, but until then nothing can support multiple resolutions as well. 640x480 or 800x600 look like absolute shit on any LCD monitor.
>4k is a meme
Can you please just stop posting now? If you can't tell a difference between 4k and 1080p you're literally fucking blind.
>You know how all those people went out to buy 3D TVs even though there's very little content for them? And now 3D TVs are dead? 4K is kinda like that
How to make a 3D movie:
>Record it with special 3D cameras that ups the budget
>release it on special discs that have both channels of video
>require the consumer to have a disc reader that can play both channels and a TV that can display both channels
>requires consumer to wear glasses
How to make a 4k movie:
>Encode the digital master in h.265 and print the discs
>require the consumer to have a 4k disc reader and TV
People were making the same argument about 720p. They said you couldn't see a difference, and that 720p60 was superior because it was higher frame rate than 1080p30 (1080i60 with 30 frames). 4k is already here, it's cheap and people now have no reason to avoid buying one if they need a new TV.
>640x480 or 800x600 look like absolute shit on any LCD monitor.
With LCD monitors you don't want to warp the resolution to something non-native. You use the resolution that makes one physical pixel to present one digital pixel. If for some reason you have a reason to use 640x480 you use it on windowed mode, so it doesn't use the whole area. 640x480 has always looked horrible and higher resolutions are a lot nicer to look at.
Meanwhile on a CRT I can have it fill the entire screen and still look sharp. For office drones who run excel at native resolution all the time it might not matter but if you play older games and emulators there's really no alternative.
>People were making the same argument about 720p. They said you couldn't see a difference, and that 720p60 was superior because it was higher frame rate than 1080p30 (1080i60 with 30 frames). 4k is already here, it's cheap and people now have no reason to avoid buying one if they need a new TV.
It's still more expensive to get a 4K display than a non-4K display, and that goes double if you refuse to buy into the "smart tv" botnet.
Eventually we'll get to the point where 4K is the minimum, but we're not there yet, and you're still gonna pay a needless premium just so you can say you have the latest and greatest.
Image quality isn't driving that trend. Put any regular person ~5-6 feet away from their screens, i.e. the usual viewing distance, and the majority of them won't be able to tell the difference.
>people brag
>he plays obsolete games
>he thinks this is more important than using a computer to actually be productive
nerds like you deserve to be bullied harder.
>OLED quality image
crts have shitty blacks. stop perpetuating this meme.
High resolutions are not just for Excel, they are obviously for games as well. There are other games than 25 year old games out there. You are able to set the game's resolution to your monitor's native resolution.
Black isn't a color, it's the absence of light.
shit image quality
And what if it runs too slow at native resolution? At lower resolutions it still looks nice whereas if you can't change the resolution you'd have to reduce graphics quality.
There are games that aren't 15 years old retard
>playing (((new))) games
>not enjoying classics on gamecube and ps2
>not getting a real hobby
Get one above 1080p
He's an LCD user. He has no concept of black
You can tone down the graphics settings to suit your hardware or get better hardware. Even at lowest possible settings things will look infinitely nicer than 640x480 old game. There's also hardware available in stores that allows you to get the most out of your game, no matter what that game is.
I can play both you stupid hipster faggot.
no wonder you're attention whoring your stupid ancient CRTs so hard. Kill yourself.
Black is a color that we see when there is no light. the absence of light could be seen as white by other animals for all we know.
even low end modern lcds now have better blacks than professional grade crts, dumb boomer.
Yeah, and I play my new games on a 4K TV.
So now the argument is 4k IS good and you should have both? Holy shit the goal post almost hit me flying that far.
My Asperger's get really mad when people don't get my joke or ignore it.
Right tool for the job. You wouldn't take a hammer to a screw or a power drill to a nail, so why play old consoles on a widescreen 4K TV or new current-gen consoles on a CRT?
So now we went from 4k is like 3d TVs to now "they're good for the right job"?
What's next? Where will you shift next?
I play stuff on one monitor because I don't have room to shove ancient tech every fucking place and have multiples lying around. God you're fucking autistic.
I'm not the user who said 4K is shit, nor did I claim 3DTV is useless. I have one flatscreen TV and one CRT monitor. Maybe you should stop thinking there are only two people in this thread.
Maybe you should stop responding to posts that are directed toward op. And stop seemingly implying CRT is any way comparable to new tech.
where can I get a 1080p 120+ Hz CRT in good condition?
They're not, and I'm not implying they are. If you never deal with old videos or games there's no reason to use one. Just like someone who sets nails into wood has no need for a screwdriver.
Calling something a meme isn't an argument you fucking dunce.
>heavy and takes up a lot of space
>low resolution unless you pay an arm and a leg (thrice that of a similar LCD panel display)
>image is fuzzy and not crisp or clear like an LCD
The nice black levels don't outweigh all the negatives.
CRT is superior
Front Mission? Nice.
Here's the thing: some people have limited space or they just don't want to clutter there whole house/apt with electronics. So they setup a single room with all the entertainment gear. Which means a single TV that every device connects to. So that means that whatever that device is, the output from it must look damn good on that TV or the whole point of having such a setup goes down the shit hole. So if you got DVDs/Blu-rays, or a PS2/Xbox or a Cable box, or a DLNA streaming device, it all must look damn good on that TV. Even if that TV is a 55 or 70+ incher. Those vhs quality show rips you got from torrent (which are the only ones that exist due to no disc release), well it's a good bet they'll all look like shit on a massive 4K set. Due to upscale factor. Just like printing; try to print an 8x10 to fit a poster size frame and watch the output look like garbage due to the amount of required pixels just not being there to start with.
>this thread
> i actually can't remember the last time i degaussed a monitor
>can't pay his electricity bill
You chucklefucks make me laugh.
I live in South Australia, the single most expensive place in the western world for electricity prices.
I couldn't give two shits.
If i can pay my bill, why the fuck can't you?
Too many cocktails at the gay bar eating all your funds or something?
You're fucking retarded. You know you don't have to upscale right? You can have giant black borders and around a tiny image and it will look exactly the same.
CRTs are only good for retro gaming. Otherwise you're a hard faggot
You have to be 18+ to post here, summer. Stop spewing bullshit and go finish your homework.
>so crisp
>so clear
That's only because OP is a retard using composhite.
Gamers are faggots.
CRT is garbage and adjusting picture size when you change resolutions is absolutely cancer, kys poorfag
>he makes a muh "CRT monitor" bread and doesn't post a trinitron
Thank fuck for that!
4k monitors are amazing for multitasking I couldn't give 2 shits about movies or video games you're fucking retarded
most good crt monitors will have degraded a fair amount by now (if they aren't new)
idk if anyone still manufactures crts
crt definitely had a higher peak in terms of quality and performance than any modern day flat screen shit
thuogh in the near future flat screen technology will peak even higher than crts
>still have crt tv on my room because I'm too cheap
>mostly use my 24" IPS monitor
>see this
Is this what delusion look like?
OLED has shitty col...
Because matte > glossy
me on the left
There's literally nothing wrong with Smart TVs if you don't want a separate set-top box.
>energy consumption
what are any of these things
for LCD's, sure, but CRT TV's and CRT monitors are quite different
most CRT tv's have a coarse colour mask only good for SD images, 15kHz horizontal sync, limited geometry adjustment options, and slower-reacting phosphors, all in constrast to pc montiors (not covering HD CRT TV's, which i'm not familiar with)
black isn't a colour, and we can't see it
you can argue that what we call black is just what we perceive given no light, and that other creatures may perceive something else, but that doesn't change the fact that black = no light
keep in mind some humans perceive colour differently (colour blindness), but that doesn't change how we define colours
what is hitler what is mao what is all this stuff
Nice joystick, i always wanted to buy soke old retro joystick, digital and analog.
Hitler bad, stalin good
>makes high pitched tinnitus-like sound
>bulky as fuck
>shit connections
It's so hard to find a crt that doesn't have any faults nowadays. The worst part is that the faults are always subtle things that retards don't notice.
Geometry issues and blatchy tinting issues that aren't being degauss corrected automatically when the TV is turned on. Shit sucks. I got a TV right now that needs to be manually degaussed.
>photo taken on a phone camera
>of low resolution 2002 UI elements
>which are stretched out because OP is running the game with a widescreen patch
OLED is useless for anything other than console gmaes (lol), TV (lol), and movies (lol in most cases)
>>makes high pitched tinnitus-like sound
Only if you use shitty CRTs with shit scan rates
looking for a 40" tv very few models out there. 49"+ a shitton of options. Why are all tvs so huge now
>OLED quality
>that shitty ANSI contrast
Yeah nah.
You can find 40" Samsung 4k TVs. The worst is that most smaller TVs are all lol 720p.
oled is reddit
in the low end 4k led tvs here 40" are more expensive then 43/49inch tvs. wtf is this bullshit.
But you also get ultralow resolution and tiny screen sizes. I guess using a PC desktop is hell on such a CRT.
>brags about quality
Basedb0y detected.
>Thinking because the HUD is stretched that means the rest of the game is stretched
how to spot a zoomer.