I was given this Thinkpad, but it has BIOS password

I was given this Thinkpad, but it has BIOS password.
How do I unlock it?

Attached: L_X220_1-700x700.jpg (700x700, 45K)

Thow it on the ground

Give it back Tyrone.

Give the Thinkpad back Jamal


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 32K)

You're going to jail Jamal

Replace the motherboard

People aren't giving you stuff when you take it from their hands, Jamal.

Stop stealing shit, Jamiroquai.

Attached: 1500768632572.gif (360x414, 1.99M)

Overwrite the bios with coreboot

Just ask the person who gave it to you, Corwin.

coreboot it

Ask whoever you stole it from.

2nd hand business rusty thinkpads are all like this
fuck those faggots who put them up for sale like this
had to short some pins on my x220 with the keyboard removed while the battery was connected to do this and start the laptop to remove my password

Return it, Tayqwonledavisdemarques Washington III

Why exactly do you neee a BIOS password?
I used a laptop for 5 years without knowing the password.

Replace the motherboard with another one.

You need to open the notebook and take the battery off and plug it again, this will clear the CMOS and the BIOS settings

give it back jamal

Remove the motherboard battery for 10 minutes while unplugged .

so you can disable lojack

you're both fucking idiots

It actually works on some MB

return it & ooga booga go back to africa

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There is ways to short the sec chip during boot. Look it up on YouTube.

Give it back Jamal
But for real, use an SPI flasher like a CH341A or a Raspberry Pi to flash the original BIOS file that you can extract from the BIOS installer on the Lenovo website

Sounds like you need to give it back, Tyrone.
Also stop being black and stop doing black-related daily activities.

Give it back Jamal.