Is he /ourguy/
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lmao xD

Linux is an OS for productivity and playing videogames on it is assbackwards retardation

haha le epic

I honestly didn't know that you could use a seprate graphic card for windows vm. Would probably try that if I had the hardware for it.

Attached: 2018-07-22 16_08_37-Gaming on Linux - With WENDELL from Level1Techs! - YouTube - Chromium.png (1230x678, 566K)


I can't do it. I can't watch this.


I'd like to interject for a moment.

Holy shit, he injected him

He was always /ourguy/


I honestly saw this video when it came out and he said that I genuinely got angry

its terrible. tried gpu passthrough before. you're better off dual booting; or better yet just use windows
he fucking stallman copypasta'd him

Whoa this guy is a chad compared to that goth tranny fucker


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You can use integrated graphics for your linux desktop and your gpu for games

so those who want to play games and be productive should choose windows??


Attached: rms3.jpg (531x398, 48K)

You can always dualboot


>hello, may I interject you to talk about our lord and savior, GNU + linux?


he even tried to drop Stallman's quote and all, and what surprised me most is that fucking linus caught the joke.

Works on my machine
Honestly I don't know why you think it's terrible, the AMD IOMMU bug was finally fixed and everything runs just as fine as on bare metal, but now I don't have to reboot my computer to switch back to linux anymore. I love it.

>implying linus is not browsing "slash gee"

>and what surprised me most is that fucking linus caught the joke.
Took him a while though.
He really isn't the brightest one in his own company

>Took him a while though.
I think he was just trying to keep a straight face.

>He really isn't the brightest one in his own company
No shit. He thought that the best way to mount a sd card on his phone to a computer would be to use a fucking webdav server and a usb ethernet dongle.

Attached: hOY6KGe.jpg (640x427, 76K)

>implying that wasn't scripted

Well yeah he invented linux

>Have to switch OS each time you want to do something
>When you can just accept the botnet and do both

now the l1techs forums and channels are going to be infested with 12yos and we won't be allowed to say niggers anymore.

Why not?

>accept the botnet and do both

Attached: pepe.jpg (500x500, 32K)

(((gaming rig)))

Attached: cool.png (380x349, 77K)

He may be /ourguy/, but you aren't.

Linus doesn't know anything besides gaming rigs, ultra books, and smartphone specs

He's trying to fabricate ECC rame for Ryzen consumer boards.

You shouldn't expect that anyway. Anything which involves more than double clicking an .exe file is too much hassle for a typical Windows user.

>play games and be productive

Attached: 1511417486656.png (1096x1104, 441K)

>mfw I saw this video a week ago...

Attached: wut.png (463x433, 251K)

I hate Linus but at least he exposes SOME bs.

Attached: th?id=OIP.IcSTDhihTKj4KWXEmfGH-wHaHa&pid=Api.jpg (474x474, 19K)

>I'd like to interject for a moment
Hey Wendell, you're alright. Linus is a fag though.

>.01 Vessel coins deposited into your account

Linux is just a kernel used in OS like GNU and Android.

it's the floatplane rip genius

>Wants to escape the botnet
>Uses ubuntu

Attached: 27907992_951881871661391_5165946211433868105_o.jpg (960x1280, 149K)

Ubuntu isn't a botnet stop this shitty meme. They removed the search integration default a while ago.

lmao what a fucking incel. even linus was like wtf are you doing.

>The virgin "cringe"
>The Chad "doing it anyways because you personally enjoy it"

Attached: pic.jpg (800x403, 114K)

>Implying there isn't botnet shit canonical packed in without tell their users

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as incel is in face incel/reddit

Like what ? Its still open source. Point me to something.

He's just a spook. trying to make people think that it's either botnet or building it from scratch.

>no, you don't get it, I want to be productive AND I want to keep shooting heroin
ok but why?

nice try paid ubuntu shills


Dpc latency is pretty high on windows alone. I suspect that having 2 OSes would put your input latency over 1 frame, terrible for gaming.

>shills now brand linux as a os being productive

give me anything in linux thats being productive thats not a text editor. last time i checked office, photoediting,pdf and web development is still done primarily on windows or mac

only thing linux is good for is servers

A well-made OS does not need to limit itself in its uses. Valve found that their games could run a lot better on GNU/Linux.

Better get off Jow Forums then fags.

I love how you can just tell you're late teens or 20 something's pretending to be mature. Everyone has some fun you fucking idiots don't pretend like you spend all your time being "productive" while you're on this shithole and probably spent 4 hours ricing your stupid fucking desktop.

Attached: ff.jpg (1080x1080, 120K)

I think you're underestimating text editors.
>LaTeX for "office"
>imagemagick for photo editing (or gimp for more visual edits)
>any text editor (e.g. emacs or vim) for webdev

You should not be proud of the fact that you first learned proprietary software and feel uncomfortable learning something new.

Unironically yes

jesus christ, what a flat delivery. with that tone, he would have had to recite the entire pasta to get even smirk, MAYBE a chuckle, out of me.

he is so big and cute!

what is foreshadowing?

The fat nu-male's voice is almost as annoying as Linus'.

He would destroy you in a 1v1 irl pvp fight

is that thing that he does the news with male or female?

that's what happens when you use ubuntu, all the "resources" are from poojeetistan

>can you help me with my sponsor spot
>uh no

ye it werks and that's great but on my '08 potato wow werks somewhat better on w7 than with wine 3.11 with gallium9
however wine is still great cuz it can run old stuff (which windows itself can't)

wtf i love linus nao
yo linus you should have more videos with guests where you talk less

Davinci Resolve and Blender are some hot bits.
REAPER just hit.

Loved that. He was hanging out with an e-celeb (not that he isn't one himself) and he still didn't compromise on his ideals.

Wendel was always /ourguy/ and always will be and you /nu/g/ faggots can fuck right back off to /v/

ffmpeg -i $(youtube-dl -gf43 SsgI1mkx6iw) -ss 118 -t 20 -c copy what.webm

the chan is ours now
#gangweed #gamersriseup

t. gaymurr